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20XX年高考英语作文预测:抗击疫情我们在行动 “爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏”春节本该是红红火火、热热闹闹的节日。可以收到新年礼物,可以走亲戚,拜新年,还有最重要的是收到压岁钱。小朋友们可以一起玩游戏,放烟花,大人们聚在一起品茶、聊天、拉家常,多么美好的时光。现在就因为一个可怕的恶魔--新型冠状病毒,打破了原本喜庆热闹的节日。我们的旅行也泡汤了。
The Spring Festival is supposed to be a red and noisy Festival. You can receive new year's gifts, relatives, new year's greetings, and most importantly, new year's money. Children can play games together, set off fireworks, and adults can get together to enjoy tea, chat, and make a living. What a wonderful time. Novel coronavirus is now breaking the festive and lively festival because of a terrible evil. Our trip was ruined. 这个病毒源于武汉,因为它已让武汉岌岌可危,让无数人有家不能回。口罩、防护服、护目镜已是最热门的话题,货源更是供不应求。使得已经放假的生产厂家又把工人紧急召回,加班加点的赶制。可恶的恶魔在迅速地扩散,每天感染的人数不断增加。
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The virus originated in Wuhan, because it has put Wuhan at risk and made countless people unable to return home. Masks, protective clothing and goggles have become the most popular topics, and the supply is in short supply. So that the manufacturers who have already had a holiday will recall the workers and work overtime. Hateful demons are spreading rapidly, and the number of people infected every day is increasing. At this time, a group of angels in white came forward. One by one, they wrote down their letters of invitation and asked to go to the front line "fight". In order to save more people's lives, I gave up the time of reuniting with my relatives and chose to be a rebel, leaving my family for everyone. Enter the isolation area and rush to the disinfection area. They are wearing masks, goggles and layers of protective clothing, risking their lives to fight against the devil. Out of the disease prevention is
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all wet, leaving a red mask on his face. www.zuowenla.cn 因为这次疫情严重,在这个特殊时期,许多道路已经封闭了,各个高速路口多个地点也设置相关人员检查,我们村也实施了进出村的管理,在招募志愿者的时候,爸爸义不容辞的报名了,他们戴着口罩站在寒冷的风中,冻得不住地打寒颤,依然拿着本子把每个出入的人员登记的清清楚楚,为?村里人的安全,他们坚守岗位,认真负责,为老爸点赞。
Because of the serious epidemic, in this special period, many roads have been closed, and relevant personnel have been set up at many places at each highway intersection for inspection. Our village has also implemented the management of entering and leaving the village. When recruiting volunteers, dad is obliged to sign up. They stand in the cold wind with masks, shivering with cold, and still take the book to get in and out The personnel registration is clear? Village people's safety, they stick to their posts, serious and responsible, praise for Dad. 我作为一名普通的小学生,在疫情面前能做的是,管好自己不出门,不去人群密集的地方,勤洗手,戴口罩,加强锻炼,认真学习,从我做起,从身边的小事做起。
As an ordinary primary school student, what I can do in front of the epidemic is to keep myself away from the
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door, avoid crowded places, wash hands frequently, wear masks, strengthen exercise, study hard, start with me and small things around me. 不管有多少困难,在一线工作人员的努力下,在全国人民的配合下,疫情终究会被打败,待到春暖花开时,我们共同努力建设更美好的明天!
No matter how many difficulties there are, with the efforts of front-line staff and the cooperation of the whole nation, the epidemic will be defeated eventually. When spring comes, we will work together to build a better tomorrow!

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