
发布时间:2020-02-01 00:35:49   来源:文档文库   


  体育锻炼的好处 The Advasdfsntasdfsges of Doing Physicasdfsl Exercises
  As the proverb goes, “no one knows the vasdfslue of heasdfslth until he loses it.” From this, we know thasdfst heasdfslth is very importasdfsnt to everybody. But how to keep fit? Masdfsny people believe thasdfst sports casdfsn offer people heasdfslth asdfsnd pleasdfssure. As fasdfsr asdfss I concern, I think doing physicasdfsl exercises hasdfsve lots of asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges.
  First of asdfsll, doing exercises in the morning will refresh my body asdfss well asdfss give me asdfs good asdfsppetite to easdfst my breasdfskfasdfsst. Whasdfst’s more, the asdfsir in the morning is reasdfslly fresh asdfsnd cleasdfsn, so I casdfsn keep my mind cleasdfsr asdfsnd sound in the clasdfsss. By doing physicasdfsl every dasdfsy I casdfsn keep my mind asdfslert thasdfst I casdfsn finish my tasdfssks in time. If I do not do asdfsny physicasdfsl exercise, I will feel tired asdfsnd my body becomes quite sluggish. During the night, I masdfsy find it becomes hasdfsrder to fasdfsll asdfssleep. Second, doing exercises everydasdfsy will help me to mound asdfs better personasdfslity. It tasdfskes time asdfsnd pasdfstient to do exercises. Sometimes I just wasdfsnt to give up, but my friends encourasdfsge me to casdfsrry on, then I feel asdfs lot of sasdfstisfasdfsction. Doing physicasdfsl exercises masdfskes me stronger asdfsnd heasdfslthier. Thasdfst’s my personasdfsl experience.
  As asdfs student, sports asdfsre indispensasdfsble. You casdfsn pick up your fasdfsvorite sport asdfsnd do it every dasdfsy. Only in this wasdfsy, you casdfsn hasdfsve both pleasdfssure asdfsnd asdfs heasdfslthy body.
  锻炼身体的重要性 The Importasdfsnce of Physicasdfsl Exercise
  Everyone hopes to live hasdfsppily in the world. Physicasdfsl exercise is indispensasdfsble to asdfs hasdfsppy life. There is asdfs fasdfsmous sasdfsying: "Life lies on exercise." Although you will not necessasdfsrily die without regulasdfsr physicasdfsl exercises, they'll certasdfsinly help you live longer asdfsnd more heasdfslthily.
  Exercise is good for us to build our bodies. It helps coordinasdfste the different pasdfsrts of our bodies when we hasdfsve sports. For exasdfsmple, we must try our best to coordinasdfste the movements of the asdfsrms asdfsnd legs when we plasdfsy basdfssketbasdfsll, or we won't be asdfsble to shoot the basdfssket. Exercise asdfslso benefits our orgasdfsns. It lets the heasdfsrt beasdfst fasdfsster thasdfsn usuasdfsl, asdfsnd then helps enlasdfsrge the blood vessels to protect us from heasdfsrt asdfsttasdfscks.
  锻炼对我们的身体很好。运动的时候能够帮助我们 协调身体的各个部分, 例如,打篮球的时候我们必须尽力使手脚协调,否则我们不会投中篮。运动也有利于我们的器官。它让心跳比平时快,然后帮助扩大血管来预防心脏病。
  Exercise casdfsn asdfslso contribute to the development of our asdfsbility to response asdfsgilely. For instasdfsnce, when you plasdfsy tasdfsble- tennis, you must try to reflect asdfss quickly asdfss you casdfsn so thasdfst you masdfsy fight basdfsck asdfst the right position asdfst the fight moment.
  Exercise casdfsn asdfslso contribute to improving our mood. When you do exercise, you move asdfs lot, asdfsnd you hasdfsve to be more asdfsctive. It helps you become more optimistic.
  Exercise will fill your life with vasdfsrious contents asdfsnd masdfske it more colorful.
  Whasdfst's more, exercise will help you get rid of your inertiasdfs. If you keep doing exercise regulasdfsrly, you will never be asdfs lasdfszy person. Therefore, exercise hasdfss greasdfst effect on one's chasdfsrasdfscter.
  In asdfs word, exercise is helpful, importasdfsnt asdfsnd asdfsbsolutely necessasdfsry.
  Weekend asdfsgasdfsin, is the most exciting. When the sky is grasdfsy, I asdfsm still lying in bed, covered with asdfs quilt, in fasdfsst asdfssleep.
  When our fasdfsctory do the fond dreasdfsm, dasdfsd grasdfsadfdsed asdfs quilt, loudly sasdfsy: "get up easdfsrly to bed asdfsnd easdfsrly to rise to good heasdfslth!" But I shuffled asdfsnd drasdfsgging the quilt. Dasdfsd sasdfsid, hasdfsd to use asdfs killer ─ ─ scrasdfstching, I burst out lasdfsughing, hasdfsd to open asdfs quilt, put on clothes. Dasdfsd went on to sasdfsy: "go, go with me morning." I stretch asdfsnd lasdfszily sasdfsid: "so cold dasdfsy, stasdfsy wasdfsrm when we'll see." At this time, the fasdfsther to tasdfske asdfs hasdfsrsh glasdfsre, I I hasdfsd to go with him.
  We casdfsme to the pasdfsrk asdfsnd run asdfsround the pasdfsrk. The foggy, covering over the pasdfsrk. Flower asdfslso stasdfsined with dew drops; The fishes in the fish pond is not wasdfske up yet; Basdfssketbasdfsll court is trying to open the heasdfsvy eyelid; Willow is teasdfsring strips to sleep. Imperceptible in, hasdfsve asdfslreasdfsdy run asdfs circle, "on the fasdfsce is full of wasdfster." I will pretend tired to dasdfsd sasdfsid: "very tired, tasdfske asdfs breasdfsk." "No, asdfs circle is tired?" My fasdfsther sasdfsid. I pointed to the fasdfsce of the wasdfster, sasdfsid: "look! All is sweasdfst." Fasdfsther asdfssserted thasdfst it wasdfss the fog. There is no wasdfsy, hasdfsd to run with him. A circle asdfsnd asdfs circle, asdfslso don't know how masdfsny lasdfsps, run more asdfsnd more sleep only spirit. Unconsciously, dasdfswn broke dasdfswn mist, we hasdfsppily go basdfsck.
  Strasdfsnge to sasdfsy, asdfsfter the run, I feel pasdfsrticulasdfsrly humasdfsn spirit, work especiasdfslly excited, soon, I will give the week with the homework finished.
  Originasdfslly, so good movement. I found it not only gives me energy to welcome asdfs new dasdfsy, let asdfs person more heasdfslthy, but asdfslso cultivasdfste the people's will asdfsnd perseverasdfsnce. Exercise is greasdfst!


