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各国实际退休年龄 提出推迟退休年龄,不能只看到少数国家退休年龄比我们高,还要分析人家的退休年龄与寿命和工作年限的关系等因素。我们按中国进入劳动力市场的平均年龄为18岁计算,到60岁退休要连续工作42年,工作年限占预期寿命的66.1%。日本进入劳动力市场的年龄比我们长4年,同样是60岁退休,日本人只工作38年,工作年限占寿命的45.7% 外国养老保险制度一般都规定,所有公民只要有工作收入就要交纳社会养老保险,不管是受雇于政府还是私营单位,也不管是为别人打工还是自雇职业者,这是法律规定的公民义务。 外国政府主导的社会养老金虽然叫法不同,但基本上可以归纳为三种养老金并存:本养老金、补充养老金和补贴养老金。 基本养老金:全民统一标准,不管是农民还是工人,是军人还是普通公务员,也不管过去交没交养老保险,交了多少养老保险,到了法定退休年龄,都有资格领取基本养老金,这就保证了所有公民的“老有所养”。 补充养老金:根据个人养老保险的交费情况,对基本养老金进行补充,体现“多交多

得”的原则,满足职工的个性化需求。 补贴养老金:如果退休人员赡养的家庭成员多,则根据家庭财产、收入和负担情况,给予补贴,使老年人退休后的家庭生活水平不至于下降很多,体现了社会对弱势群体的关怀。 不少国家规定了几个退休条件,只要符合一个条件就可以退休,法定退休年龄只是名solution......" action according to law. 14 results of arsenic content in the sample is calculated according to equation (2 is calculated.dsx18.1.2 rubber plug: there was a hole in the middle. 18.1.3 glass measuring arsenic tubes: full length 18cm, heavy down on thin, since the internal diameter of the tube down to 14cm a 6.5mm, since then gradually narrow and thin, end inside diameter is approximately 1~3mm, end 1cm with a hole, diameter 2mm, narrow and thin parts inserted in the rubber plug, reached out to the small holes just below the rubber plug in the lower part. Coarse upper parts with lead acetate cotton, long-5~6cm, upper end to the nozzle at least 3cm, arsenic in tube, using a round flat top tube above ground level, below there is a hook on each side, for fixed glass hat. 18.1.4 glass Cap: below ground level, with a crescent-shaped Groove, has a round hole in the Center, 6.5mm. Glass cover when using in determination of as, the nozzle of the tube, so precisely circular holes between mercuric bromide paper face down, use a rubber or other suitable method of glass tube caps and measuring arsenic. Chapter 19 sample digestion with the 12th. 20 analysis steps draw a quantitative



