此次疫情感悟英语作文 抗击冠状病毒心得体会

发布时间:2021-04-25   来源:文档文库   


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学生此次疫情感悟英语作文 抗击冠状病毒心得体会 当前,新型冠状病毒感染导致的肺炎疫情牵动国人的心。友见面、微信聊天、朋友圈分享,几乎三句不离最新疫情的进展。讨论的背后是人们对疫情的关注,也是对自身、家人健康的担忧。自疫情发生以来,一些人为了个人利益,在网络上制造传播散布谣言营造恐怖氛围,利用消费者焦虑哄抬物价获取暴利,不仅加剧了人们的焦虑,更影响社会秩序。疫情面前任何人无法置身事外,所有人唯有放下私利才能打赢这场战役。
At present, the novel coronavirus infection caused pneumonia epidemic affects the hearts of the Chinese people. Friends meet, wechat chat and friends circle share, almost three sentences are inseparable from the latest progress of the epidemic. Behind the discussion is people's concern about the epidemic, as well as their own and family health. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, some people, for their own interests, have spread rumors on the Internet to create a terrorist atmosphere, using consumer anxiety to drive up prices for huge profits, which not only aggravates people's anxiety, but also affects social order. In the face of the
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epidemic, no one can stay away from it. Only by putting aside their own interests can we win the battle. 每一个人都应当成为谣言的止者。朋友间传递信息,相互提醒本无可非议,疫情面前相互提醒值得提倡,但故意造谣严重事态危言耸听,则超出应有的范围。这种为博取观众眼球而消费大众焦虑的行为,将对社会秩序带来严重危害。在互联网时代,谣言的危害会被成倍放大,尤其现在抗击疫情的紧急时刻,对社会的危害难以估量。因此,制止谣言的捏造,终止谣言的传播,是我们每一个人的责任。
Everyone should stop the rumor. It's beyond reproach for friends to pass on information and remind each other. It's worth advocating to remind each other in front of the epidemic situation, but deliberately spreading rumors of serious situation and alarmism is beyond the scope. This kind of behavior of consuming public anxiety in order to win the audience's attention will bring serious harm to social order. In the Internet age, the harm of rumors will be multiplied. Especially in the emergency of fighting against the epidemic, the harm to society is immeasurable. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each of us to stop the fabrication and spread of rumors. www.zuowenla.cn 疫情面前所有人应当承担起应有的社会责任。近日,专家呼
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Everyone should bear the social responsibility before the epidemic. In recent days, experts have called on people in Wuhan not to go to Wuhan if there is no need, and people in Wuhan not to leave Wuhan if there is no need. Although everyone has the freedom of movement, the overall situation of the epidemic should still be the most important. 疫情的防治考验着我们,这不仅是一场医疗人员的战斗,是一场全民的战斗。对抗疫情,我们不能心存侥幸,但必须清醒冷静。唯有众志成城,才能形成战胜疫情的合力。
The prevention and control of the epidemic is testing us. It is not only a battle for medical personnel, but also a battle for the whole people. We can't take chances in fighting the epidemic, but we must be sober and calm. Only when we are united can we form a joint force to overcome the epidemic.

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《此次疫情感悟英语作文 抗击冠状病毒心得体会.doc》
