
发布时间:2010-12-06 23:49:59   来源:文档文库   





1、 申请人的有效护照及签证的原件和复印件;

2、 如实填写的《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,粘贴一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片;

3、 居住地公安派出所出具的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(住学校外国留学生楼、宾馆、酒店者除外);

4、 就读院校外国留学生管理部门出具的注明学习期限的公函和《录取通知书》原件及复印件;

5、 广东出入境检验检疫局出具的《健康证明》原件(在穗居留1年以上且年满18周岁者提交);

6、 LF签证入境因学习申请居留许可的,还须提交JW201表或者JW202表(外国留学人员来华签证申请表)。

7、 未满18周岁的申请人,提供抚养人或监护人的在穗常住身份证明和经公证机关公证的书面保证。书面保证须注明接受被抚养或监护儿童父母委托,承担抚养与监护责任,保证被抚养监护者按期离境等内容。也可以委托已在穗办理居留许可的外国人作为抚养或监护人。未满16周岁的申请人,还须提供本人出生证明复印件、外籍父母的护照复印件,父母双方或一方为中国人的,还须提供境外定居证明复印件。所有境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使领馆认证。




1、 申请人的有效护照签证原件及复印件;

2、 如实填写的《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,粘贴一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片;

3、 居住地公安派出所出具的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(住学校外国留学生楼、宾馆、酒店者除外)。

4、 就读院校外国留学生管理部门出具的注明学习期限的公函;





1、 申请人的有效护照签证原件及复印件;

2、 如实填写的《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,粘贴一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片;

3、 居住地公安派出所出具的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(住学校外国留学生楼、宾馆、酒店者除外);

4、 读院校外国留学生管理部门的公函;

5、 外国留学生的护照及签证或者居留许可原件复印件;

6、 外籍配偶还须提供婚姻证明,父母提供亲属关系证明,子女提供出生证明,监护人提供留学生父母的委托书。境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使领馆认证。






5、 申请居留许可,可以由工作单位代办,但首次申请居留许可,必须由本人申请;






周一至周五 正常上班时间






Service Guide

Division of Exit and Entry Administration

Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Department

Instructions of Application for Visa and Residence Permit

(For Foreign Students of Higher Educational Institutions and Their Family Members)

I. Application for Residence Permits

Foreign students who come to study in institutions of higher education in Guangzhou for six months or above shall enter China with Visa X, and shall, within 30 days of entry, apply for Residence Permits from the Division of Exit and Entry Administration of Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Department.

In applying for residence permits, you are obliged to answer relevant inquiries and submit the following documents:

1. The original and photocopy of your valid passport and Chinese visa;

2. A form of Application for Visa and Residence Permit which you have filled correctly, and one of your recent passport-size 2 inch photos (full face without hat);

3. A Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Aliens issued by local street police station (excluding those lodging at foreign students’ building on campus, guesthouse or hotel);

4. The original and photocopy of your Admission Notice and an official letter specifying the duration of your study issued by the foreign students office of your university or college;

5. Your Health Certificate issued by Guangdong Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau (for applicants aged 18 or above and those who will stay in Guangzhou for one year or above);

6. Students holding Visa L or Visa F and applying for residence permits for educational purpose shall, additionally, submit Form JW201 or Form JW202 (Form of Chinese Visa Application for Foreign students issued by your university or college);

7. Students under age 18 shall submit certificates of long-term residence in Guangzhou of your foster parents or guardians, and their notarized written guarantee stating their willingness to accept your parents’ entrustment, to take the responsibility of fosterers and guardians, and to guarantee that you will leave China on schedule, etc. Aliens who have obtained residence permits in Guangzhou may be entrusted as foster parents or guardians. Students under age 16 shall, additionally, provide photocopies of your birth certificates, photocopies of your parents’ passports if they are of foreign nationalities, photocopies of the evidence of their permanent residence in a foreign country if one or both of your parents is or are Chinese citizen(s);

All the evidence issued by foreign constitutes should be verified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.

II. Application for Visa F

Foreign students who come to study in institutions of higher education in Guangzhou for less than six months shall apply for Visa F.

In applying for Visa F, you are obliged to answer relevant inquiries and submit the following documents:

1. The original and photocopy of your valid passport and Chinese visa;

2. A form of Application for Visa and Residence Permit which you have filled correctly, and one of your recent passport-size 2 inch photos (full face without hat);

3. A Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Aliens issued by local street police station (excluding those lodging at foreign students’ building on campus, guesthouse or hotel);

4. An official letter specifying the duration of your study from the foreign students office in your university or college;

5. Students under age 18 shall submit certificates of long-term residence of your foster parents or guardians in Guangzhou. Aliens with residence permit in Guangzhou may be entrusted as foster parents or guardians. Students under age 16 shall, additionally, provide photocopies of your birth certificates, photocopies of your parents’ passports if they are of foreign nationalities, photocopies of the evidence of their permanent residence in a foreign country if one or both of your parents is or are Chinese citizen(s);

All the evidence issued by foreign constitutes should be verified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.

III. Application for Visa by your family members

Your spouse and children (under age 18) accompanying you in Guangzhou, or your parents or guardians if you are under age 18 may apply for L Visas. The period of validity of such visa shall not exceed that of your visa or residence permit.

In applying for Visa L, your family members are obliged to answer relevant inquiries and submit the following documents:

1. The original and photocopy of their valid passports and Chinese visas;

2. Forms of Application for Visa and Residence Permit which they have filled correctly, and one of their recent passport-size 2 inch photos (full face without hat) for each person;

3. Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation for Aliens issued by local street police station (excluding those lodging at foreign students’ building on campus, at guesthouse or hotel);

4. An official letter of confirmation from the foreign students’ office in your university or college ;

5. The original and photocopy of your passport and visa or residence permit;

6. In addition, necessary documents are required as followed: marriage certificate for your spouse, kinship certificate for your parents; birth certificate for your children and your parents’ entrustment for your guardian;

All the evidence issued by foreign constitutes shall be verified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.

IV. Notices

1. In case of content change of the Alien Residence Permit (such as purpose of residence, passport number, address, employer and accompanying children), the holder may apply for replacement, within 10 days of such changes, to the Entry-Exit Administration Division of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau;

2. Holders of Alien Residence Permit who wish to move out of the city of current residence, shall, register such move to the local entry-exit administration division of public security bureau within 10 days either before moving or after arrival at the new destination;

3. Aliens who terminate their study or work in Guangzhou shall promptly hand in your residence permits for cancellation and apply for corresponding visas;

4. Holders of Alien residence permits can reside in China within the validity period of residence permits, and can make multiple entries into China;

5. To apply for residence permits, all formalities can be submitted by your employer on your behalf, excluding application for the first time, which should be submitted by the applicants themselves;

6.Penalties shall impose on aliens who illegally stay in China or in violation of other Chinese laws or on persons responsible for such violations by the public security organs in accordance with the law;

7.Aliens applying for visas and residence permits shall pay visa and certificate fees to the prescribed rates set by competent authorities of the Chinese Government;

8.The validity period of visas and its number of entries or residence permits shall be taken as the final decision by Division of Exit and Entry Administration of Public Security organs;

9. The Division of Exit and Entry Administration of Public Security organ has the power to refuse to issue visas and certificates or to cancel or annul visas and certificates already issued. Handling, examining applications and issuing visas and certificates will need five working days.

V. Office Time and Address

MondayFriday Office Time

Address: 6th Floor, NO.155, Jiefangnan Lu, Guangzhou.

Note: Please use fountain pen or signing pen. Photocopies shall be in the form of A4.

General Enquiries Telephone: 96110

[Swindling certificates of exit and entry by fraud documents is liable for legal penalties.]


