
发布时间:1714392239   来源:文档文库   

今天是学校军训第三天,教官来得较晚了些很多同学就吵吵闹闹的,一发不可收拾,使军训变成了一锅粥,直等到教官来了,才老实了一点,可还是有几个后面的男同学在讲小话和做小动作,后来竟然有几位同学帽子没带;还有几个同学迟到了! Today is the third day of school military training, the instructor came late, many students were noisy, irremediable, so that military training into a pot of porridge, until the instructor came, only a little honest, but there are still a few male students behind in small talk and small action, and then a few students did not wear hats; Some of my classmates are late! 教官瞪了他们几眼,而那些男生都觉得:这么小的事值得这样么?而我深深地知道军令如山,军令就是命令,既不可违反,也不可推辞,解释就是狡辩!
The instructor glared at them a few times, and the boys thought: Is such a small thing worth doing? And I deeply know that military orders are like mountains. Military orders are orders. They can neither be violated nor excused. Explanation is cunning! 我读过《三国演义》,也听过戚继光的故事,知道三国战乱,战死很多人,而刘备的兵马无一逃走,个个为主子抛头颅,洒热
I have read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and heard the story of Qi Jiguang, who knows that the war in the Three Kingdoms killed many people, but none of Liu Bei's soldiers and horses escaped, throwing their heads and blood for their masters; Qi's military orders were like mountains, even in heavy rain, no Qi Jiguang's orders, nobody dared to move, and stood for a whole day without complaints. "Military commands are like mountains, military commands are like mountains, military commands are like mountains." These four big words in my mind are reluctant to disperse, as if engraved in my heart, never fade!



