
发布时间:2023-05-11 19:49:30   来源:文档文库   

一、 加拿大的历史溯源
The origin of Canada

The history of Canada started with the aborigine of the Indians and Eskimos.Since the 10th century,the footprints of the Western civilization have started to brand on this new land.The first vistors are a gang of pirates after which , the Europeans have started their expedition and explorations which has been
enduring to the contemporary times.

16世纪。法国人梦想发现并统治更多的疆域 ,扩展他们的贸易范围,并让世界各国信奉他们的信仰。加拿大原为印第安人与因纽特人居住地。\ In the 16th century,the French dreamed of discovering and having control over more and more territories as well as widening their trading realm to let their religious belief being accepted all over the world. 16 世纪沦为法、英殖民地,17561763年期间,英、法在加拿大爆发七年战争,法国战败,而1763年的巴黎和约使加拿大正式成为英属殖民地。
The Seven Years War broke out between England and France in 1756 and lasted until the year 1763.The France were the side to lose the war and Canada was officially made to be the British Territoty through the signing og the Paris Treaty.
186771日,英国议会通过了BRITISH NORTH AMERICA [BNA] ACT OF 1867(北美法律),正式承认加拿大自治权,以ONTARIOQUEBECNOVA SCOTIANEW BRUNSWICK四省形成加拿大联邦,71日也被定为加拿大的国庆日。英将加拿大省、新不伦瑞克省和诺瓦斯科舍省合并为一个联邦,成为英国最早的自治领。此后,其它省也陆续加入联邦。
On July 1st ,1867, BRITISH NORTH AMERICA [BNA] ACT OF 1867were passey by the British parliament which formally admitted the autonomiy of Canada and Canada by then consisited of four provinces: ONTARIOQUEBECNOVA SCOTIANEW BRUNSWICK. Afterwards,Britain made NOVA SCOTIANEW BRUNSWICK. combined into a new federation which became the earliest dominion under the British Empire and other provinces took turns in joining this federation.

1882417日,英女皇在OTTAWA 宣布加拿大在立法上脱离英国,并签署《加拿大宪法草案》 即现行的加拿大宪法。


