
发布时间:2013-02-06 04:23:02   来源:文档文库   











雷锋(19401962) 中国人民解放军全心全意为人民服务的楷模,共产主义战士。湖南望城县人。1949年参加儿童团,担任儿童团长。1954年加入了中国少年先锋队。1956年在乡人民政府当通讯员。不久,调到中共望城县委当公务员,被评为工作模范。195728加入中国共产主义共青团。曾参加沩水工程、团山湖农场和鞍钢的建设,多次被评为劳动模范和先进生产者。1960年参加中国人民解放军,被编入工程兵某部运输连四班,当汽车兵,同年加入中国共产党。当抚顺望花区和平人民公社成立时,他把自己在工厂和部队积存的100元钱捐献给公社。当他得知辽阳地区遭受百年不遇的大水灾时,又将 100元寄给了辽阳市委。他还十分关心少年儿童的成长,担任驻地附近小学少先队辅导员。在入伍不到三年的时间里,荣立二等功一次、三等功两次,被评为节约标兵,荣获模范共青团员称号,出席过沈阳部队共青团代表会议。1961年升为班长,被选为抚顺市人民代表。1962815因公殉职。196317国防部命名他生前所在的班为雷锋班。同年35日毛泽东亲笔题词向雷锋同志学习。周恩来题词向雷锋同志学习:憎爱分明的阶级立场,言行一致的革命精神,公而忘私的共产主义风格,奋不顾身的无产阶级斗志。朱德题词学习雷锋,做毛主席的好战士


1 人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限为人民服务之中去。




























雷锋,原名雷正兴, 19401218日,雷锋出生在湖南省长沙望城县简家塘一个贫苦农民家里。因为这一年是农历庚辰年,给他取了个小名叫庚伢子



父亲雷明亮,参加过毛主席领导的湖南农民运动,当过自卫队长。一九三八年被抓去,遭到国民党的毒打,造成内伤残疾,回到家乡后边养病边种地勉强度日。一九四四年又遭到日寇毒打,伤势更加严重,翌年秋天终于死去。哥哥雷正德,十二岁时外出当了童工,在繁重劳动的折磨下得了童子痨(肺结核)。一天,他突然昏倒在机器旁,轧伤了胳膊和手指。被解雇后又到一家印染作坊当了童工,由于劳累过度,肺病加重,又无钱医治,没几天就死去了。 弟弟也因为饥饿而死去。雷锋6岁的时候,家里只剩下了他和妈妈两个人。雷锋的妈妈也是一个受尽折磨的苦命的人。她是铁匠的女儿,生下来几天,由于过于贫穷,父母没能力抚养,就把她送进长沙一家育婴堂,简家塘一个姓杨的妇女把她抱回家抚养,6岁时把她送给雷家做了童养媳。后来,雷锋的母亲被地主唐四滚子凌辱而自尽。

雷锋在不满七岁时就成了孤儿。邻居家的六叔奶奶收养了他。他为了帮助六叔奶奶家,常常上山砍柴,可是,当地的柴山全都被地主婆霸占了,不许穷人去砍柴。有一天雷锋到蛇形山砍柴,被徐家地主婆看见了,这个地主婆指着雷锋破口大骂,要雷锋把柴运到她家,并抢走了柴刀,雷锋哭喊着要夺回砍柴刀,可那地主婆竟举起柴刀在雷锋的左手背上连砍三刀,鲜血顺着手指滴落在山路上。雷锋赶忙捂住伤口,忍住疼,两眼瞪着地主婆,心想:总有一天,我要报仇!从此,雷锋手背上留下三条伤疤。 19498月,湖南解放时,小雷锋便找到路过的解放军连长要求当兵。连长没同意,但把一支钢笔送给他。1950年,雷锋当了儿童团团长,积极参加土改。同年夏,乡政府的党支书供他免费读书,后来加入少先队。



因公殉职后,196317日,国防部命名他生前所在班为雷锋班196331日, 朱德题词:学习雷锋做毛主席的好战士。”196335日,毛泽东同志亲笔题词:向雷锋同志学习。刘少奇题词:学习雷锋同志平凡而伟大的共产主义精神。周恩来题词:向雷锋同志学习:憎爱分明的阶级立场,言行一致的革命精神,公而忘私的共产主义风格,奋不顾身的无产阶级斗志。此后,掀起全国人民特别是青少年向雷锋学习的热潮。此后,每年三月五日便成了全民学雷锋的日子。雷锋是一位伟大的共产主义战士、全心全意为人民服务的楷模。

Lei Feng newspaper content
Lei Feng newspaper data
Lei Feng memorial day and its influence:
Since March 5, 1963, central leader Mao Zedong wrote," issued to Comrade Lei Feng learns " great appeal, March 5th of each year as" Lei Feng Memorial day". From then on, people singing" learn good example of the Lei Feng song" doing good deeds, affect several generations.
In March 5, 1990, Jiang Zemin and other party and state leaders inscription separately, calling on people across the country to learn from Lei Feng, to carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng, for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics and work. In a wide range of lasting development study Lei Feng activities, army units and on all fronts on the emergence of a large number of Lei Feng's heroes and models. The spirit of Lei Feng cultivated a new generation after generation growth. Lei Feng 's exemplary deeds and noble thoughts have great influence in the military and.
The spirit of Lei Feng is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation is a kind of accumulation, is a with the progress of the times and continue to develop the spirit of advancing with the times. The Lei Feng that put one's heart and soul into serving the people, have a limited life into the limitless service to the people of the spirit, that kind of love a line, post of base oneself upon work hard and perseveringly professionalism, the comrades of the masses, as warm as spring, the spirit of sacrifice oneself to protect others, find in helping others, is in the construction of harmonious society must vigorously carry forward and promote the.

" Learn good example" Lei Feng song" good example" Lei Feng inspired generations of Chinese people to Comrade Lei Feng to do a never rusty screw, unknown to the public service for people.
Lei Feng maxim:
Only a drop of water into the sea will not dry up, a person only when he put himself and the collective enterprise of the time together can be the most powerful.
A flower dress a beautiful spring, one advanced always single-handed, they advanced to remove mountains and fill seas.
We are the masters of the country, should be everywhere for the sake of the country.
A man 's life is limited, but there is no limit to serving the people. I will dedicate my limited life to the limitless job of serving the people.
To treat comrades like the spring warmth, work should be treated as hot as summer, treat individualism like gangbusters, treat enemies will be like winter as ruthless.
... ... If you are a drop of water, you moisten an inch of land? If you are the sun line, do you light up a dark? If you are a food, whether you feed the useful life? If you are one of the smallest screw, do you always keep the post in your life? If you want to tell us what we thought, you are the most beautiful day exaggerates ideal? Since you live, whether you also future of human life in order to pay for your work, making the world a more beautiful day by day? I want to ask you, what the future brings? Warehouse in life, we should not only an endless payer.

O, youth ! It is always beautiful. However, youth belongs to those who aim real high, strive for the best, selflessly work hard and show modesty.
Power comes from solidarity, wisdom comes from labor, the action comes from the thought, from the collective honor.
In the work, to the highest enthusiasm comrades in line, in the life, to the lowest level of comrade.
People who mind only, not for their own people, will certainly be able to get the honor and prestige. Conversely, if the mind only individuals, not people, they will sooner or later by people disgustful.
The world's most honorable thing ---- labor. The world's most decent people ---- workers.
Some people say that the work of busy, no time to learn. I think the problem is not in the busy work, but that you are willing to learn, will find time. To study the time is there, the problem is whether we are not good crowd, willing to drill.
Lei Feng's life story:
雷锋,原名雷正兴, 19401218,雷锋出生在湖南省长沙望城县简家塘一个贫苦农民家里。因为这一年是农历“庚辰”年,给他取了个小名叫“庚伢子”。
Lei Feng, Lei Zhengxing, in December 18, 1940, Lei Feng was born in Hunan Province, Changsha Wangcheng County Jian Jiatang a poor farmer's family in. Because of this year is the" Geng Chen" years, gave him a small child named" g".
Lei Feng was born, it is period of war of resistance against Japan, people living in dire straits. Lei Feng worked in a diary he wrote:" my family was very poor, father, mother, brother, brother, died in the national enemy and class the hands of the enemy, that a blood feud, I never mind."

Lei Feng's grandfather is Lei Xinting, to rent landlord land to make a living, a year of hard work, but still unable to maintain his family, finally was seriously ill, be completely bedridden. To the end of the year, the landlord to dun, to Lei in the years before Lei Xinting paid rent and debt, insolvent, intersection anger, in have the Spring Festival firecracker sound was to be beaten to death.
父亲雷明亮,参加过毛主席领导的湖南农民运动,当过自卫队长。一九三八年被抓去,遭到国民党的毒打,造成内伤残疾,回到家乡后边养病边种地勉强度日。一九四四年又遭到日寇毒打,伤势更加严重,翌年秋天终于死去。哥哥雷正德,十二岁时外出当了童工,在繁重劳动的折磨下得了童子痨(肺结核)。一天,他突然昏倒在机器旁,轧伤了胳膊和手指。被解雇后又到一家印染作坊当了童工,由于劳累过度,肺病加重,又无钱医治,没几天就死去了。 弟弟也因为饥饿而死去。雷锋6岁的时候,家里只剩下了他和妈妈两个人。雷锋的妈妈也是一个受尽折磨的苦命的人。她是铁匠的女儿,生下来几天,由于过于贫穷,父母没能力抚养,就把她送进长沙一家育婴堂,简家塘一个姓杨的妇女把她抱回家抚养,6岁时把她送给雷家做了童养媳。后来,雷锋的母亲被地主唐四滚子凌辱而自尽。
Father Lei Mingliang, participated in the leadership of Chairman Mao in Hunan peasant movement, as a self-defense force captain. 1938 was arrested by the Kuomintang, beaten, causing internal injuries disability, returned to his hometown side back rest and recuperation farming scrape. Also in 1944 the Japanese were beaten, injured more severely, finally dying in autumn. Brother Lei Zhengde, at the age of twelve when the child goes out, in the heavy labor of torture had Tongzilao ( tuberculosis). One day, he suddenly collapsed in the machine, arm and fingers cut off. After being fired into a printing and dyeing factory as a child, due to overwork, pulmonary disease, and no money for treatment, only a few days to die. Brother because of starvation. When Lei Feng was 6 years old, home to only two people he and his mother. Lei Feng's mother is a tortured wretch. She is the daughter of a blacksmith, was born a few days, because of poor, parents do not have the ability raise, should put her in Changsha a foundling, Jian Jiatang is a family name poplar woman brought her home to raise, at the age of 6she gave Lei made a child bride. Later, Lei Feng's mother was the landlord of Tang Si roller insults and suicide.
雷锋在不满七岁时就成了孤儿。邻居家的六叔奶奶收养了他。他为了帮助六叔奶奶家,常常上山砍柴,可是,当地的柴山全都被地主婆霸占了,不许穷人去砍柴。有一天雷锋到蛇形山砍柴,被徐家地主婆看见了,这个地主婆指着雷锋破口大骂,要雷锋把柴运到她家,并抢走了柴刀,雷锋哭喊着要夺回砍柴刀,可那地主婆竟举起柴刀在雷锋的左手背上连砍三刀,鲜血顺着手指滴落在山路上。雷锋赶忙捂住伤口,忍住疼,两眼瞪着地主婆,心想:“总有一天,我要报仇!”从此,雷锋手背上留下三条伤疤。 19498月,湖南解放时,小雷锋便找到路过的解放军连长要求当兵。连长没同意,但把一支钢笔送给他。1950年,雷锋当了儿童团团长,积极参加土改。同年夏,乡政府的党支书供他免费读书,后来加入少先队。

Lei Feng is seven years of age when he became an orphan. Neighbor six tertiary grandma adopted him. He in order to help the six tertiary grandma, often the mountain wood, however, local Wood Hill were all landlord occupied, not poor people to chop wood. One day Lei Feng to Snake Hill wood, by Alex landlord saw, the landlord at Lei Feng shout abuse, asked Lei Feng to give Chai Yun to her house, and stole the Chai Dao, Lei Feng cried out to recapture wood knife, but the landlord was raised in Lei Feng wood knife back of the left hand chopped three knife, blood dripping down the finger in the mountain road. Lei Feng hastened to cover the wound, back pain, glaring at the landlord, I thought:" one day, I will take vengeance!" Since then, Lei Feng on the back of three left a scar. In 1949August, when Hunan was liberated, little Lei Feng went to pass by the liberation army commander asked a soldier. The company commander didn't agree, but gave a pen to him. In 1950, Lei Feng became the children's troupe, actively taking part in the land reform. Summer the same year, the township government party branch secretary of the party for his free school, later joined the young pioneers.
The summer of 1956, he graduated from primary school in the township government as a messenger, and soon transferred to Wangcheng County as a civil servant, was named organs Lei Feng in Wuhan model workers, and in 1957 joined the Communist Youth league. The spring of 1958, Lei Feng to round lake farm, only a week to learn to drive the tractor. In September the same year, Lei Feng responds to support the Anshan call to Liaoning, Anshan as a bulldozer hand. In August, he returned to the tough Gongchangling participate in the coking plant infrastructure, led the fight to keep the partners in7200 bags of cement from losses, at the time of the" Liaoyang daily" reported the story. In Anshan and the coking plant during the work, he has3 times been rated as advanced workers,5were rated as", be judged 18 times to be red-banner pacesetter, and won the" young socialist activist " title of honor.
In 1959December draft began, Lei Feng urged the army, coking plant leadership was reluctant to let him go. Lei Feng runs a few miles to Liaoyang City Service Bureau (now the people's Armed Forces Department ) that the army 's determination. He is only 1.54 meters in height, weight55 kg, were not consistent with the conditions of conscription, but due to the political quality and have excellent experience in technology, was finally approved enlisted. In the people's Liberation Army, corps of engineers into a transport company four class, monitor. He put one's heart and soul into serving the people, as long as it is beneficial to the people, he will be most willing to do. He had many contributions, was named managing model and exemplary Communist Youth league. In 1960November to join the party, and was elected to the Fushun City People's representative. In 1962August killed on duty.
因公殉职后,196317,国防部命名他生前所在班为“雷锋班”。196331 朱德题词:“学习雷锋做毛主席的好战士。”196335,毛泽东同志亲笔题词:“向雷锋同志学习。” 刘少奇题词:“学习雷锋同志平凡而伟大的共产主义精神。”周恩来题词:“向雷锋同志学习:憎爱分明的阶级立场,言行一致的革命精神,公而忘私的共产主义风格,奋不顾身的无产阶级斗志。”此后,掀起全国人民特别是青少年向雷锋学习的热潮。此后,每年三月五日便成了全民学雷锋的日子。雷锋是一位伟大的共产主义战士、全心全意为人民服务的楷模。
Died in office, January 7, 1963, the Ministry of defence was the class named "Lei Feng class". In March 1, 1963, Zhu De inscription:" learn Lei Feng to be a good soldier of chairman mao." March 5, 1963, Comrade Mao Zedong holograph epigraph:" learn to Comrade Lei Feng." Liu Shaoji wrote an inscription:" to learn Comrade Lei Feng to ordinary but great Communist spirit." Zhou Enlai inscription:" to Comrade Lei Feng learning: hate love clear class position, match word to deed the revolutionary spirit, selfless communist style, to forget about one's own proletarian fight." Thereafter, a national the people especially the youth learn to Lei Feng craze. Since then, every year in March 5th became a national Lei Feng day. Lei Feng is a great fighter for communism, put one's heart and soul into serving the people of the model.


