
发布时间:2020-11-15 00:49:31   来源:文档文库   

神奇树屋 《恐龙谷历险记》 玛丽•波•奥斯本

1进入树林 “救命啊!有妖怪!”安妮喊叫着。 “是啊,没错。”杰克说,“还真是一个大妖怪,就在宾夕法尼亚的蛙溪镇。 “快跑,杰克!”安妮说着,顺着街道跑起来。

噢,我的天哪。 这就是杰克同他七岁的妹妹玩耍时常常出现的情景。 安妮喜欢玩假装的游戏。而杰克已经八岁半了,他喜欢确实的东西。 “当心,杰克!妖怪来了!向你冲过来啦!” “不必了,谢谢你的提醒。”杰克说。

安妮自个儿冲进树林里。 杰克抬头望了望天空。太阳快要落山了。 “快回来,安妮!该回家了!” 但是安妮不见了踪影。



“安妮!”他又喊了一遍。 “杰克,杰克!快到这儿来!” 杰克咕哝道:“希望这次是好事。” 杰克离开街道,向树林里走去。晚霞映照着树木,闪着金光。 “快到这儿来!”安妮大喊着。

安妮就在那里,正站在一棵高高的橡树下。“看!”她边说边指着一个绳梯。 这是杰克从未见过这么长的绳梯。

“哇噻!”他低声叫道。 绳梯从树顶上一直挂下来。 一间树屋,就在树顶上的两根树枝之间。 “这肯定是世界上最高的树屋。”安妮说。

“这是谁盖的呢”杰克问,“以前我可没见到过它。” “我不知道,但是我打算爬上去。”安妮说。 “不行!我们不知道树屋是谁的。”杰克说。


“安妮,下来!” 她继续爬呀,爬呀。 杰克叹了一口气,说:“安妮,天都快要黑了。我们得回家啦。” 安妮钻到树屋里看不见了。

“安——妮!” 杰克等了一会儿。当他正要再喊时,安妮把脑袋伸出树屋的窗户。 “书!”她喊叫着。


“树屋里堆满了书!” 唉呀!杰克可喜欢书了。 他扶了扶自己的眼镜,然后紧紧抓住绳梯的两边往上爬。

1Into the Woods

Help!A monster! said Annie.

Yeahsure ,” said Jack. A real monster in Frog Creek Pennsylvania.

RunJack !” said Annie. She ran up the road.


This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister. Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.

Watch out, Jack! The monster 's coming! Race you! Nothanks, said Jack.

Annie raced alone into the woods.

Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.

Come onAnnie! It 's time to go home! But Annie had disappeared.

Jack waited.

No Annie.

Annie! he shouted again. Jack!Jack!Come here! Jack groaned. This better be good ,” he said.

Jack left the road and headed into the woods.The trees were lit with agolden late-afternoon light.

Come here! called Annie.

There she was. Standing under a tall oak tree. Look,” she said. She was pointing at a rope ladder.

The longest rope ladder Jack had ever seen.

Wow,” he whispered.

The ladder went all the way up to the top of the tree. Thereat the top was a tree house. It was tucked between two branches.

That must be the highest tree house in the world ,” said Annie.

Who built it ? asked Jack. I've never seen it before.

I don 't know. But I 'm going up ,” said Annie.

No. We don't know who it belongs to ,” said Jack.

Just for a teeny minute ,” said Annie. She started up the ladder.

Anniecome back!

She kept climbing.

Jack sighed. Annieit 's almost dark. We have to go home.

Annie disappeared inside the tree house.

An- nie!

Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window.

Books! sh e shouted. What?

It 's filled with books !”

OhmanJack loved books.

He pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope lad derand up he went.


杰克从树屋地板上的一个洞里爬了进去。 哇噻!树屋里的确堆满了书,到处都是书。有封面上积满厚厚灰尘的很老很老的旧 书,也有封面崭新闪着光泽的很新很新的新书。

“看!你能看得很远很远。”安妮说着,从树屋的窗口向外望去。 杰克同她一起向外望去。俯瞰下去,是其他树木的树梢。在远处,他看见蛙溪镇的 图书馆、小学,还有公园。


“那是我们的家。”她说。 千真万确。那正是他们的家,就是那个有着绿色走廊的白色木头房子。隔壁是他们 邻居家的黑狗——亨利。它看上去小得可怜。

“喂,亨利!”安妮大声喊道。 “嘘!”杰克说,“我们可是这儿的不速之客。” 他又扫视了一下树屋。

“我想知道这些书的主人是谁。”他说。他发现很多书里插着书签。 “我喜欢这本书。”安妮说。她抱起一本封面上有一座城堡的书。

“这儿有一本关于宾夕法尼亚的书。”杰克说。他翻到插有书签的那一页。 “嗨,这里有一幅蛙溪镇的画。”杰克说,“画的正是这里——蛙溪树林!” “喂!这儿有一本书给你。”安妮说。她举起一本的书。蓝色的丝绸书签从书页里 露出头来。

“让我看看,让我看看!”杰克放下他的背包,从安妮手中夺过那本书。 “你就看看这本,我要看看封面有城堡的那本。”安妮说。 “不行,我们还是别乱翻了。”杰克说,“我们还不知道这些书的主人是谁呢。” 尽管他嘴上这么说着, 还是忍不住把恐龙书翻到插有书签的那一页。 他实在是控制不住自己 他翻到会飞的古代爬行动物那页——无齿翼龙。

他摸了摸那巨型的像蝙蝠一样的翅膀。 “哇噻。”杰克嘟嘟哝哝地说,“我多么希望能看看真的无齿翼龙啊!” 杰克仔细看着这幅画,看着画中盘旋在空中的奇异动物。



“大妖怪!”安妮大叫着。她指着树屋的窗户。 “别装神弄鬼的,安妮。”杰克说。

“不,是真的!”安妮说。 杰克朝窗外看去。 一个巨型动物正在林梢之上滑翔!它有一个又长又怪的头冠长在脑袋后面,一个皮 包骨头的喙,还有一双巨大的蝙蝠一样的双翼!

这真是一只活生生的无齿翼龙! 它划破长空,径直朝树屋冲来。看上去就像一架滑翔机! 大风吹了起来。

树叶颤动不已。 这个动物突然扶摇直上,冲入云霄。杰克想看清楚这个动物,差点儿从窗户跌了下去。 风吹得更紧了,发出呼啸声。

树屋开始打转 “怎么回事”杰克呼叫着。







杰克睁开了双眼。阳光从树屋的窗户斜斜地照射进来。 安妮还在,书还在,他的背包还在。



2The Monster

Jack crawled through a hole in the tree house floor.

Wow. The tree house was filled with books. Books everywhere. Very old

books with dusty covers. New books with shiny, bright covers. Look. You

can see far, far away, said Annie. She was peering out the tree house window.

Jack looked out the window with her. Down below were the tops of the other trees. In the distance he saw the Frog Creek library. The element ary school. The park.

Annie pointed in the other direction.

There's our house ,” she said.

Sure enough. There was their white wooden house with the green porch.

Next door was their neighbor 's black dog Henry. He looked very tiny.

Hi Henry!” shouted Annie.

Shush!” said Jack. We're not supposed to be up here.

He glanced around the tree house again.

I wonder whoownsall these books,” he said. He noticed bookmarks were sticking out of many of them.

I l ike this one,” said Annie. She held up a book with a castle on the cover. Here' s a book about Pennsylvania ,” said Jack. He turned to the page with the bookmark.

Heythere ' s a picture of Frog Creek in here ,” said Jack. It 's a picture of these woods!

Ohhere ' s a book for you ,” said Annie. She held up a book about dinosaurs. A blue silk bookmark was sticking out of it.

Let me see it. Jack set down his backpack and grabbed the book from her.

You look at that oneand I' ll look at the one about castles ,” said Annie.

NoWebetter not,” said Jack. Wedon't know whothese books belong to.

But even as he said this Jack opened the dinosaur book to where the b

ookmark was. He couldn 't help himself.

He turned to a picture of an ancient flying reptile. A Pteranodon.

He touched the huge bat-like wings.

Wow,” whispered Jack. I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real.

Jack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the sky.

Ahhh!screamed Annie.

Whatsaid Jack.

A monster !” Annie cried. She pointed to the tree house window.

Stop pretending Annie ”, said Jack.

Noreally! said Annie.

Jack looked out the window.

A giant creature was gliding above the treetops He had a long weird

crest on the back of his head. A skinny beak. And huge bat-like wings! It was a real live Pteranodon!

The creature curved through the sky. He was coming straight toward the

tree house. He looked like a glider plane!

The wind began to blow.

The leaves trembled.

Suddenly the creature soared up. High into the sky. Jack nearly fell o

ut the window trying to see it.

The wind picked up. It was whistling now.

The tree house started to spin.

What' s happening cried Jack.

Get down!” shouted Annie.

She pulled him back from the window.

The tree house was spinning. Faster and faster.

Jack squeezed his eyes shut. He held on to Annie.

Then everything was still.

Absolutely still.

Jack opened his eyes. Sunlight slanted through the window.

There was Annie.The books. His backpack.

The tree house was still high up in an oak tree.

But it wasn 't the same oak tree.



他低头看了看书中的画,又望了一眼窗户外面。 外面的世界与画中的世界——它们一模一样,完全相同。 无齿翼龙翱翔在天空。地面上覆盖着羊齿植物和深深的草丛。有一条小溪,流水潺 潺,蜿蜒曲折。有一座陡陡的山坡,还有远处的火山。


无齿翼龙滑落到他们那棵树底下。 它飘然地停在了地上, 然后一动也不动地站在那儿。










“没什么。”杰克说,他摇了摇头。“这一切不可能是真的。” 安妮又望向窗户外面。“但是它是真的。”她说,“它绝对是真的。” 杰克同她一起望着窗户外面。无齿翼龙仍站在橡树底下,像个哨兵。它巨大的双翼 在它身体两边伸开。


“嘘!”杰克说,“我们是这儿的不速之客。” “但是这儿是哪儿”安妮问。





“你这个傻帽!它不会说话。”杰克说,“不过那本书可能会告诉我们什么。” 杰克低下头看那本书。他看到那幅画下面的文字: 这种会飞的爬行动物生活在白垩纪。它消失于 6500 万年前。 不!不可能!他们不可能来到 6500 万年前。










3Where Is Here?

Jack looked out the window.

He looked down at the picture in the book.

He looked back out the window.

The world outside and the world in the picture they were exactly the same.

The Pteranodon was soaring through the sky. The ground was covered with ferns and tall grass.

There was a winding stream. A sloping hill. And volcanoes in the distance.

Whwhere are we? stammered Jack.

The Pteranodon glided down to the base of their tree. The creature coasted to a stop. And stood very still.

What happened to us said Annie. She looked at Jack. He looked at her.

I don' t know,” said Jack. I was looking at the picture in the book—”

And you said ,‘WowI wish I could see a Pteranodon for real ,'” said Annie.

Yeah. And the we saw one. In the Frog Creek woods ”, said Jack.

Yeah. And then the wind got loud. And the tree house started spinning ,” said Annie.

Nothing ,” said Jack. He shook his head. Annie looked out the window again. But he' s real

Jack looked out the window with her. The Pteranodon was standing at the base of the oaktree.Like a guard. His giant wings were spread out on either side of him.

Hi! Annie shouted.

Shush! said Jack. we're not supposed to be here. But where is here? said Annie.

I don 't know ,” said Jack.

Hi! Annie called again to the creature.

The Pteranodon looked up at them.

Where is here? Annie called down.

You're nuts. He can't talk ,” said Jack. But maybethe book can tell us.

Jack looked down at the book.He read the words under the picture

This flying reptile lived in the Cretaceous period.It vanished 65 million years ago. 't have landed in a time 65 million years ago.

He's nice.

s go down and talk to him.

Talk to him?

Annie started down the rope ladder.

Hey!shouted Jack.

But Annie kept going.

Are you crazy? Jack called.

Annie dropped to the ground. She stepped boldly up to the ancient creature. 4 亨利 当安妮伸出手时,杰克倒吸了一口凉气。

天哪!安妮总是试图与动物们交朋友。不过这次也太过火了。 “不要太靠近它,安妮!”杰克大声喊道。

但是安妮摸了摸无齿翼龙的冠,摸了摸它的脖子。她正在同它交谈。 她究竟在说些什么

杰克深深地吸了一口气。好吧,他得下去。这正是考察这个远古动物的好机会 做好记录,像科学家那样。

杰克开始爬下绳梯。 当他到达地面时,那动物离他只有几英尺远。 它瞪着杰克,双眼亮晶晶的,机灵灵的。

“它很柔软,杰克。”安妮说,“摸上去就像亨利一样。” 杰克高声大笑说:“它不是狗,安妮。”




杰克走上前来, 他小心翼翼地伸出自己的胳膊。 他顺着这动物的脖子从上到下抚摸了一遍。 太有趣了。薄薄的一层茸毛覆盖在无齿翼龙的皮肤上。

“柔软吧,嗯”安妮说。 杰克把手伸进背包里,抽出一支铅笔和一个笔记本。他写道: 毛茸茸的皮肤


“做记录。”杰克说,“我们也许是世界上见过活生生的无齿翼龙的第一人。” 杰克又看了看无齿翼龙。这种动物头顶上长着一个骨质的冠。这个冠比杰克的胳膊还要长。


“非常聪明。”安妮说。 “可别作指望。”杰克说,“它的脑袋也许只有一颗豆子那么大。” “不,它非常聪明。我能感觉得到。”安妮说,“我打算叫它亨利。” 杰克在笔记本上写着:

小脑仁 杰克又看了看这只动物。“它也许是只突变了的异种。”他说。 这只动物翘起它的头。

安妮笑了起来。“它不是异种,杰克。” “好吧,那它在这儿干些什么呢这个地方是哪儿呢”杰克说。 安妮紧紧地挨着无齿翼龙。

“你知道我们在什么地方吗,亨利”安妮轻言细语地问。 这只动物眼睛一眨也不眨地盯着安妮。它的嘴巴忽而张开,忽而闭拢,像一把巨型剪刀。

“你想同我说话吧,亨利”安妮问。 “算了吧,安妮。”杰克在笔记本上写着: 嘴巴像剪刀

“我们是不是回到了很久很久以前,亨利”安妮问,“这是很久很久以前的某个地 方吗”突然间她气喘起来。“杰克!”




Jack gasped as Annie held out her hand.

Oh,brother.She was always trying to make friends with animals. But this was going too far.

Don't get too close to him Annie! Jack shouted.

But Annie touched the Pteranodon ' s crest. She stroked his neck. She was talking to him.

What in the world was she saying?

Jack took a deep breath.Okay. He would go down too. It would be good to

examine the creature. Take notes. Like a scientist.

Jack started down the rope ladder.

Whenhe got to the groundJack was only a few feet away from the creature. The creature stared at Jack. His eyes were bright and alert.

He' s soft Jack,” said Annie. He feels like Henry.

Jack snorted. He's no dog Annie.

Feel him Jack ,” said Annie.

Jack didn 't move.

Don't think Jack. Just do it.

Jack stepped forward. Heput out his arm. Very cautiously.He brushed his hand down the creature 's neck.

Interesting. A thim layer of fuzz covered the Pteranodon 's skin.

Soft huh?said Annie.

Jack reached into his backpack and pulled out a pencil and a notebook.

He wrote:fuzzy skin

What are you doing? asked Annie.

Taking notes ,”said Jack. We're probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Pteranodon.

Jack looked at the Pteranodon again. The creature had a bony crest on top of his head. The crest was longer than Jack 's arm.

I wonder how smart he is ,” Jack said.

Very smart ,” said Annie.

Don't count on it ,” said Jack. His brain 's probably no bigger than a bean. Nohe' s very smart. I can feel it ,” said Annie. I'm goint to

call him Henry.

Jack wrote in his notebook

small brain?

Jack looked at the creature again. Maybe he's a mutant ,” he said.

The creature tilted his head.

Annie laughed. He's no mutant, Jack.

Well, what 's he doing here then?Where is this place? said Jack.

Annie leaned close to the Pteranodon.

Do you know where we are Henry?she asked softly.

The creature fixed his eyes on Annie. His long jaws were opening and closing. Like a giant pair of scissors.

Are you trying to talk to me, Henry? asked Annie.

Forget it Annie. Jack wrote in his notebook:mouth like scissors?

Did we cometo a time long ago, Henry?asked Annie. Is this a place from long ago? Suddenly she gasped. Jack!

He looked up.

Annie was pointing toward the hill. On top stood a huge dinosaur!

5草地上的金牌 “快,快!”杰克说。他把笔记本塞进背包,推着安妮向绳梯跑去。


“快!”杰克说。他把安妮猛推了一下。 “别推!”她说,不过她还是爬上了绳梯。杰克紧跟在她后面爬上去。 他们急匆匆地钻进了树屋。


“天哪。”杰克小声说,“我们的确是在很久很久以前!” 这只看上去像一只巨大的犀牛。只不过它可不只长了一只角而是三只角。两眼之上 长有两只长角,鼻子上也长了一只角。脑袋后面还长有一块盾牌状的东西。

“三角龙!”杰克说。 “它吃人吗”安妮小声问。 “我查查看。”杰克抓起那本恐龙书。他快速地翻着书页。 “在这儿!”他指着有一只三角龙的画。他读着上面的说明文字: 三角龙生活在白垩纪晚期。这种素食恐龙体重超过 12 000 磅 [注]。 杰克砰地一下合上书。“只吃素,不吃肉。”

“那我们去见见它。”安妮说。 “你疯了吗”杰克说。

“你不想做些关于它的记录吗”安妮问,“我们很可能是世界上见过活三角龙的第一人。” 杰克叹了一口气。她是对的。

“那就去吧。”他说。 他把恐龙书塞进背包里,把背包背在肩上,开始下绳梯。 绳梯下到一半,杰克停住了。







“保证不——” “快下,快下!”她说。


安妮紧跟着。 当他们从绳梯上下来时,无齿翼龙慈祥地望着他们。 安妮给了它一个飞吻。“一会儿就回来,亨利。”她兴高采烈地说。 “嘘!”杰克说。他带路穿过羊齿植物,一路上慢慢地,小心翼翼地。 当他们到达小山脚下之后,杰克跪到一丛厚厚的灌木丛后面。 安妮跪在他的后面,就讲起话来。


安妮扮了个鬼脸。 杰克偷偷看着三角龙。 恐龙大得令人难以置信。比一辆卡车还要大。它正在吃一棵木兰树上的花。 杰克悄悄地从背包里掏出笔记本。他写道:

吃花 安妮用肘碰了碰他。 杰克没理睬她。他继续观察三角龙。他写道: 吃得很慢

安妮用肘使劲儿顶了顶他。 杰克这才看着她。




杰克正要去抓住她。 她笑着,一下子跳开去。她跌倒在草地上,完完全全地暴露在三角龙的视野之下。 “回来!”杰克低声喊着。

太迟啦。大恐龙已经发现了她。它在山顶目不转睛地紧盯着她。半截木兰花还挂在它的口边。 “哎呀,糟糕。”安妮说。



“可爱当心它的角,安妮!” “它真的很可爱,杰克。” 可爱 三角龙只是静静地注视着安妮。然后它转过身,跨开大步,向山的另一侧跑了下去。

“再见!”安妮说。她转身对杰克说:“瞧,我说它很可爱吧” 杰克咕咕哝哝。不过他在笔记上写下了:可爱 “来吧!我们把这周围再多看看吧。”安妮说。

杰克正要跟上安妮, 可这时他看见深深的草丛中有东西闪闪发光。 他伸手把它捡了起来。 一块大奖牌。一块金子做的奖牌。

牌子上镌刻着一个字母。一个奇妙的 M“啊,好家伙。看来已经有人在我们之前来过了。”杰克轻声说。

5Gold in the Grass

Go!Go!said Jack. He threw his notebook into his pack. He pushed Annie toward the rope ladder.

ByeHenry! she siad.

Go!said Jack. He gave Annie a big push.

Quit it! she said. But she started up the ladder. Jack scrambled after her. They tumbled into the tree house.

They were panting as they looked out the window at the dinosaur. He was standing on the hilltop. Eating flowers off a tree.

Ohman,” whispered Jack. We are in a time long ago!

The dinosaur looked like a huge rhinoceros. Only he had three horns instead of one. Two long ones above his eyes and one on his nose.

He had a big shield-like thing behind his head.

Triceratops! said Jack.

Does he eat people? whispered Annie.

I 'll look it up. Jack grabbed the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pages. There! he said. He pointed to a picture of a Triceratops. He readte caption: The Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous period. This plant-eating dinosaur weighed over 12,000 pounds.

Jack slammed the book shut. Just plants. No meat.

Let's go see him ,” said Annie.

Are you nuts? said Jack.

Don't you want to take notes about him? asked Annie. We're probably

the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Triceratops.

Jack sighed. She was right.

“Let's go,” he said.

He shoved the dinosaur book into his pack. He slung it over his shoulder and started down the ladder.

On the way down ,Jack stopped.

He called up to Annie ,“ Just promise you won 't pet him.

a -

“I promise. “Promise you won 't kiss him.

a -

“I promise. “Promise you won 't talk to him.

a -

“I promise. “Promise you won 't —” “Go!Go!” she siad. Jack went. Annie followed.

When they stepped off the ladder, the Pteranodon gave them a kind look. Annie blew a kiss at him. “Be back soon Henry ,” she said cheerfully.

“Shush!”said Jack. And he led the way through the ferns. Slowly and carefully.

When he reached the bottom of the hill he kneeled behind a fat bush.

Annie knelt beside him and started to speak.

“Shush! Jack put his finger to his lips.

Annie made a face.

Jack peeked out at the Triceratops.

The dinosaur was incredibly big. Bigger than a truck. He was eating the flowers off a magnolia tree.

Jack slipped his notebook out of his pack. He wrote:eats flowers Annie nudged him.

Jack ignored her. He studied the Triceratops again. He wrote:eats slowly Annie nudged him hard.

Jack looked at her.

Annie pointed to herself. She walked her fingers through the air. She pointed to the dinosaur. She smiled.

Was she teasing?

She waved at Jack.

Jack started to grab her.

She laughed and jumped away. She fell into the grass. In full view of the Triceratops!

“Get back! whispered Jack.

Too late. The big dinosaur had spotted Annie. He gazed down at her from the hilltop. Half of a magnolia flower was sticking out of his mouth.

“Oops,” said Annie.

“Get back! Jack shouted at her.

He looks nice Jack.

Nice?Watch out for his horns Annie!

No. He 's nice Jack.


But the Triceratops just gazed calmly down at Annie. Then he turned and loped away. Down the side of the hill.

Bye! said Annie. She turned back to Jack. See?

Jack grunted. But he wrote in his notebook.


Come on. Let's look around some more ,” said Annie.

As Jack started after Annie, he saw something glittering in the tall grass.

He reached out and picked it up.

A medallion. A gold medallion.

A letter was engraved on the medallion.A fancy M.

Ohman. Someone came here before us ,” Jack said softly.


“安妮,看看这个!”杰克大喊着,“看看我找到了什么!” 安妮已经上了山顶。


“安妮,看!一块大奖牌!” 但是安妮没有留心杰克。她正盯着山的另一侧的什么东西在看呢。 “啊,哇噻!”她叫着。









杰克还听到了另一种声音:一种沉沉的吼声,像低音大喇叭的声音。 “杰克!快上这儿来!”安妮叫着。



当他到达山顶时,他倒吸了一口气。 山的另一侧下面的山谷到处都是窝。都是大大的用泥土筑成的窝。窝里全都是小! 安妮正蹲在其中的一个窝旁。一只庞大的长着鸭子嘴的恐龙死死地盯着她。 “别怕!别动!”杰克说。他慢慢地、一步一步地向山下的安妮走去。 大恐龙高高地耸立在安妮上方,挥舞着手臂,发出低音大喇叭般的声音。 杰克停住了。他不想靠得太近。




安妮朝杰克爬去,手里仍然捏着花。 长着鸭子嘴的恐龙跟着她,仍在吼叫着。


“继续爬呀。”杰克轻声说。 于是安妮又爬起来。


他伸出手一一一下子抓住了安妮的手。 他把安妮拉了过来。


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“是的。我从书上读到的,当一只不太友好的狗企图攻击你时,你就这么做。” “它不是狗呀,杰克。”安妮说。







“你得用用你的脑子。”杰克说,“你不能朝宝宝的窝儿里跑,要知道旁边一般都 有妈妈守着。”





“我让你为你的宝宝担心了,我很抱歉。”她说。 恐龙走到安妮的身旁,从她手中抓走了花,又伸手要。



“不过那儿有很多花。”安妮说,她指了指山顶。“我去替你摘一些。” 安妮急忙向山上奔去。






鸭嘴龙过着群居生活。一些恐龙妈妈在窝里照料小宝宝, 而另外的恐龙妈妈则出外觅食。 所以附近肯定有更多的恐龙妈妈。

“喂,杰克! ”安妮喊着。



但是鸭嘴龙突然间发出了可怕的低音大喇叭般的叫声。 安妮连忙蹲下,开始嚼了起来。



杰克把书放在背包的上面,急忙向安妮奔去。 “我奇怪它为什么跑走。”安妮说,“我们就要开始成为朋友了。” 杰克看了看周围,远处他所看见的景象几乎把他吓呆了。 一个庞大的丑陋怪物正在越过旷野朝这边走来。 它迈开两条巨大的腿,摇荡着一条又长又粗的尾巴,两只小小的手臂晃来晃去。 它的头很大很大,嘴巴张得大大的。 即使在远处杰克也能看见它那长长的亮闪闪的牙齿。


6Dinosaur Valley

Annie look at this! Jack called. Look what I found!

Annie had gone up to the hilltop.

She was busy picking a flower from the magnolia tree.

Annie look!A medallion!

But Annie wasn ' t paying attention to Jack. She was staring at something on

the other side of the hill.

Ohwow!she said.


Clutching her magnolia flower, she took off down the hill.

Annie, come back! Jack shouted.

But Annie had disappeared.

I 'm goint to kill her ,” Jack muttered.

He stuffed the gold medalllion into his jeans pocket.

Then he heard Annie shriek.


Jack heard another sound as well. A deep, bellowing sound. Like a tuba.

Jack!Come here! Annie called.


Jack grabbed his backpack and raced up the hill.

When he got to the top he gasped.

The valley below was filled with nests. Big nests made out of mud. And the

nests were filled with tiny dinosaurs!

Annie was crouching next to one of the nests. And standing over her was a gigantic duck-billed dinosaur!

Don't panic. Don't move,” said Jack. He stepped slowly down the hill toward Annie.

The huge dinosaur was towering above Annie. Waving her arms. Making her tuba sound.

Jack stopped. He didn 't want to get too close.

He knelt on the ground. Okay. Move toward me. Slowly ,” he said.

Annie started to stand up.

Don't stand. Crawl ,” said Jack.

Clutching her flower, Annie crawled toward Jack.

The duck-billed dinosaur followed her. Still bellowing.

Annie froze.

Keep going ,” Jack said softly.

Annie started crawling again.

Jack inched farther downthe hill. Until he was just an arm's distanc e from Annie. He reached out and grabbed her hand.

He pulled Annie toward him.

Stay down,” he said. He crouched next to her. Bowyour head. Pretend to chew.” “Chew?

Yes. I read that 's what you do if a mean dog comes at you.

she's no dog Jack ,” said Annie.

Just chew ,” said Jack.

Jack and annie both bowed their heads. And pretended to chew.

Soon the dinosaur grew quiet.

Jack raised his head.

I don 't think she 's mad anymore,” he said. ThanksJack for saving me ,” said Annie. You have to use your brain ,” said Jack. You can' t just go running to a nest of babies. There 's always a mother nearby.

Annie stood up. Annie! Too late.

Annie held out her magnolia flower to the dinosaur.

I 'm sorry I made you worry about your babies ,” she said.

The dinosaur moved closer to Annie. She grabbed the flower from her. She reached for another.

No more,” said Annie.

The dinosaur let out a sad tuba sound.

But there are more flowers up there ,” Annie said. She pointed to the

top of the hill. I 'll get you some.

Annie hurried up the hill.

The dinosaur waddled after her.

Jack quickly examined the babies. Some were crawling out of their nests.

Where were the other mothers?

Jack took out the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pages.

He found a picture of some duck-billed dinosaurs. He read the caption:The Anatosauruses lived in colonies.While a few mothers baby-sat the nests others hunted for food.

So there must be more mothers close by. HeyJack! Annie called.

Jack looked up. Annie was at the top of the hill. Feeding magnolia flowers to the giant Anatosaurus!

She's nice too Jack ,” Annie said.

But suddenly the Anatosaurus made her terrible tuba sound. Annie crouched down and started to chew.

The dinosaur barged down the hill.

She seemed afraid of something.

Jack put the book down on top of his pack. He hurried up to Annie.

I wonder why she ran away,” said Annie. Wewere starting to be friends.

Jack looked around. What he saw in the distance almost made him throw up.

An enormous ugly monster was coming across the plain.

He was walking on two big legs. And swinging a long, thick tail. And dangling two tiny arms.

He had a huge head. And his jaws were wide open.

Even from far away Jack could see his long, gleaming teeth. Tyrannosaurus rex! whispered Jack.

7准备,就位,走! “快跑!安妮!快跑!”杰克大叫着,“朝树屋跑!” 他们一起急急忙忙地冲下山。穿过高高的草丛,越过羊齿植物,经过无齿翼龙身旁, 到达绳梯下面。

他们爬上绳梯。不一会儿,他们就匆匆地钻进了树屋。 安妮跳到窗户旁。

“它正在离开!”安妮喘着气说。 杰克推了推眼镜。他同安妮一起望向窗外。

霸王龙正信步离开。 但是大怪物接着又停下脚步,转了过来。


他们俩都趴了下来。 过了好大一会儿,他们才抬起头,又偷偷地看着窗外。







“我希望——” “等一等,我们当时是看着书上的画许的愿。记得吗” 恐龙书。

杰克“哎哟”一声。“完了,我把书和背包丢在山上了。我得去拿回来。” “啊,算了吧。”安妮说。

“我不能那么做。”杰克说。“这书不是我们的。还有我背包里的笔记本。笔记本 里有我所有的记录。”

“快快快!”安妮说。 杰克急匆匆地下了绳梯。

他跳到地面上。 他奔跑着,经过无齿翼龙,越过羊齿植物,跨过高高的草丛,到达了山顶。 他低头一看。



它们以前到哪儿去了呢它们是害怕霸王龙才回来的吗 杰克深深地吸了一口气。

准备!就位!走! 他冲下山,跳到背包旁,拎起背包,抓起恐龙书。 一声恐惧的低音大喇叭似的叫声!又一声!又一声!所有的鸭嘴龙在对着他吼叫。 杰克起身就跑。


他开始下山。 他一下停住了。


7Ready, Set, Go!

RunAnnie!Run! cried Jack. To the tree house!

They dashed downthe hill together. Through the tall grass, through the ferns, past the Pteranodon and right to the rope ladder.

They scrambled up. Seconds later they tumbled into the tree house.

Annie leaped to the window.

He' s going away! she said, panting.

Jack pushed his glasses into place.He looked through the window with her.

The Tyrannosaurus was wandering off.

But then the monster stopped and turned around.

Duck! said Jack.

The two of them hunched down.

After a long moment, they raised their heads. They peeked out again.

Coast clear ,” said Jack.

Yay,” whispered Annie.

We have to get out of here ,” said Jack.

You made a wish before ,” said Annie.

I wish we could go back to Frog Creek ,” said Jack.

Nothing happened.

I wish —”

Wait. You were looking at a picture in the dinosaur book. Remember?

The dinosaur book.

Jack groaned. Ohno. I left the book and my pack on the hill. I have to go back. Ohforget it ,” said Annie.

“I can't, said Jack. “The book doesn't belong to us. Plus my notebook ' s in my pack. Wit h all my notes.

Hurry! said Annie.

Jack hurried down the rope ladder.

He leaped to the ground.

He raced past the Pteranodon, through the ferns, through the tall grass, and up the hill.

He looked down.

There was his pack, lying on the ground. On top of it was the dinosaur book. But now the valley below was filled with Anatosauruses. All standing guard around the nests.

Where had they been? Did fear of the Tyrannosaurus send them home?

Jack took a deep breath.


He charged down the hill. He leaped to his backpack. He scooped it up.

He grabbed the dinosaur book.

A terrible tuba sound! Another! Another! All the Anatosauruses were bellowing at him. Jack took off.

He raced up to the hilltop.

He started down the hill.

He stopped.

The Tyrannosaurus rex was back!And he was standing between Jack and the tree house!

8巨大的影子 杰克跳到木兰树背后。

他的心跳得飞快,大脑都停止了思维。 他偷偷地盯着大怪物。那可怕的动物,它的大嘴巴一张一合的,牙齿大得像牛排刀。 别惊慌,想一想。

杰克悄悄地瞄了一下山谷。 好极了。鸭嘴龙正紧紧地呆在窝旁。 杰克回头看了看霸王龙。

很好。大怪物似乎还不知道他在那儿。 别惊慌,想一想,想一想。也许 书里有些信息。 杰克打开恐龙书,他找到了霸王龙。他读着: 霸王龙是有史以来陆地上最大的肉食类动物。如果它活到今天,它一口就可以吃掉一个人。

真是太厉害了。这本书什么忙也帮不上。 好吧,他不能藏在山的另一侧。鸭嘴龙可能蜂拥而至。 好吧,他也不能跑向树屋,霸王龙可是比他跑得快。 好吧,也许他只能等待了,等到大怪物离开。

杰克偷偷地从树后面看了一眼。 霸王龙已经摇摇晃晃地走近小山了。 杰克的眼睛突然定住了,安妮正从绳梯上走下来! 她疯了吗她要干什么 杰克看着安妮单脚跳下绳梯。

她径直走向无齿翼龙,同它交谈起来。她拍打着胳膊,她指了指杰克,指了指天空,指 了指树屋。

她真的是疯了! “回去!回到树上去!”杰克咕咕哝哝着。“快回树上去!” 突然间杰克听见了一声咆哮。


杰克卧倒在地。 霸王龙朝山上奔来。

杰克感觉到地动山摇。 他是应该跑或者爬回恐龙谷去还是爬到木兰树上去 这时一个巨大的影子遮住了杰克。他朝上看去。 无齿翼龙正滑过头顶。这只巨型的动物就要落到山顶上来。 它可是径直朝杰克飞来的。

8A Giant Shadow

Jack jumped behind the magnolia tree.

His heart was beating so fast he could hardly think.

He peeked out at the giant monster. The horrible-looking creature was opening and closing his huge jaws. His teeth were as big as steak knives.

Don't panic. Think.

Jack peered down at the valley.

Good. The duck-billed dinosaurs were sticking close to their nests.

Jack looked back at the Tyran-nosaurus.

Good. The monster still didn 't seem to know he was there.

Don't panic. Think. Think. Maybe there ' s information in the book.

Jack opened the dinosaur book. He found Tyrannosaurus rex. He read: Tyrannosaurus rex was the largest meat-eating land animal of all time. If it were alive today, it would eat a human in one bite. Great. The book was no help at all.

Okay. He couldn ' t hide on the other side of the hill. The Anatosauruses might


Okay. Hecouldn 't run to the tree house. The Tyrannosaurus might run faster. Okay. Maybe he should just wait. Wait for the monster to leave. Jack peeked around the tree.

The Tyrannosaurus had wandered closer to the hill.

Something caught Jack ' s eye. Annie was coming down the rope ladder!

Was she nuts! What was she doing?

Jack watched Annie hop off the ladder.

She went straight to the Pteranodon. She was talking to him. She was flapping her arms. She pointed at Jack, at the sky, at the tree house.

She was nuts!

Go!Go back up the tree! Jack whispered. Go!

Suddenly Jack heard a roar.

The Tyrannosaurus rex was looking in his direction.

Jack hit the ground.

The Tyrannosaurus rex was coming toward the hill.

Jack felt the ground shaking.

Should he run? Crawl back into Dinosaur Valley? Climb the magnolia tree?

Just then a giant shadow covered Jack. He looked up.

The Pteranodon was gliding overhead. The giant creature sailed down toward the top of the hill.

He was coming straight for Jack.


无齿翼龙滑落到地面上。 它那明亮、机灵的双眼盯着杰克。 杰克该怎么办呢爬到它的背上去“但是我太重了。”杰克想。 别多想了。行动吧!

杰克看了看霸王龙。 它开始上山了。它的巨齿在阳光下闪闪发亮。 好啦,别多想了,快行动吧! 杰克把书放进背包里,然后爬到无齿翼龙的背上。

他抓得紧紧的。 这个大动物向前移动了。它展开双翼——飞离了地面! 他们在空中摇摇晃晃,忽而这么摇,忽而那么晃。

杰克差一点跌下来。 无齿翼龙稳定一下自己,然后飞上蓝天。 杰克俯瞰着下面。霸王龙正仰望空中,眼睛一眨也不眨地看着他。


它在山顶上空翱翔。 它围着山谷盘旋,在满是宝宝的那些窝的上空盘旋,在鸭嘴龙的上空盘旋 接着无齿翼龙飞向一块草地的上空——三角龙正在高高的草丛里吃草。 这真是太奇妙了!这真是一个奇迹! 杰克感觉自己像一只鸟,轻得像一片羽毛。 风吹拂着他的头发。空气闻起来香甜清新。

他“嗬嗬”地叫着,笑着。 杰克难以置信:他现在是骑在远古的会飞的爬行动物的背上! 无齿翼龙飞过小溪,飞过羊齿植物和灌木丛。

然后它载着杰克飞到了大橡树底下。 当他们停下来后,杰克溜下这个动物的背,跳到了地面上。 无齿翼龙又再次起飞,飞向了蓝天。

“再见,亨利。”杰克低声说。 “你怎么样”安妮在树屋里大声叫。 杰克推了推眼镜。他继续凝视着无齿翼龙。

“杰克,你还好吗”安妮又喊。 杰克向上望着安妮。他笑了。

“谢谢你救了我的命。”他说,“这真是太有趣了。” “快爬上来!”安妮说。

杰克想站立起来,可他的双腿摇摇晃晃。 他感到有点头昏目眩。

“赶快!”安妮大叫着,“它来了!” 杰克回头一看。霸王龙正笔直朝他奔来! 杰克急忙奔向绳梯。他牢牢抓住绳梯,开始向上爬。




大橡树突然被什么东西砰地撞了一下。树屋像片树叶一样摇晃起来。 杰克和安妮跌进了书堆里。

“快许愿!”安妮喊着。 “我需要那本书,那本画有蛙溪镇的书!”杰克说,“书在哪儿呢” 他把其他的书推到旁边。他得找到那本关于宾夕法尼亚的书。

它在这儿! 他抓起书,打开它,找着有蛙溪树林的那幅画。 他找到了!杰克指着那幅画。

“我希望我们能回家去!”他大喊着。 萧萧的风声来了。起初还算温柔。

“赶快!”杰克大声喊。 风大了起来,开始飕飕地呼啸着。 树屋开始打转。

转得越来越快。 杰克闭上了双眼。他紧紧地抓住安妮。



9The Amazing Ride

The pteranodon coasted down to the ground.

He stared at Jack with his bright, alert eyes.

What was Jack supposed to do? Climb on? But I'mtoo heavy, thought Jack. Don't think. Just do it.

Jack looked at the Tyrannosaurus.

He was starting up the hill. His giant teeth were flashing in the sunlight.

Okay. Don't think. Just do it!

Jack put his book in his pack. Then he eased down onto the Pteranodon 's back. He held on tightly.

The creature movedforward. He spread out his wings and lifted off the ground! They teetered this way. Then that.

Jack nearly fell off.

The pteranodon steadied himself, then rose into the sky.

Jack looked down. The Tyrannosaurus was chomping the air and staring up at him. The Pteranodon glided away.

He sailed over the hilltop.

He circled over the valley. Over all the nests filled with babies. Over all

the giant duck-billed dinosaurs.

Then the Pteranodon soared out over the plain over the Triceratops who was grazing in the high grass.

It was amazing!It was a miracle!

Jack felt like a bird. As light as a feather.

The wind was rushing through his hair. The air smelled sweet and fresh.

He whooped. He laughed.

Jack couldn 't believe it. He was riding on the back of an ancient flying reptile! The Pteranodon sailed over the stream, over the ferns and bushes.

Then he carried Jack down to the base of the oak tree.

Whenthey cameto a stop,Jack slid off the cr eature 's back. And landed on the ground. Then the Pteranodon took off again and glided into the sky.

Bye, Henry, whispered Jack.

Are you okay? Annie shouted from the tree house.

Jack pushed his glasses into place. He kept staring up at the Pteranodon.

Jack, are you okay? Annie called.

Jack looked up at Annie. He smiled.

Thanks for saving my life, he said. That was really fun.

Climb up! said Annie.

Jack tried to stand. His legs were wobbly.

He felt a bit dizzy.

Hurry! shouted Annie. He's coming!

Jack looked around. The Tyrannosaurus was heading straight toward him!

Jack bolted to the ladder. He grabbed the sides and started up. Hurry!Hurry! screamed Annie.

Jack scrambled into the tree house.

He's coming toward the tree! Annie cried.

Suddenly something slammedagainst the oak tree. The tree house shook like a leaf. Jack and Annie tumbled into the books.

Make a wish! cried Annie.

is it?

He pushed some books aside. He had to find that book about Pennsylvania. There it was!

He grabbed it and tore through it, looking for the photograph of the Frog Creek woods. He found it! Jack pointed to the picture.

I wish we could go home! he shouted.

The wind began to moan. Softly at first.

Hurry! Jack yelled.

The wind picked up. It was whistling now.

The tree house started to spin.

It spun faster and faster.

Jack closed his eyes. He held on tightly to Annie.

Then everything was still.

Absolutely still.

10黄昏前的家 一只小鸟歌唱起来。


他悄悄地从树屋窗户往外看。外面的景色与画中的景色一模一样。 “我们到家了。”安妮低声说。

傍晚的阳光照射着树林。太阳快下山了。 时间仍停留在他们离开的时刻。

“杰——克!安——妮!”远处传来了喊声。 “是妈妈。”安妮说,手指着远处。 杰克看见了远处的妈妈。她站在他们房子的前面,看上去很小很小。 “安——妮!杰——克!”她喊着。

安妮把头伸出窗外,叫嚷着:“来啦!” 杰克仍感到恍恍惚惚,他目不转睛地看着安妮。

“到底发生了什么事”他说。 “一间神奇的树屋带我们进行了一次旅行。”安妮简单地说。 “但是现在和我们离开时是同一时刻。”杰克说。

安妮耸了耸肩。 “树屋是怎么把我们带到那么远的地方”杰克说,“那么古老的年代” “你刚好在看一本书, 说你希望去那儿。”安妮说,“于是神奇的树屋就把我们带到了那儿 “但是怎么会这样”杰克说,“谁建造了这间神奇的树屋谁把那些书放在了这里”


“一个有魔法的人” “啊,看。”杰克说,“我几乎把这个给忘了。”他把手伸进他的口袋里,掏出那块 金牌。“有人把这奖牌丢失在那儿……在的地盘上。看,在奖牌上面有一个字母‘ M ,

安妮的双眼睁圆了。“你认为 M指的就是有魔法的人”她说。

“我不知道。”杰克说,“我只知道有人在我们之前去过那个地方。” “杰——克!安——妮!”远处的喊声又传来了。

安妮把头伸出窗外。“来——啦!”她大叫着。 杰克把那块金牌放回口袋。

他从他的背包里掏出那本恐龙书,把它与其他书放在一起。 接着,他和安妮最后看了一眼树屋。


杰克把背包挂在肩膀上。他指了指绳梯。 安妮开始下绳梯。杰克跟在后面。 不大一会儿,他们跳到地面上,起步走出树林。












他们离开了树林,走上了通向家的街道。 当他们走过街道旁的所有房子时,在恐龙时代旅行的经历越来越像是在梦里了。 只有这个世界和这个时代似乎是真实的。


他摸到了镌刻的字母 M这让他的手指微微刺痛。

杰克笑了。他陡然间感到非常幸福。 他解释不了今天所发生的一切。 但是他坚信他们在神奇树屋里的旅行曾经确确实实地发生过。







“当然啰。”安妮说,“我同你比赛!” 他们一起跑了起来,向自己的家奔去。

10Home Before Dark

A bird began to sing.

Jack opened his eyes. He was still pointing at the picture of the Frog Creek woods. He peeked out the tree house window. Outside he saw the exact same view.

We're home, whispered Annie.

The woods were lit with a golden late-afternoon light. The sun was about to set.

No time had passed since they ' d left.

Ja-ack!An- nie! a voice called from the distance.

That 's Mom,said Annie, Pointing.

Jack saw their mother far away. She was standing in front of their house. She looked very tiny.

An-nie!Ja- ack! she called.

Annie stuck her head out the window and shouted, Come- ing!

Jack still felt dazed. He just stared at Annie.

What happened to us? he said.

We took a trip in a magic tree house, said Annie simply.

But it ' s the same time as when we left, said Jack.

Annie shrugged.

And how did it take us so far away? said Jack. And so long ago?

You just looked at a book and said you wished we could go there,

Said Annie. And the magic tree house took us there.

But how? said Jack. And who built this magic tree house?Who put all these books here?

A magic person,I guess, said Annie.

A magic person?

Oh, look, said Jack. I almost forgot about this. He reached into

his pocket and pulled out the gold medallion. Someoneolst this back there... in

dinosaur land. Look, there 's a letter M on it.

Annie 's eyes got round. You think M stands for magic person? she said.

I don't know,said Jack. I just know someonewent to that place before us.” “Ja-ack!An- nie! came the distant cry again.

Annie poked her head out the window. Come- ing! she shouted.

Jack put the gold medallion back in his pocket.

He pulled the dinosaur book out of his pack. And put it back with all the other books.

Then he and Annie took one last look around the tree house.

Good- bye, house, whispered Annie.

Jack slung his backpack over his shoulder. He pointed at the ladder.

Annie started down. Jack followed.

Seconds later they hopped onto the ground and started walking out of the woods. ,” said Jack.

said Annie.

said Jack.

said Annie.

said Jack.

said Jack.

said Annie.

said Jack.

said Annie. m starting to not believe it myself

They left the woods and started up the road toward their house.

As they walked past all the houses on their street the trip to dinosaur

time did seem more and more like a dream.

Only this world and this time seemed real.

Jack reached into his pocket. He clasped the gold medallion.

He felt the engraving of the letter M. It made Jack 's fingers tingle.

Jack laughed. Suddenly he felt very happy.

He couldn 't explain what had happened today. But he knew for sure that their trip in the magic tree house had been real.

Absolutely real.

Tomorrow,” Jack said softly ,“We' ll go back to the woods.

Of course ,” said Annie.

And we' ll climb up to the tree house ,” said Jack.

Of course ,” said Annie.

And we' ll see what happens next ,” said jack.

Of course ,” said Annie. Race you!

And they took off together running for home.


