
发布时间:2014-03-31 18:34:42   来源:文档文库   


1. 夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的力气了;巩固这个胜利,则是要很长的时间和要花费很大的力气的事情。

2. 他小的时候,他妈叫他去买红塘,他买了白糖回来。

3. 虽然中国妇女在平等方面取得了巨大的进步,但还未完全实现平等就业机会。

4. 我想,富人们大概过不惯冷清的郊野的冬天,都集向热闹的城市里去了。

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5. 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。

6. 冬天,在四周围都是山地的这里,看见太阳的日子真实太少了。今天,难得雾是这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一切,好像也照上一层欢笑的颜色。

7. 这对夫妇不久前添置了一套新家具,现在又买了辆新车,他们家的情况一定是好转起来了。

8. 如果是20年前来到张家界国家森林公园,泥泞的山路可能会让游客的兴致打一些折扣。

9. 红十字会已开始一项重大的克隆工程,该工程与培育用于器官捐献的转基因猪有关。

11. 必须采取措施,改善投资环境,切实制止对企业乱摊乱排、乱收费的错误做法。

12. 她坐在那儿注视着,觉得眼前的景象,既是始终如一,又是变化多端,既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗,既是庄严肃穆,又是轻松愉快。

13. 经过整整一个未眠之夜,办公室里的所有人都显得苍白,眼睛下方都暴出了黑眼圈。

14. 孩子要喂,房间要收拾,我不得不赶在商店关门之前去买蔬菜和猪肉。

15. 有时候,在工作中重要的倒是能否处理好人际关系而不是有多大的才能。人际关系就是一种善于听取别人意见,体察别人的需要,虚心接受批评的能力。善于处理人际关系的人敢于承认错误,敢于承担自己的责任,这是对待错误的一种成熟和负责任的态度。这就是为什么许多平平庸庸的公司雇员在大调整中保住了位置,而有才能的人反而下岗。因为他们很注意处理各方面的关系,所以八面玲珑,到处有缘。而人际关系差的人往往不能处理好批评。碰到错误,他们首先想到自己,拒不承认自己有错,或情绪低落或大发雷霆,成为有刺的人,难以相处。


1. In reality, the lines of division between sciences are becoming blurred, and science again approaching the “unity” that it had two centuries ago—although the accumulated knowledge is enormously greater now, and no one person can hope to comprehend more than a fraction of it.

2. When Smith was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.

3. And without question, we must do more to counter a threat that shows more clearly than any other how closely our nations’ facts are linked:the threat of global warming.

4. But now it is realized that supplies of some of minerals are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.

5. I had spent a long day on a hired mule before the mail carrier who had been my guide pointed to a cabin on the far side of a stream, mutely refused the money I offered, and rode on.

6. They (the poor) are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.

7. There is a tide taken at the flood in the affairs not only of men but of women too, which leads on to fortune.

8. A friendly correspondence as neighbors and old acquaintances had continued between me and Mrs. Read’s family, who all had a regard for me from the time of my first lodging in their house.

9. Any man on the street scarcely realizes that whereas the disappearance, or even what we see in some quarters, the continuous neglect and degradation of the teaching profession, must mean a disaster to the entire nation.

10. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.


