
发布时间:2023-02-28 23:43:41   来源:文档文库   

供你参考和阅读! 暑假计划英语作文篇1 Dream vacation finally arrived, when no holiday, I also look forward to during the day, night to night, finally gave to this beautiful holiday, the following is my vacation plan, let me to talk about it! A, do homework, Assignments must be serious to complete, whether left by Chinese teacher, or a mathematics teacher leave, or written neatly, accuracy is strong, don't write assiduously, can write forty minutes, rest for 10 minutes, break time can get something to eat, go out to play for a while, but not more than ten minutes, ok, the first task so much! Second, learn English Again for a year, I'm going to top junior high school, in this wonderful holiday, I want to learn the junior middle school English, make a preparation, win 1 8

back five words every day, remember firmly, etc on the junior high school doesn't have to worry about, to do perseverance, don't give up. Third, play After memoriing the words, I can have a good time, you don't want to say that I am greedy, as the saying goes: to combine labor and labor. First of all I want to play computer, then draw, finally watch cartoon, listen to song, go to the little square to play, ha ha, a look to want to smile. Fourth, do the housework the reward Every day, I want to help my mother do the housework, but, this thing is not white dry, sweeping 5 jiao, wipe the table 5 jiao, wash clothes 1 yuan, pour garbage 1 yuan...... Not only is it fun, but it's a great deal to buy books, stationery, and things you love about housework. I have to do it this holiday season! 梦寐以求的假期终于来到了,在没放假的时候,我就白天也盼,夜里夜盼,终于把这美好的假期给盼来了,下面就是我的假期计划,就让我来为大家讲述一下吧! 2 8


