
发布时间:2023-12-14 01:20:30   来源:文档文库   

美国大学文书结尾怎么写?留学PS结尾部分非常重要,写得好可以起到画龙点睛的作用,使整PS结构严谨,逻辑清晰,富有说服力,增加被录取的机会;写得不好会使PS变得虎头蛇尾,或者流于“平庸”,难以从众多的PS中脱颖而出,最终达不到“说服”的目的。天道留学小编下面为大家分享一些优秀的美国大学文书结尾案列,供大家参考,希望对大家美国大学文书写作有所帮助。 美国大学申请文书结尾示例 1 I would like to thank the admissions committee for considering my application. It is my sincere hope that you will grant me the opportunity to attend your fine school. 美国大学申请文书结尾示例 2 In sum, there are three reasons why you should admit me...... 美国大学申请文书结尾示例 3 From the college guide and my adviser's recommendation, I am pleased to learn that your program has a highly qualified faculty and ample resources. It will be the best place for me to pursue an individualized plan of studies. If possible, my major interest in the future will reside in the following areas? Signal Processing,Image Processing, and DSP. The undergraduate education was very general, so if you feel that any other areas are more suitable for me, some comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated. 第一个PS结尾,这个结尾没有任何的实质性内容,任何情况下都不要让这样的句子在你的PS中出现。
下面我们再来看一些比较成功的留学PS结尾。这些也都是国外学生的PS结尾。 美国大学申请文书结尾示例 4
天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道!


Ultimately, I aim to gain a faculty position at a university and to continue my involvement in innovative research in the field while directly encouraging the development of aspiring engineers, both in the classroom and laboratory. In this manner I believe I can make a significant and purposeful contribution to the scientific community while gaining a great deal of personal satisfaction. 美国大学申请文书结尾示例 5 I want my legal education to make a bigger difference than I can as an engineer but wish a strong family to draw upon I cannot help but live a successful life. 美国大学申请文书结尾示例 6 The work I saw at Graduate School of Design had that same element of innovation and freshness that I strive for, the one that goes beyond the ordinary path. I want to be an explorer and to face challenges that I can solve with sheer will and creativity. 从以上这些结尾可以看出,PS的结尾应该呼应全文主题,起到总结陈词的作用。至于创意,它不需要像PS开头那样去追求标新立异,朴实感人有说服力即可。画龙点睛,点到为止,不要过分啰嗦。
以上即是天道留学小编为准备美国大学申请文书的同学介绍的一些优秀的美国大学文书结尾的写作案列,希望能对大家的美国大学文书写作提供帮助,大家想了解更多关于,美国大学文书的信息,请关注天道留学美国本科留学频道。 天道留学专家提醒大家:
200964日,香港和新加坡SAT考位释放出来之后的第四天,所有名额就被一抢而空。 谁促使了这5年前鲜有人问津,价格不菲的SAT考试变得如此的火爆? 谁推动中国大陆参加SAT考试的学生从2003年的300人直升到2011年的3万人? 是谁使得香港的考位变得炙手可热?是谁让一个个中学生奔走在新加坡,泰国,韩国? 是常青藤名校经久不衰的光环 是美国签证异常宽松友好的政策 是中国人逐渐开放的国际化视野
是哈佛和耶鲁的人文精神,MIT和普林斯顿的理工魅力 是美国优质的教育体系和号称数百亿的奖学金吸引力

天道教育 带您走向成功留学之道!


