
发布时间:2019-04-15 12:38:30   来源:文档文库   




  Wele to my hometown! Shanghai is my hometown It is a modern and busy town It has a long history There are many big supermarkets beautiful gardens and good factories here It is very easy to go shopping You can see big trees and nice flowers There are many restaurants in Shanghai The food tastes very deliciousYou can enjoy eyery minutes of it Many visitors e here to enjoy it


  My hometown is suizhou there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park is recreation visit places Winding road and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai let a person with nature

  To realize fall lake feeling the hushan is right choice The hushan LiuAn supple boasts beautiful scenery jade stroll relaxed

  In the evening jiefang road LongTai pedestrian street lights shopping shopping two not mistake; Pearl plaza railway station plaza leisure sports and tide of stream of people boisterous might as well go see suizhou of mass cultural life


  英语作文 我的家乡

  I am from ShenZhen In spring the weather is warm and wet I can play kite In summer the weather is hot and wet I can swim in the swimming pool In the autumn the weather is cool and dry I can play kite too In the winter the weather is cold and dry It never snow


  my home town is a beautiful place it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice

  but in the old days it was a poor and backward little town many people had no work they lived a hard life

  in 1949 my hometown was liberated since then great changes have taken place there the streets have been widened factories schools hospitals cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another the life of the people is greatly improved

  i love my hometown all the more i love its people they are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful


  我的家乡My Hometown

   My hometown is Xiamen I was born there twelve years ago Now I live in Fuzhou the capital of Fujian Province Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there The whole city is clean and tidy I lived in downtown Its near to the port where is the busiest place because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu Gulanyu is a small island There are many distinctive buildings and paths there You may get lost in so many paths but you dont have to worry And every path has its own beautiful scenery I love my beautiful hometown



  i am from shenzhen in spring the weather is warm and wet i can play kite in summer the weather is hot and wet i can swim in the swimming pool in the autumn the weather is cool and dry i can play kite too in the winter the weather is cold and dry it never snow


  My hometown

  My home is in a town It lies in the east of Zhejiang near the East SeAIt has a population of fifty thousand Our town is in the south of our countyThe Ease Sea is to the east of the town To the south is flat land Mountains are on the west And a river runs from north to south in the west of my town

  The weather here is good It is not so cold in winter or so hot in summer So the sea near my town is full of all sorts of fish The fishermen of my home town are all living a happy life


  我的家乡My Home Town

   My home town is a beautiful place It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice


   But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town Many people had no work They lived a hard life


   In 1949 my hometown was liberated Since then great changes have taken place there The streets have been widened Factories schools hospitals cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another The life of the people is greatly improved


   I love my hometown All the more I love its people They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful



  My hometown

  Shanghai is my hometown It is a modern and busy city with a long history It is famous for its night view There are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres so Shanghai is known as a shopping Paradise If tourists e to Shanghai it will be very easy for them to go shopping here They can also have a lot of delicious food to enjoy Wele to Shanghai!


  My hometown

  My hometown is Haimen Its not very large but its very beautiful There is less air pollution in Haimen than in other areas of Nantong There is a beautiful park; its name is Dongzhou Park You can exercise and go walking there There are about one million people in Haimen Most of us live in flats They are not very high There is a supermarket here Its name is Times Supermarket It has three floors It is very large There are many things in it such as clothes snacks stationery an electrical shop and a bookshop There are lots of hotpot restaurants in Haimen I think the Old House Hotpot Restaurant is the best I like eating hotpot very much There is a lot of delicious food in this restaurant

  In Haimen there is a TV tower Its very high and in the evening it is very beautiful I think there are lots of nice lights on the TV tower

  The weather in Haimen is good In spring its warm Many birds fly in the sky The flowers are very beautiful Its hot in summer We keep air-conditioners on every day It is cool in autumn and in winter its very cold Do you like my hometown?


  My hometown

  My hometown a village locating beside a small river is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road the whole village is poor and peoples lives are tough Generally people grow rice and some other crops for a living Most young people work at the city leaving their parents and children at home which is the status of the vast majority of rural area It seems that only in this way can rural people live a better life


  My hometown

  My home town is every beautiful it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice

  But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town many people had no work they lived a hard life

  In 1949 my hometown was liberated since then great changes have taken place there the streets have been widened factories schools hospitals cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another the life of the people is greatly improved

  I love my hometown all the more i love its people they are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful


如果你以复杂的态度对待这个复杂的世界,你会变得更复杂,复杂的人生是不可取的,因为复杂的人生,会让人越活越没趣、越活越糊涂、越活越迷茫。只有抱之以简单的心态,对待这个繁复的世界,才能活的明白和澄澈,才能处得从容和淡定;只有简单生活,才能真正找到生命的本义,才能生活的快乐幸福。世界挺复杂,你得简单活纵观古今,横看中外,只有那些通达明晓、精神明彻、灵魂明悟的智者,他们透过纷杂的世相,探知到其内在的本源,才会了悟生命的本质、懂得生活的真谛,从而得出无论世界多复杂,唯有简单的活着才是真意。简单,是生命的核心意义、是人生的最高原则。二千多年前,孔子称赞他的学生颜回,子曰∶“一箪食,一瓢饮,在陋巷,人不堪其忧,回也不改其乐 。贤哉回也!”安贫乐道,是一种了不起的简单。一千多年前,苏轼被贬黄州的第三个春天,路遇风雨,写下了脍炙人口的《定风波》。“竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕?一蓑烟雨任平生。”“回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴。”他一生波折坎坷,仕途几起几落,在尝尽人间五味之后,悟出了“人间有味是清欢”,明白了无雨无晴,才是人生的至归。超然通达,是一种难得的简单。那个写出着名的《瓦尔登湖》的美国学者梭罗,1845年,独自一人,只带着一把斧头,到瓦尔登湖边建了一间小木屋,独居了二年零二个月,以验证他自己所悟出的人生真谛,即一个人,只要满足了基本生活所需,不再戚戚于名声,不再汲汲于富贵,便可以更从容、更充实地享受人生。体验的结果正如他所说:“一个人,放下得越多,越富有。”他还告诉我们:“人的灵魂必需的东西,是不需要花钱购买的。”内心安宁,是一种真正的简单。活了102岁的杨降先生,经历了人生的风风雨雨,在晚年无不感慨地告诉我们:“我们曾如此渴望命运的波澜,到最后才发现,人生最曼妙的风景,竟是内心的淡定和从容。我们曾如此期盼外界的认可,到最后才知道,世界是自己的,与他人毫无关系。”淡定从容,是人生最高的简单。简单,作为一种生活态度,不以物喜,不以己悲,是那么安之若素;简单,作为一种精神追求,回归本源,返璞归真,是那么绝尘世外;简单,作为一种人生境界,随意从容,朴素自然,是那么原汁原味。简单地活,既不是凑合,也不是删减,更不是逃避;简单地活,决不是不讲品味的活,也不是枯燥的活,更不是随随便便的活;简单地活,是对他人充满善义,不耍花招,以诚相待;简单地活,是对自己有所克制,不肆浪费,节俭朴质;简单地活,是对生活饱含热爱,崇尚灵魂,追求心安。 简单生活,不仅仅是一种生活方式,它或还是一种人生哲学,之所以值得我们追求,是因为,简单是一种明白,让我们真懂人生的滋味;简单是一种智慧,让我们还原生活的本义;简单是一种选择,让我们掌握快乐的秘方;简单是一种境界,让我们用毕生的修行来追求。“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯,殆已!”庄子说的是人生与知识的关系,但人与万物何尝不是如此呢?人生就是一段时光,无论你怎么会折腾,你也不能把你的一天拉长到28个小时,你得明白,一是时间不会因你而变长,二是你终死去。所以,你得以简单对付复杂,抽丝剥茧,抓住要点,活好当下,重在体验。否则,你就会像《罗辑思维》的罗胖,在《时间的朋友》跨年演讲上所说的“有限的生命除以无限的信息等于零”一样,如果用“信息”一词来概括一切事物的话。用复杂的人生态度对待复杂的世界,你的人生将和零无异。你明白了,你就简单了。你简单了,就更明白了!



