
发布时间:1714374913   来源:文档文库   

People are usually awed by the roaring sea,but often overlook the sparkle of each droplet;People usually marvel at endless grasslands,but seldom notice each blade of green grass;People are usually entranced by the colours of spring,but rarely pay attention to each flower's aroma. Walking on the streets,perhaps no one notices the ordinary people,but they are the ones who bring love and hope in the midst of the deluge. Let's salute these ordinary heroes,and thank these kind and brave people! 人们震撼于大海的波涛汹涌,却记不起每一滴水的晶莹;人们惊叹于草原的一望无际,却记不起每一棵草的青翠;人们陶醉于春天的烂漫多姿,却记不起每一朵花的芬芳。走在城市的街道上,谁都不会注意那些平凡得让你过目即忘的人,但正是他们,在暴风雨来临时,书写了人间大爱。
致敬凡人英雄!让我们齐声向善良而勇敢的你们说句“谢谢” He is a ride-hailing driver. 他是网约车司机。
He rescued dozens of people in the Jingguang Road Tunnel. 京广路隧道连救数人。
On July 22nd,a video of a man rescuing five people in

Zhengzhou's Jingguang Road Tunnel earned tens of thousands of likes.Netizens volunteered to learn this righteous and courageous hero's identity and finally discovered he is Yang Junkui,a veteran. 722日前后,一则“男子在郑州京广路隧道连救数人”的视频获得数以万计的点赞,全网开始寻找这位见义勇为的英雄。他,就是退伍军人杨俊魁。
Yang is now a ride-hailing driver.His act exemplifies the maxim that"omnipotent heroes do not fall from the sky;it is only ordinary mortals who bravely stand up." 现任网约车司机的老杨,让我们真正理解了“没有从天而降的英雄,只有挺身而出的凡人”这句话。
Around 17:00 on July 20th,Yang drove into the Jingguang North Road Tunnel and saw rainwater pouring in from south to north.When half of his car's wheels were submerged by water,Yang decided to abandon his car,with belongings tied on his body.As he walked out of the tunnel,he patted the doors of the cars he passed one by one,urging everyone to get out of their cars immediately. 72017时左右,杨俊魁开车驶入京广北路隧道,水由南向北涌进。当一半车轮已经没入水中,老杨果断决定弃车,把随身物品绑在身上,下了车。从隧道走出来时,他依次用力拍打后面汽车的车



