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1、科学需要人的全部生命。 Science needs all one's life 2、数理科学是大自然的语言。
Mathematical science is one of nature's language 3、追求科学需要特殊的勇敢。
The pursuit of science needs special courage 4、科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。 Science is endless it is an eternal mystery 5、问号是开启任何一门科学的钥匙。
The question mark is the key to any science 6、科学和艺术是一枚硬币的两面。
Science and art are two sides of a coin 7、科学好比一棵大树,一个人怎么也抱不住。
Science is like a tree how also can not hold one 8、科学没有国境,但科学家有祖国。
Science without borders but scientists have the motherland 9、科学是对狂热和狂言最好的解毒剂。
Science is the best antidote to fanaticism and leek 10、一旦科学插上幻想的翅膀,它就能赢得胜利。
Once the science with wings of fantasy it can win 11、科学是使人精神变得勇敢的最好途径。
Science is the best way to make the person spirit to become so 12、只有天才和科学结了婚才能得到最好的结果。
Only genius married science can get the best results 13、探索真理比占有真理更为可贵。
Seeking truth is more valuable than possess truth it

Genius with combination of science to produce the maximum effect 15、科学是埋葬形形**褪了色的思想的坟场。
Science is the graveyard of buried faded the various ideas 16、对搞科学的人来说,勤奋就是成功之母。
To make scientific diligence is the mother of success 17、科学如同大海,要求奋不顾身的拼搏。
Like the sea of science and require desperate struggle 18、一切推理都必须从观察与实验得来。
All of the reasons must come from observation and experiments 19、科学虽没有国界,但是学者却有他自己的国家。
Science is no national boundaries but scholars has his own country 20、幻想是诗人的翅膀,假设是科学的天梯。
Fantasy is the poet's wings hypothesis is the ladder of science 21、谁虚度年华,青春就会褪色,生命就会抛弃他们。
Who to idle away one's time youth will fade life will abandon them 22、没有想像力的灵魂,就像没有望远镜的天文台。
No imagination of the soul just as it had been a telescope observatory
The invention is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration
Scientific respect facts obey the truth and not to yield to any pressure
If scientists into the property of all mankind and science is the most selfless

Every great achievement of science are bold fantasy as the starting point
Science is the most important people in your life the most beautiful and the most need
28、凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。 In small flippant attitude of the truth in the event is not to be trusted
Science is to sort out the facts so that from the common rules and conclusions
Countries people need science not scientific development will certainly become a colony
31、科学还不只在智慧训练上是最好的,在首选训练上也是一样。 Science has not only on intelligence training is the best on the preferred training as well
The progress of scientific research and its increasingly expanding fields will arouse our hope
Initial deviate from the truth and in the end will be one false step will make a great difference
34、科学给予人类最大的礼物是什么?是使人类相信真理的力量。 Science will give mankind's greatest gift is Is to make the power of human believe that truth
35、科学技术的发展和作用是无穷无尽的,科学是了不起的事情。 The development of science and technology and the function is inexhaustible science is a wonderful thing

All great things are simple they have a dump it is because of his plain and intelligent
37、科学技术史表明,过多的知识信息有时反倒会妨碍和限制创新。 Science and civilisation show that too much information but sometimes get in the way of knowledge and innovation
38为寻求真理的努力所付出的代价,总是比不担风险地占有它要高昂得多。 Efforts to seek the truth the price paid is always better than no risk possession of it is much more expensive
Science is always wrong If it does not put forward ten problems also will never solve a problem
Time the least inequities give everyone is 24 hours Time is the most groups giving anyone not twenty-four hours a day
Science is not a selfish pleasure I have committed to scientific research first of all should take their own knowledge for the service of humanity
Science so called science because it does not recognize idol not afraid to overthrow old old things very carefully listen to the voice of the practice and experience
Scientists bounden duty that we should continue to struggle thoroughly reveals the mysteries of nature master these secrets so as to benefit the human beings in the future
Science books let a person from ignorance and literary works make the person get rid of coarse For real education and to the people's happiness both the same beneficial and necessary
Science is knowledge honestly can't rely on luck to invention do not understand the nature of a question is meets opportunity is also vain Into the baoshan and back empty-handed the reason on this


