
发布时间:2020-02-15 21:34:33   来源:文档文库   

english teaching summary

firstseize the opportunity and render english classroom

atmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students interest and curiosity.

secondthe full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching.

its always from easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. at the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the students learning interests to make the students thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. secondly, we should increase the teaching links

thirdpay attention to the people oriented to let students play the main role.

the past teaching often emphasizes the teachers leading, but only consider students as the object of education. and students mind is seen as the container that can be filled with knowledge.so education characteristics and students subjective initiative are ignored. teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body development.teachers should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students potential, drive the development

the basic view of human nature is the premise of the relationship between teachers and students. if educators believe that human nature is lazy, shiftless, the need for strict teachings is to enlightening conscience, then the authority type relationship between teachers and students should be the most effective. the traditional the teachers dignity is the embodiment of authoritative relation between teachers and students. the modern education view is that human nature is positive and upward with the potential for growth and progress. the purpose of education is to improve the development of the development of human potential. the

promotion of human, and authoritative type relationship between teachers and students will no doubt kill creativity and endowment of children.

in the teaching process, patience is very important. it is the embodiment of a teacher of good behavior. teachers job is to solve the problem of students of different degrees of problems, which in addition to teaching, but also the soul. the work of educating people is hard, because they must deal with all kinds of problems. and countless students should be faced with a warm heart patient. most of the students, especially the poor students , their english learning persistence and patience are poor, so while learning their mood is often in a state of suppression. they feel that learning is boring. therefore, in the classroom besides to give them participate in activities and the opportunity to speak, especially for their questions and doubts, even simple we teachers should also be patient to answer, and give support and praise, so to eliminate their heart fear and sense of loss is very favorable.

preparation and teaching process

students learning process

for most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. it seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. however, i found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. at that time, i felt nervous about my teaching effect. was my teaching method unsuitable for them?, i said to myself, but i had no time to think. i tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. it really worked. the students and i cooperated well during the following steps.

in my teaching process, i felt it a pity that i didnt give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which i thought i should keep in mind for future teaching. after the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. the organization of the class

in terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. they were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. from the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class.

warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. i was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. they could give correct answers when they stood up. the feedback information was ideal at this point.




《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个, 九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词?




3、重迁移。在教学中我们应提倡“新旧贯通”或叫“相互迁移”。其实这也是一个很好的学习方法pen----pencil-----pencil-box--day----today----monday----tuesday----yesterday,all---tall---ball----small 等等。

4、重趣味。英国著名语言家c.e 埃克斯利说:“教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法。”我们在单词教学中不能一味让学生死记硬背,而应尝试运用多种形式巧记。如采用儿歌、猜谜语、简笔画等形式。



新目标英语 》倡导以任务为基础的教学,也就是引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。任务的设计也就是要给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的应用。那么我们在教学中又应如何设计任务?




who how how long


who how how far how long

4、要注意 任务的合作性。任务的完成必须依赖于学习者之间的共同合作,每一个学习者在执行任务的过程中,都担当各自不同的角色,都需要提供自己所掌握的信息,在共同完成任务的过程中培养合作精神。


现在我们流行这样一种说法:一节课老师最多讲15分钟,剩下的要么是开展活动,要么就是让学生自学。《 新目标英语 》中每单元至少有两篇阅读材料,我们现在一般都采用阅读教学法,通过发现问题、分析问题、解决问题来获得知识,强调自学与合作学习。那么在课堂教学中教师到底要不要讲?究竟应该怎样讲?





4、合作中提示讲:当学生在合作学习中不能抓住要点进行有效合作时,教师要进行提示性讲解,以使合作有效、深入。 5、总结时补充讲:在总结一节课、一篇材料的阅读情况时,在学生概括、总结的基础上,教师要及时进行补充,以进一步进行提炼和归纳,从而使总结更加完整、准确。


新目标英语 》中没有突出音标教学,但为了帮助学生掌握单词,改变学生从一开始学英语就处于被动的学习地位的现状,我们必须进行音标教学。那么,我们如何在新形势下教学音标?




新目标英语 》倡导和鼓励任务型语言教学模式。也就是让学生通过表达、沟通、交涉、解释、询问等各种语言活动形式来学习和掌握语言。这套教材图文并茂、实用性强,交际性强。如八年级(上)中的unit6重点是讲授形容词的比较级,教材中除了少数的几个例句,根本没有提到任何语法规则。但是在教学实践中到底要不要教学语法?语法教学应受到多大的重视?

我认为应该教学语法,应该重视语法教学。当然,我强调语法教学的重要性并不是要回复到传统的语法教学模式中去,而是强调培养学习者的语法意识 widdowson 在一次演讲中指出,语言由两部分内容组成,一部分是综合的,记忆中的词块;另一部分是分析性的语法规则。语法在语言中起的是调节性的作用,但是这一功能必不可少。不学语法是不可能真正学会一种语言的。事实上,在农村大多数学生在离开课堂之后并没有多少听说英语的机会,他们十分缺少环境英语的反复刺激。而在课堂中学到的毕竟有限,如果让他们掌握了规律,那么在任何时候他们都能通过思考,转化成自己的知识,继而形成语言能力。一旦有了良好的外语交际环境,学生们自然也就能自如地运用。


