
发布时间:2020-03-25 11:10:10   来源:文档文库   


Everyday English for preschool

晨间入园(Morning Activities)

1Good morning. 早上好。

2 Hello, Lily. Nice to see you. 你好,莉莉,见到你很高兴。

3Please say bye-bye to your Mommy (Daddy). 请向妈妈(爸爸)说再见。

4 Please bring your chair and sit right here. 请带上椅子坐在这。

5 Come in, please. 请进。

6 Please put your schoolbag on the shelf. 请把书包放在架子上。

7Please put your clothes here. 请把衣服放到这里。

8Did you have a good sleep last night? 你昨晚睡得好吗?

9Did you have a good time on the weekend? 周末过得好吗?

10Did you have a good time on your holiday? 假期过得好吗?

11Are you fine? 你还好吧?

12You dont look well. 你看起来不太好。

13Please sit here and play with the toys. 坐下玩一会玩具吧。

14Please sit here and read the story. 坐下玩一会书吧。

户外活动(outdoor activities

1Its time for morning exercises. 早操时间到了。

2Lets go outside. 我们出去吧。

3Lets go to the playground. 让我们到操场上去吧。

4Lets go downstairs. 我们下楼吧。

5Be careful. Keep your hands to yourselves. 小心!不要推搡。

6Come to this side. 往这边走。

7Please be quiet. 请安静。

8Look forward! At ease, Attention! 向前看!稍息,立正。

9March in place, left, right, left…… 原地踏步,一二一。。。。

10 Come together. 集合。

11 March forward. 齐步走。

12Line up. 请排队。

13 Get into one line/two lines. 排成一队/两队。

14Face to face and hand in hand 面对面,手拉手。

15 Stand in two lines. 站成两对。

16Look at me, boys and girls. 小朋友们看着我。

17 Please do as I do. 请和我一样做动作。

18 Spread out. 解散。

19One by one, please 一个接一个。

20Do you understand? Let me give you an example. 明白了吗?我来做个示范。

21Its time to go inside. 我们回教室吧。

22Lets play on the slide. 我们去玩滑梯吧。

23 Listen to the music and dance along/do the steps.让我们随着音乐的节奏跳舞/做动作。

24Lets get them moving! Come on, come on! 让我们为他们喊“加油!加油!”。

25 Now lets take a break. 现在让我们休息一会儿。

进餐时间(Meal time )

1 Get ready for breakfast, Please. 准备吃早饭了。

2 It's time for breakfast. 到吃早餐的时间了。

3 Please wash your hands before eating. 吃饭前请洗手。

4 Please wash your hands with soap. 请用肥皂洗手。

5 Did you wash your hands? Yes, I did. 你洗手了吗? 洗了。

6 Let me /have a look/check, please. 请让我检查一下。

7 Please sit at the table. 请坐到桌旁。

8 Helpers, please set the table. 值日生,请摆好桌子。

9 Do you need a spoon or chopsticks? 你要勺子还是筷子。

10Please eat quietly. 吃东西时请保持安静。

11Today, we have rice and vegetables.今天我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。

12 Vegetables are good for your health.蔬菜对身体有好处。

13Here you are. 给你。

14Please hold your bowls. 请端好碗。

15Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?

16Who wants to have more soup? 谁想加点儿汤?

17Please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头放在盘子里。

18Please try to finish everything in your bowls.请尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完。

19Those who want more please raise your hands. 还想多吃些的小朋友请举手。

20Put the bones on your plate. 把骨头放在盘子里。

21Pick up the scraps and put them in the garbage can. 把剩饭剩菜拾起来,放到垃圾桶里。

22What shall we do today before we have a snack? 吃间点前我们做点什么?

23— Do you want more? 还要再来点吗?

— Yes, please,/ no, thanks. 是的。/我还要一点。/ 不了,谢谢。

24Now, its time for a snack. 现在该吃间点了。

25 Id like to let one of you hand out the fruit. 我想请一个小朋友来发水果。

26Now you may eat. 现在可以吃了。

27Keep your hands on your laps. 请把手放膝盖上。

28Give the fruit to the quiet children first. 先给安静的小朋友发水果。

29 Please wipe your mouth with the napkin. 请用餐巾纸擦嘴。

30Please put the napkin in the bin/garbage. 请把餐巾纸放到垃圾桶里。

31Helpers, please clean up the table。值日生,请把桌子擦干净。

32 Please clean your mouth with the napkin. 请擦嘴。

33 Please rinse your mouth.请漱口。

34Please put your bowl in the basin. 请把你的碗放在盆子里。

区域活动(Area activities

1Now its time for us do some activities.现在我们要进行一些活动。

2Now, we are going to play some games.现在我们做一些游戏。

3You may choose any area you like.你可以选择你喜欢的区域。

4We’ll do it like this; you’ll be divided into four groups. 我们这样来玩儿。你们分为四组。

5The first group will play with the toys.第一组玩玩具。

6The second group will listen to music.第二组听音乐。

7The third group will read the books.第三组看书。

8The fourth group will…第四组…

9You may choose any toys you want.你可以选择你喜欢的玩具。

10Please be kind to each other.要友好相处。

11Dont grab the toys.不要抢玩具。

12Please take good care of the toys .要爱护玩具。

13Please take good care of the books.要爱护图书。

14Linda, you may share the book with Lily, will you? 琳达,和莉莉一起看这本书好吗?

15Lets play together.我们一起玩吧。

16 Sit on the floor. 坐在地板上。

17 What are you doing, Lily 莉莉,你在做什么?

18 Its not good to hit people. 打人可不好。

19Right( Good, Great, Smart, Wonderful!) 对(很好,聪明,太好了)

20Shoes off! 脱掉鞋子

21 Whats wrong.?怎么啦?

22Why not join us, Peter? 皮特,为什么不和我们一起玩呢?

23What are you doing? 你们在做什么?

24Please finish your drawing.把它画出来好吗?

25Good. Please go on.不错,继续吧!

26Great. Please go on.好,继续吧!

27Please return your book to the bookshelf.请把书放回去。

28Can you put away your toys, please? 你能放好你的玩具,对吗?

29Please put the toys back to where they belongs.请把玩具放回原处。

30Please put the scissors back to where they belong.请把剪刀放回原处。

31Shall we stop here today.今天就到此为止吧?

32Now please clear up your table.现在请收拾桌子。

33Put the chairs along the wall, please.把椅子靠墙摆好。

课堂英语(Classroom English)

1How many children are here today? 今天来了多少个小朋友。

2Lets count. One, two ~~~ 让我们数一数,一,二~~

3Whos absent today 今天谁没来?

4One two three, Eyes on me. Four ,five, six. Hands on knees. 小眼睛,看老师;小小手,放放好。

5Lets say it together. 我们一起来说吧。

6Put up your hands/ Put down your hands. 举起小手,放下小手。

7Please listen to the tape. 请听磁带。

8Are you ready? Now, lets begin. One, two, start. 准备好了吗?现在我们开始,一二,开始。

9Clap your hands to with music. 随着音乐节奏我们拍拍手吧。

10Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。

11Now your turn, please. 轮到你来。

12Speak in English. 英语说。

13How to say in English. 英语怎么说?

14Please take out your books. 请拿出书来。

15Turn to page 4. 翻到第四页。

16Open/ Close your book, please. 打开/关上你的书。

17Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位哦去。

18Who can help her?谁能帮助她?

19Who wants to try? 谁想试试?Dont be shy. 别害羞!

20Go on, please. 请继续。 Stand in lines, please.请站线内。

21Come here. 过来.

22Look at my mouth, please. 请看我的口型。

23Hello, everyone. Now, lets begin the class.大家好,现在开始上课。

24Look at me.请看我。

25Listen carefully.注意听。

26Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

27Boys and girls, listen to me now.孩子们,现在听我说。

28Today we will listen to a story. The story is called …今天我们听第一个故事,故事的名字叫…

29whats the name of the song? 这首歌的名字叫什么?

30Please follow me and sing the song. 请跟我一起唱歌。

31Look at the picture. 请看这幅图。

32Please tell me what did you hear in the story? 请告诉我,你们在故事中听到了什么?

33Use your head. 动动脑筋。

34That was a good try; please go back to your seat. 不错,请回座位。

35Do you understand? 你明白了吗?

36Please repeat after me. 请跟我读。

37Please follow me. 请跟我做(来)。

38Have a try! 试一试!Try again! 请再试一试!

39Who can try? 谁能试一试?

40Now, try to answer. 试着回答。。

41Louder, please. 请大声点。

42Let her /him go on. 让她(他)接着说。

43Please think about it. 请想一想。

44Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。

45Say it again. 再说一遍。

46Show me your fingers. 伸出你的手指。

47Lets clap hands for…让我们为…鼓掌祝贺.

48Can you catch me? 你懂了吗?

49Can you give it a try? 你能够试试吗?

50Can someone else read this story? 还有谁能念这个故事。

51How do you say this in ENGLISH? 这个用英语怎么说?

52Can you tell me how a lamb bleats? 你能告诉我小羊是怎么叫的吗?

53Lets do some paper folding. 我们来折纸吧。

54Lets work on the puzzles. 我们玩拼图吧。

55Lets play building blocks.我们玩积木吧。

56Lets draw some pictures. 我们来画画吧。

57Watch my actions and say the words

58Listen to the action story and fill in the numbers. 听行动故事录音然后填数字。

59Dont run around. 不要到处跑。

60Lets work in groups. 我们分组活动。

61Cross out the different picture/word.

62Form a circle. 围个圈。

63Say it in English 用英语说。

64Dont give hints 不要提示。

65Take turns. 一个一个来。

66Would you please speak a little bit louder?你能说的再大声一点吗?

67All together, say it with me.大家一起来跟我说。

68Watch my actions and say the words. 看我的动作说单词。

69Lets play a touching game. 我们来一个猜谜的游戏。

70Trace the line. 走迷宫。

71Who wants to try? 谁来试试?

72Now we are going to look at some pictures. 现在我们要看一些卡片。

73Look and listen carefully, please. 请仔细看,认真听。

74Lets count, One, two, three…… 让我们一起来数一数, 一,二,三。。。

75 Do what I do. 跟着我做。

76Everybody quiet, please. 请保持安静。

77You did it. 你做对了。

78Who can spell this word for me? 谁能拼写这个词?

79Open your pupils/activity book to page ten. 打开儿童/活动用书翻到第10页。

80Cross out the different picture word. 将不同的图画/单词划掉。

81Complete the logical sequence. 完成逻辑序列。

82Throw the dice. 掷骰子

83Who wants to be the cat? 谁想扮演猫?

84Listen to the action story and draw the dots. 听行动故事录音带然后画点。

85Good job/Very nice/Well done/ Excellent/Bravo/Terrific/Super/Pretty good.

做的好 / 非常好 / 做的好 / 棒极了 / / 好极了 / 好棒/ 很好!

86Louder, please. 大声点。

87One more time. 再来一次。

88Its your turn. 该你了。

89Get your colored pencil(s) ready. 准备好彩笔。

90Lets act out the story/sketch. 让我们来表演故事/短剧。

91Can anyone help me? 有人能帮我吗?

92Thats all for today! 今天的课就上到这里了。

93Time is up. 时间到了。

94Thats all for today. 今天就到这儿。

95Dont talk anymore. 别说话了

午休Taking a Nap

1Go to the bedroom, please. 请到寝室。

2Do you need help? 要我帮忙吗?

3Please cover yourself with the quilt. 请把被子盖好。

4Please take off your clothes. 请脱掉衣服。

5Please fold your clothes and put them beside your pillow. 请把衣服叠好,放在枕边。

6No speaking. 别说话。

7Please close your eyes. 请闭上眼睛。

8Have a good dream. 做个好梦吧。

9Get up, please. 小朋友们,起来啦。

10Can you dress yourself? 你会自己穿衣服吗?

11Make the bed. 整理一下床铺。

12Let me comb your hair. 我来帮你梳头。


1Mommy(Daddy) is here. 妈妈(爸爸)来了。

2Dont forget your bag. 别忘了你的书包。

3Class is over. 下课了。

4Good-bye! 再见!

5See you tomorrow! 明天见。See you next week. 下星期见


1- Are you happy today? 你们今天高兴吗?

- Yes, we are. 高兴

2- Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?- Its sunny. 今天是晴天。

3- What day is today? 今天星期几?

-Today is Monday. 今天星期一。

4- Whats wrong with you today? 你今天哪里不舒服吗?

- I’ve got a sore throat. 我今天嗓子疼。

5– How many days are there in a week? 一个星期有几天?

- Seven days. 七天。

6- What did you have for lunch? 你午餐吃的什么?

- Pizza. 比萨。

7- Whats your favorite food/color/animal? 你最喜欢。。。什么?

- Cake / red / dog 蛋糕/ 红色 / 小狗

8 – What time is it? 现在几点了?

- Its two oclock. 两点钟

9 – How do you get to the kindergarten? 你怎么去幼儿园?

- I walk. 我走路去。

10 – When do you get up in the morning? 你早上几点起床?

- I get up at seven o clock. 我七点钟起床。

11 – How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?

- There are three. 我家有三口人。

12 - Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?

- Mary. 玛丽。

13 –What are you scared of? 你怕什么?

- I am scared of snakes. 我怕蛇。


1New years Day 新年

2Valentines Day 情人节(214日)

3Arbor Day 植树节(312日)

4Easter Monday 复活节(在三月二十一日或该日后月圆以后第一个星期日)

5 April fools Day 愚人节(41日)

6Ching Ming Festival 清明节(45日)或者Tomb-sweeping Day

7International Labour Day 劳动节(51日)或者Labor day

8Mothers Day 母亲节(59日)

9International Childrens Day 六一儿童节(61日)

10Teachers Day 教师节(910日)

11National Day 国庆节(101日)

12 Halloween 万圣节(1031日)

13Thanksgiving 感恩节(每年11月的第四个星期四)

14Christmas Day 圣诞节(1225日)

15 Mid – autumn Festival 中秋节(农历815日)

16The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历55日)

17The Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历115日)


