
发布时间:2023-05-24 18:14:12   来源:文档文库   


A sudden virus made this spring festival very different. The previous Spring Festival trips, family visits and friends gatherings were all cancelled. The epidemic affects the hearts of everyone in the country. Everyone is fighting against the virus in their own way. Our family of three is no exception.
我的爸爸妈妈都是警察,大年初三他们就回到了工作岗位,和很多行业的叔叔阿姨们一起奋战在疫情的第一线。他们不停的在辖区里巡逻,提醒市民戴上口罩。他们查宾馆,查饭店,查消毒器材是否齐全。他们进社区,入各家宣传疫情防护。他们还到疫区回来的人员家走访,询问隔离情况,翻阅体温记录表,我每天都为他们提心吊胆,怕他们接触到可怕的冠状病毒。那天我在电视上看到 逆行者 这个词,我觉得他们和所有冲在抗击冠状病毒第一线的叔叔阿姨们,都是最美的逆行者!
My parents are all policemen. On the third day of the lunar new year, they went back to work and fought in the front line of the epidemic together with uncles and aunts in many industries. They constantly patrol the area to remind people to wear masks. They check hotels, check hotels, check whether the disinfection equipment

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is complete. They go into the community and publicize the epidemic prevention. They also visited the homes of the people who came back from the epidemic area, inquired about the isolation situation, and looked through the temperature records. I was very worried about them every day for fear that they would be exposed to the terrible coronavirus. I saw the word rebel on TV that day. I think they and all the aunts and uncles in the front line of the fight against coronavirus are the most beautiful rebel!
爸爸妈妈冲在抗击疫情的第一线,作为一名 红领巾 我也不能落后,虽然我只能 家里,但是我也能用自己的方式为抗击病毒贡献一份力量。我听从学校的安排,乖乖待在家里写作业,每天认真做到:勤洗手,多通风,好好吃饭,作息规律,不给病毒可乘之机,不给祖国妈妈添乱。我用画笔画出 武器 ,打败冠状病毒,我还编了一首防治冠状病毒的儿歌,提醒大家做好防护,还有幸在铜陵日报小记者专栏发表了。

Mom and dad rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. As a red scarf , I can t fall behind. Although I can only live at home, I can also contribute to the fight against the virus in my own way. I listened to the arrangement of the school and stayed at home to do my homework. Every day, I did it carefully: wash hands frequently, ventilate more, eat well, work and rest regularly, do not give the virus a chance, and do not make trouble for my mother country. I used my brush to draw weapons to defeat the coronavirus. I also compiled a nursery rhyme to prevent and control the coronavirus, reminding you to do a good job in protection. Fortunately, I published it in the small reporter column of Tongling daily.

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