
发布时间:2020-04-16 07:55:46   来源:文档文库   


  "Rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go." Also is when a year purebrightness, this is not only the grass sprout out of the earth, a season of spring garden, miss is also a patriarch, mourning ancestors festival. Make fine spring rain with our grief, drifting into the distance...

  Tomb-sweeping day is one of the lunar 24 solar terms in the air with spring, which is 106 days after the winter solstice. But the qingming festival as a holiday, and pure solar term is different, it also contains some custom and some memorable: as a traditional festival in China, there have been the custom of ancestor worship and grave since ancient times. Although along with the advance of life, Chinese traditional festival atmosphere has gradually comfort, but in recent years, people began to pay attention to the festival culture develop and inheritance. The tomb-sweeping day, overcast, under the drizzle. My mother and I together, come to the grave of the dead relatives. We clean up the dust in the grave field, mother said nothing, just silently in front of the piece of white marble tombstone, gently put a bunch of little Daisy. Gentle rain wet it yellow petals, dancing and wet with our hair, and his chest that a small white flower. Mother brought water especially fruits gong offering in the tomb, will the paper incineration, let it in the wind like a white butterfly. I stand in front of the tomb, and her mother together low head, a moment of silence for the loved ones died. Flying powder with our deep miss, fly to the distant heaven, may all the dead to rest in peace... I don't know how to face it down the two lines of tears. May be due to the dead You can also contribute to honor ancestors, or is this sad bleak scene makes me tears involuntarily flow.

  It also reminds me of martyrs cemetery for the martyrs and mourning in silence. Think that year, the soldiers to stability of the motherland, the people's happiness and shed their blood no concern for their own life, with the feelings of death on the battlefield heroic struggles, the charge. Without their sacrifice, also change not to today's good life. Memory of our revolutionary, inherit their spirit, carry forward our glorious traditions of the Chinese nation, is how no matter what you do not forget things all the time. In this season, is to let our patriotism and the martyrs remembrance is more and more strong.

  This seems to be supposed to the day of grief, but mother was proposed we go to the countryside to play, fly a kite. I wanted to think, it is the essence of tomb-sweeping day for an outing XunChun good season. We went on a journey XunChun, enjoy spring, go on spring outing. I smell the fragrance of the soil and the air moist, in a world of laughter, and green embrace the beautiful spring, at the same time also more deeply understand to the qingming festival deeper connotation.

  Also is when a year purebrightness, ching Ming festival brings the grief and miss when we worship ancestors grave, outing outside of relaxation and pleasure. The festival will not ethos as the wave flow of time, it conveys meaning and cultural connotation will be passed down generations. Our holiday -- tomb-sweeping day, is never clear...


  清明节是农历二十四节气之一,在仲春与暮春之交,也就是冬至后的106天。但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同,它还包含着一定的风俗和某种纪念意义:作为我国的传统节日,自古代历来就有祭祖、扫墓的习俗。虽然随着生活的持续进步,中国传统节日的气氛已逐步淡远,但近几年来,人们又开始注重起节日文化的发扬与传承。那个清明节,天阴沉沉的,下着毛毛细雨。我和母亲一起,来到了逝去亲人的墓前。我们把墓前空地的灰尘打扫干净,母亲什么也没有说,仅仅默默的在那块汉白玉砌成的墓碑前面,轻轻地放上了一束小雏菊。轻柔的雨点打湿了它嫩黄的花瓣,也打湿了我们的飞舞的头发,和胸前那一朵小白花。母亲把带来的水酒食果品贡祭在墓前,将那些纸钱焚化,让它随风像白蝴蝶般灰飞烟灭。我站在墓前,和母亲一起低着头,为去世的亲人而默哀。飞舞的纸灰寄托着我们深深的怀念,飞向遥远的天国,愿所有的逝者都得以安息……我不知怎样,脸庞不觉竟拆了两行泪。或许是出于对逝者 你也能够投稿 ,对先祖的缅怀,抑或是这悲情凄冷的场面令我的眼泪不自觉地流下来。





