
发布时间:2021-05-10   来源:文档文库   



线 线 / / 本试卷共12页,分值300分,其中语文120分,数学100分,英语80分;
考试时间150分钟; 本套模拟试卷中可能包含2019年部分真题;

第一部分 语文

1.下列词语中加点字读音有误..的一项是( A. 黑(yǒu 戏谑(nuè 肴馔之物(zhuàn B. 桑椹(shèn 口(qì 畅淋漓(hān C. 高亢(kàng 住(qín 然泪下(shān D. 括(náng 好(shì 不可遏止(è 2.下列词语书写全对..的一项是( A. 稚嫩 滑稽 冥思瑕想
B. 袒露 愠怒 郑重其事
C. 弥漫 气慨 落英缤纷
D. 蹩脚 聒躁 倒行逆施
3.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( 选择简单、宁静生活的人,无意追逐物质层面的______只在精神的高地兀自风雅。们选择简单、宁静,不是远避尘世,而是远避______。他们不愿在众人面前______,只愿低调平和行事。他们的生活是单调的,但单调得干净、纯粹。 A.奢华 张扬 静谧 B.繁华 张扬 喧嚣 C.繁华 静谧 张扬 D.奢华 喧嚣 张扬
C.从长远看,不仅读书写字需要态度端正、严谨认真,我们做任何事情何尝不是如此? D“甲午国殇·民族复兴”主题教育基地的建设功在当代,利在千秋。 5.下列句子中,没有运用拟人修辞手法的一项是( A. “吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。 B. 树尖儿上顶着一髻儿白花,好像日本看护妇。
C. 水珠子从花苞里滴下来,比少女的眼泪还娇媚。 D. 一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。 6.下列句子没有语病的一项是( A.在节约型社会里,人们有效利用资源进一步增强。 B.这篇小说完美地塑造了一个普通船长的光辉事迹。
7.圆明园曾有著名的“四十景”,它们的命名多富有浓厚的传统文化意味。其中,“上下天光”一景的命名就出自北宋文学家____________的《岳阳楼记》 A. 欧阳修 B.范仲淹 C.王安石 D.苏轼 8.下列文学常识说法不正确的一项是(
A.我国最早的诗歌总集《诗经》是儒家经典之一,又称为“诗三百”。 B.冰心和巴金都是现代诗人,代表作分别为《繁星》和《我爱这土地》 C.戏剧往往在矛盾冲突中展现人物性格,以个性化的语言塑造形象。 D.海伦·凯勒是美国女作家、教育家,著有《假如给我三天光明》等。 9.《三国演义》中的人物和情节对应不正确的一项是( A.诸葛亮——火烧新野 B.曹操——火烧乌巢 C.关羽——火烧赤壁 D.陆逊——火烧连营

10.“画圣”是吴道子,那么“书圣”是( A.柳公权 B.颜真卿 C.王羲之 D.米芾 11.在古诗词中代表高洁的是以下哪种植物( A.牡丹 B.百合 C.海棠 D.荷花
12被誉为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”的是下列哪部历史著作( A.《资治通鉴》 B.《战国策》 C.《后汉书》 D.《史记》 13.下列文学常识,搭配正确的一项是( A《故乡》——鲁迅——《朝花夕拾》——散文集 B《史记》——编年体通史——司马迁——西汉 C《马说》——韩愈——唐代——“唐宋八大家”之一 D《威尼斯商人》——悲剧——莎士比亚——英国
14.对联“龙舟竞技怀屈子,角粽投江祭诗魂”写的是哪个传统节日( A.重阳节 B.中秋节 C.元宵节 D.端午节 15.下列句子没有使用通感修辞手法的一项是(
A.微风过处,送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的。 B.但光与影有着和谐的旋律,如梵阿玲上奏着的名曲。 C.她的笑容很甜。
A.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 B.谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 C.别以登上高峰为满足,一山还比一山高。 D.真正的勇士,自己就是自己的依靠。
17.下列诗句中哪一句是借月亮来传达想念之情( A. 日暮登春山,山鲜云复轻。远近看春色,踟蹰新月明。 B. 长干吴儿女,眉目艳新月。屐上足如霜,不著鸦头袜。 C. 虏骑三秋入,关云万里平。雪似胡沙暗,冰如汉月明。 D. 清迥江城月,流光万里同。所思如梦里,相望在庭中。

A.君之面,可知吉凶。 B.照花前后镜,花面交相映。 C.君持鞍下马相迎,以礼贤士。 D.管仲,齐大夫,相桓公,霸诸侯。
19.为了更加了解小令、中调和长调在字数上的区别,小玲欲前往图书馆借阅《草堂诗余》这本书作参考。请问她应前往下列哪个书架寻找( A.近体诗 B. C. D.新诗
20.就你对孔子的认识,你认为他的星座应该属于( A.争强好胜,表现欲强的牡羊座。 B.优柔寡断,多愁善感的金牛座。 C.公正无私,博爱仁慈的天秤座。 D.处处桃花,风流文雅的射手座。

.多项选择题(每小题4分,共40分。多选或少选均不得分) 21.下列属于曹禺作品的是(
A. 《茶馆》 B.《雷雨》 C.《日出》 D.《原野》 22.《师说》中的名句(必须是原句)有(
A.三人行,必有我师焉 B.是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子
C.闻道有先后,术业有专攻 D.是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也 23.《劝学》中的名句(原句)有(
A.学不可以已 B.故木受绳则直,金就砺则利 C.青出于蓝而胜于蓝 D.积土成山,风雨兴焉;积水成渊,蛟龙生焉 24.下列“师”的意义相同的句子是(
A.孔子师郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃 B.吾从而师之 C.古之学者必有师 D.于其身也,则耻师焉 25.下列句子加点词均为古今异义词的有(
A.古之学者必有师 B. 小学而大遗,吾未见其明也 ....C.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强 D. 木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规 ....26.儒家三位代表人物是(
A.韩非子 B.孔子 C.孟子 D.荀子

阅读下面的文字,完成2730题。 忽然她在一个青缎子盒子里发现一挂精美的钻石项链,她高兴得心也跳起来了。她双手拿着那项链发抖。她把项链绕着脖子挂在她那长长的高领上,站在镜前对着自己的影子出神好半天。 随后,她迟疑而焦急地问: “你能借给我这件吗?我只借这一件。 “当然可以。 她跳起来,搂住朋友的脖子,狂热地亲她,接着就带着这件宝物跑了。 27.对“她双手拿着那项链发抖”一句中马蒂尔德发抖的原因,分析有误的是( A.第一次接触到这样昂贵的项链而激动得发抖 B.为自己的梦想就要实现而兴奋得发抖 C.为急于用它打扮自己又担心不能如愿而激动得发抖 D.为好朋友这样信任自己而终于借项链而高兴得发抖 28.文中的“迟疑”表现了玛蒂尔德借项链时什么样的心情(
A.因为项链太贵重而不敢开口借 B.担心朋友不借 C.因为太贵重而不想借 D.还在犹豫,想再看看其他首饰。
29.这部分文字写出了玛蒂尔德借项链过程的心理变化,这变化可分为哪三个阶段( A.发现项链时的高兴 B.开口借时的担心 C.借到后的狂喜 D.借前的犹豫
A.语言描写 B.动作描写 C.外貌描写 D.心理描写

第二部分 数学

1. 设集合A{xA.
{xx1} B. {xx1} C. {x1x1} D. {xx1x1}
yx132. 函数的定义域是(
A. B. C.(0, D.(,0,,03. 若角的终边过点P(1,(0,

A.1133 B. C. D.

22224. 已知1,2M1,2,3,4,5则集合M的个数为(
A. 32 B. 8 C. 7 D. 4 5. 设函数A.9 B. 5 C. 3 D. 1 6. 函数ykxb(k0,b0的图像经过(
A.一、二、三象限 B.一、二、四象限 C.一、三、四象限 D.二、三、四象限 7. 函数f(xx2在区间[3,3]上是(
A.减函数 B.增函数 C.先减后增 D.先增后减 8. 与集合{xx210}相等的集合是(
A.{1,1} B.{1} C.{1} D. 9. 设全集IUA{4,1,0,1,4}A{4,4}B{0,4},UB
A.{4,1,0,1,4} B.{4,4} C. {4,1,0,1} D.{0,4}
A.113 B. C.222 D.32

11. x2y22x4y0的半径为(
3 D.5
A. 5 B. 3 C.12. A.alogaNb,其指数形式正确的是(
Nb B. abN C. bNa D. baN

13. 直线x20的倾斜角是(
A.45 B. 90 C135. D.0 14. 28的算术平均数是(
A.4 B.4 C.5 D.5
15. log23log98
2A.12 B.32 C.2 D.3
4A.12 B.12 C. 2 D. 1 17.cos7cos27cos47 A.1 B. 1 C. 1 D. 18844 18. 在等差数列{an}中,若前n项和公式Sn4n2n,则d
A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 1 19. 已知直线l过点(1,0(0,2,则直线l的方程是( A.2xy20 B.2xy20 C.2xy20 D.2xy20
20. 化简2cos21sin2cos2 A1. B.0 C.1 D.2
二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40 21.集合A{(x,yyx1},则下列点是集合A的元素有(

A.(1,0 B.(1,0 C.(0,1 D. (2,4 22.3{m,m1},则m的值有( A.4 B.3 C.2
D.1 23.与不等式x21同解的不等式有(
A.x1 B.x1 C.x1x1 D. x1 24.下列函数是幂函数的有( A.y1x3y2y2x B. C. D. yx2x25.f(x,g(x均为(,上的偶函数,则下列式子正确的是( A.h(xf(xg(x为偶函数 B. h(xf(xg(x为偶函数 C. h(xf(xg(x为偶函数 D. h(x26.下列化简正确的是(
f(x(g(x0为偶函数 g(xtan112sin2sec B. 1
A.2cos21sincosC. cos4sin4cos2 D. (1sin(1sincos2 27.下列函数的最小正周期为的有( A. y2sin2x B.ysinx C.ycosx D.ytanx
28.对于数列an3n6,下列说法正确的有( A.是以公差为3的等差数列 B.前三项为正数
C.第四项为6 D.是递增等差数列 29.若直线l平行于y,则下列结论正确的是( A.它的斜率是 0 B. 它的斜率不存在 C.它的倾斜角是90 D. 它的倾斜角是0 30.抛物线y16x,则下列说法正确的有(
A.开口向左 B.焦点为F(4,0 C.准线为x4 D.p8


第三部分 英语

找出划线部分发音与所给词汇划线部分相同的选项。 1. do A. lose B. close C. front D. novel 2. depart
A. dollar B. forward C. guitar D. quarter 3. where A. mere B. there C. here D. were 4. reduce A. during B. rude C. public D. menu 5. prefer
A.writer B. teacher C.cover D. serve 二.单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)
根据题意从ABCD四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 6. Sunday comes before_______and after_______. A. Saturday; Monday B. Monday; Saturday C. Saturday; Tuesday D.Tuesday; Saturday 7. Girls are usually _______ hands. Agood to Bgood for Cgood with D. good at 8. _____ Chinese, we will take othe 5 subjects, such as English, math and so on. A. Except B.Beside C. Besides D. But 9. “Don't forget ________your books to school tomorrow!” said the teacher. Ato take Btaking Cto bring D.bringing 10. What shall we do_______it rains tomorrow?

Aif Bwhen Csince D. whether 11. A new car will _______ a lot of money.

A. pay for B. take C. spent D. cost 12.He will teach _______ physics this year. Amy Bmine CI
D.me 13.I ______ it ________ necessary to go to school before 6 years old. Kids are too young. A.don’t think; is B.think; isn’t C. think; is D. don’t think; isn’t

14. Don’t ______ too late; you will feel tired in class.

A. call up B. wake up C. stay up D. get up 15.―I’m sorry to break your tea cup.
―________. I have another one at home.

A. It doesn’t matter B. You’d better not C. My pleasure D. It’s too bad 16. The Changjiang River is one of ______ in the world.
A. the longest river B. The more C. the longest rivers D. longer river 17.―Could you please tell me how to get to the restroom ? ―_______. I’m not sure how to get there.

A.Sorry B. OK C.Of course D. No problem 18. ________ excellent young man he is!

A. How B. What C. What a D. What an 19. “He loves Peking Opera.” Which one can replace the underlined word?_____ A.hears B.is tired of C.sees D.is interested in 20. She has visited Disney 3 twice, but she wants to visit there _______. A. fourth time B.a fourth time C. four time D.a four time 三.完形填空(本题10小题,每小题2分,共20分)
Allan was worried . This was his first time to go traveling 21 . He didn't know how to find his seat, 22 he went to the air hostess (空姐 and asked, “Could you help me? I can't find my seat. ” The air hostess showed 23 the seat and told him 24 and fasten the seat belt (系好安全. She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allan's ears might feel 25 strange, but he didn't need to 26 it because many people felt 27 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around . He could 28 read books, newspapers or see films. The sir hostess would 29 food and drinks. Allan could enjoy the flight and 30 soon. 21A.by ship 22.A.yet 23A.him

B.by air B.or B.me

C.by car C.but C.her

D.by bus D.so D.he 24.A.stand up 25.A.a little 26.A.worrying 27.A.in


C.to sit down

C.a bit of D.sit down D.bit B.little

B.be worried


C.worry about D.worry




D.also D.carry C.bring
30.A.arrive home B.arrive to home C.get to home D.reach at home 四.阅读理解 ( 本题10小题,每题2,20
A Welcome to Shawnee Mountain, a great place for skiing! All people can have a wonderful time here. For more information, you can visit www.shawneemt.com or call 570-421-7231.
31. Shawnee Mountain is a wonderful place for___________.
A. staying B. skiing C. climbing D. visiting
32. Two parents and a child of 45cm tall will pay ___________for the lifts on weekend, A. $100 B. $86 C. $50 D. $43
33. If a soldier goes to the mountain, ___________should be shown for a lift ticket.

A. the proof of age B. the college ID C. the phone number D. the active duty ID 34. It is known that people can go to Shawnee Mountain___________. A. with expensive tickets at night B. for 6 hours on Christmas Day C. from Mid December to March D. just from Monday to Friday 35. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. There are 2 holiday periods during a winter. B. The prices now are not the same as last year. C. People over 70 are also welcome to be there. D. People can go to the mountain in the afternoon.


There was ice on the road, and the doctor’s car hit a tree and turned over
three timesTo his surprise, he was not hurtHe got out of the car and walked to the nearest houseHe wanted to telephone the garage(汽车修理站for helpThe door of the house was opened“Oh, doctor, she said, “I have only just telephoned youYou must have a very fast carYou have got here very quickly indeedThere has been a very bad accident(事故on the road outsideI saw it through the windowI am sure the driver will need your help 36.Which of the following was the cause of the accident? A.Carelessness of driving
BA tree had fallen across the road CA slippery(road DThere was a thick fog
37.The doctor went to the house because ________ Ahe knew none of his patients lived there Bhe had received a call to go there Che wanted to use the telephone Dhe was injured(受伤and could walk no further 38.Why did the woman patient telephone the doctor? AShe need a medical treatment
BShe believed somebody else needed a doctor CTo ask how quickly the doctor would come
DTo ask whether the doctor was coming on his regular visit

39.How did the woman feel on opening the door and seeing the doctor? AShe had been expecting the doctor, but was surprised that he had come so quickly BShe had not expected the doctor and wondered why he had come CShe felt glad that the doctor was not hurt in the accident
DShe was alarmed(惊慌at seeing the doctor in a bad state after the accident 40.Which of the following is the most possible reply? A“Yes, he does need helpyour help, not mine B“Another accident? I’ve just had an accident myself!” C“I got your car and rushed overI hope I’m not too late D“I didn’t get your call, but I’m here and hope I can help


