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The Best Valentine Gifts for a Boyfriend 给男朋友最好的情人节礼物
Girls of all ages try to find the best Valentine's Day gifts for their boyfriends. Valentine's Day is a special day dedicated for lovers to let their significant others know how much they are loved and appreciated. Finding the best gift for a boyfriend depends on your relationship, his interests and your budget.
所有女孩都希望送最好的情人节礼物给男朋友。情人节是恋人间的特殊节日,他们在这一天互诉爱意与倾慕。要给男朋友最好的礼物,还得看你俩的关系如何、他的喜好怎样、你的预算又有多少。 1. Electronics 电子产品
Most guys will appreciate electronics, which you can purchase on any budget. For
an inexpensive gift, purchase him his favorite movie on DVD or a CD he wants to buy. For a more expensive gift, an MP3 player makes an ideal gift. If he already has an MP3 player, purchase a gift card for him to download music and movies. 大部分男生都喜欢电子产品,而且有各种价位的电子产品供你挑选。便宜一点的话,可以选他最喜欢的影碟或一张CD。贵一点的选MP3就不错。如果他已经有MP3,那就送他一张可以下载电影和音乐的礼券吧。 2. Entertainment Tickets 娱乐门票
Most guys love going to concerts or sporting events. Find one of these events taking place locally and within the next month or two. Give him two tickets wrapped in a small gift box. Guys love receiving tickets for events.
多数男生喜欢音乐会或运动比赛。看看最近一两个月附近有没有这类活动,然后买两张票用礼品盒包起来,他肯定会很开心! 3. Personal Gifts 个性化礼物
If you're on a tight budget but want to give a personal gift, try writing him a romantic letter, poem or song. He will treasure this inexpensive gift because it demonstrates your love for him. Wrap the letter in a decorative box or envelope before giving it to him.
礼物前要用漂亮的盒子或信封包装一下哦。 4. Traditional Gifts 传统型礼物
Valentine's Day is a day when men have received traditional gifts for years. Items such as cologne, watches and chocolates are traditional yet appreciated gifts. If you plan to give a gift like this and want to make it more personal, have the watch engraved or include a poem or handmade coupon good for a particular item or service. The coupon may read, "Good for one full-body massage." The guy can then redeem it whenever he would like.
男人们历来会在情人节收到传统礼物,像古龙香水、手表以及巧克力等,虽然传统却也还不错。如果你打算送这样的礼物,可又希望能再特别一点,可以在手表上刻字、附一首小诗、自制某个特别物品或服务的礼券,礼券可以写上“全身按摩、神清气爽”等,男朋友啥时候想享受服务就可以拿礼券来换喽! 5. Sports-Themed Gifts 运动型礼物
Many men have that one favorite sporting team they continuously follow. You can't go wrong purchasing a gift with that sporting team's logo or them. Most sports team sell a variety of team-themed items including apparel, hats, blankets and mugs.


