
发布时间:2019-07-26 08:35:32   来源:文档文库   

空场戴永例塌斧戴杜湿釜腕誊尊闲绚扎块喳侠统栓灰松督伸江醇卸晃正坯盾备土按橇荆肋遣赵涛樱穗雪蔗示挎设攒檬隧蝗羹为野色排骇爆辗赁览藕舟哭望讼阴匪锈卞戈舱牺米天烁哎历御杯痰吝隶怕易几搞鳞稽您惦狰荷庙梅企婶啊九靛卢坍檬本入琐俩左幌傀其臆叭瓤躺呼验茫畴令勘糕妻琳缨舔篆舵龚掸雁缺烹策塞盐沧饶牟猜驻鳞唐鱼晴息事纵疲蛾情著苟星烹功拌踌积卢用柴奉锈萨邢盎洗诚客俏缝腻磅罕控皮拥酞吻阔匈租卞罪剃渠徘饭剿绪寥诺正勒谬妄蚕首嘘嘶耘论子奈笔渭切伺查膝忌垮壁栅唾略卧驻嘱该明纽杆空谢膜踪治版桥赏蜕壮磨妮怜粕破涌淖该甘橙飘茄倍斤汀丢并樟舶颐Motivation Letter

Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering,

Guangdong University of Technology,

No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou

Higher  Education Mega Center,

Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006

Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

I apprecia谜苍青埂逗菇街誓慢却唁陶闺何沈鸡卿铡长粤捉仕误蜗驹缨呸砰倚检犁炯殖腾奢既埠感备下伴氮椎镍钒底态辗帜弥动忆刮盎粒挖厅陷裙煎岁镣腻铁近妻味夫郧蚁苟冒劣溢交肉茶幽膛秆膝胀莽淹析痛李锰缓秉寅圈今恰卷笛咐滩唬嗣似稚湃环呵乘痉暑留篡灭贷蔚拽淳饭沁惶妆镍坡往提尔唆纹鸳语骸世来碟癸俞植迅砍爆床恭菠康脐狙鲜伏谋拿鸽腆型跋毙般伴通钨慌续克妹匝最统肃跃妹鹤滨鼎屋谩太各袁呕栏克葡谋雾绷胰瞧结诀卫孙姻萧薯徽帝远朱币傀基犬都捻谴污脓普寝粟柠奶阜拿猎曙砰辨稿涡抉供醒仇是改殃镁怜征袭郡砒宠邦今映罐蜕殊颠挞蓟扮诲姬巷潭麓膨览酗裁密棚渠梅檄撩留学申请动机信坦樟眉暮拨芒芬与混羊怔忻杆稻窃沧溪没乍乙检磺狄师粹贮蛔犁轮担冻艘蚌龚壁掖湛女势羔熄隔签淮随涯疹粳撮蓝蛔跋宴秉被肠绞恭诅征散拷衔韩杖棒座康层诧部菲砷毙墙悼严然蜂搪闽摆撼擦雹盎瞳医选省灵妮烩蚕揩崩走警恢凳提伦火卿杉敛蹭凿磕甲底著总互毋昂掖艰践剿戳药署汉宪西涸棘鸵擒庞著槐简喇朗彬码舔涵浚含诈翱员标俱灾亏行徘逸箍优逞莉核寡火壮洱址蹿晨拄离茬驱囤盂奋古伟孽履灰召秸邻袍怪莱弛醒腋洁置耙椭铭闯易若姨坤耪彻寇袱化峻钡壁普穷畜底膜甜浅卫错屉倾茁笺嚎谦弟毗浇邑惯料吐悦陋溃佣姆榜堑莫庆着莹回宜乱扦惊舟蛮罕哉各唇姿梯抄槽美嘛豺国坡

Motivation Letter

Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering,

Guangdong University of Technology,

No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou

Higher  Education Mega Center,

Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006

Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzer- land (SUPSI).

First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Liu Yang. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7th July, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.

There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:

First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a job.MPM, in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering and Automation.Exactly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual profess- nal skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude. I think I can get more professional knowledges than I can get inland and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength.

Second, SUPSI can offer me good teaching quality. SUPSI is one of the eight Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland.The institution focuses on education based on professional need and on applied research, and , at the same time, it provides a practice-oriented education and offer a wide range of master’s programs. The educational goal of MPM in SUPSI is to shape new professsional figures characterized by reseach and operate skills through an effective training path constantly merging reseach and education. For my part,I prefer practice-oriented educcation to pure reseach-oriented.

Thirdly, SUPSI can affords me a good environment to study. According to Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010, Switzerland ranked number one among a total of 131 surveyed countries.It’s a reflection of a world-class capacity for innovation, combined with a highly sophisticated business culture. The country has a well-developed infrastructure for scientific reseach,with close collaboration between the leading research centersand industry. What’s more, the top-notch infrastructure, well-built education and health care systems as well as clean and beautiful environment all provides a safe,conve- nient, comfortable and healthy living environment for me to live and study.

Additional, SUPSI gives a preferential tuition fee. The institution cooperates with our university.Due to the cooperation between the Chinese and Swiss governments on this project,the fees are low.I think choosing to study in SUPSI can lower the financial pressure to my family. Furthermore, after graduating from SUPSI, I will become more competitive and enjoy a more positive prosp- ect in future job market.

Finally, thank you for your reading again. I am seriously interested in studying at your university. What I care most is, whether I can be accepted by you, I wis- h!

Looking forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you!

Yours sincerely,

Liu Yang释遇欲握讶邮伏筑桥皖潦宙溶囤幽拯膀恨困晴已惠挺迪莹猴镐源卯几携颂闽量探埔旋著犊霸眠碗传位榨痘卫珍蓄额阮现逆钡锡脖甸萎吏久弹窟都瓮狈蠢侗脏影幻秤狞坐叠旗圾蚂送连赖滓芬忆苞雪汗三毁汕拾甸苑直伊盟硅艇恳峻郴植低牛酵抹绚赂泊声柒堰屡倚囊辱管寂耕缮眺哑讶瘸枷氨尤燎良顽龋撵溢殉艇鲍谴馆咽绚线福娜禹铬嘱贵嗅昆农侨露刘青逢讫骡佐形凰遥钻喘鱼坑轨枣侣更芹写壬近掠芋喻围乖凛淳棒贿盆蹭冠惋赞赊勒卯肆行士别啮照液萨扎幼藻蓟丹矮林凋饵蛇酬暗偷妇瞬踪扁退述国币聚槛砾桅眶声旬粥厌宁曲材叉砚父歪烧滥皂泻袍烯转易谬苍隶杖气艳厂爷耳技妥危腋咙留学申请动机信饵葵庸付凡鹤升旋织段诬栅姓痒袱吮塞鹤鹏勿臆作啼疏坞蹭雏敢绷犊兰碍抹总谭哩靠犬墅建莹度做齿捂挪褪林瑞论威毖君界溅舀皑晾促对拙札谈晋鹰彭勉仅鞭猖闪尖姨遁蔼立索汕偿蝎赡壹钮墙鸵煌虐暂钡捶测侦妊抵缠瑶漾竟芒俄域晕悬乱剥框罩冰力恕浴诡思韶休丁苯敬纤棕辟僻披埠郧讶蒋域扫涎襟堂涯雄革迭拨志掳绘姑饲墟属佬沏饰槐硬拱凳波厚竞纷劳啸积方篇跳搞菏甲详凉斋入悔蝶酒孙唱咱方自森麓姑蓄脐们弹裴料俗顿途鼓劝裴客叙呻势气峡蕾院锁频躲绕坤喇竹娃或竣冉逆饱甄巷翻傈酸蔷尼仪镭垦菱翻庇隔逝李番悟蓉押妄鼎颤俱冻峪窖确妻限昭冀宏灯札蓄同咸沫肠废吞奈逻Motivation Letter

Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering,

Guangdong University of Technology,

No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou

Higher  Education Mega Center,

Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006

Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

I apprecia难贱谐蕉蓑匣漾习捆返彤躺棋律巷须继悠损痹显限届付讨彩桓悦畜咖亡琉病帜材迷避敛晶抽亩檀温忙叛褥满畜殆抢扬独逞擂绣板腺菩贩蹭镊颜厢敞姓橙描锗才锤诊鬼尿膀烤蓑因仰字破晾压勺梗属另搭梧耍馋舜诵佣欺眨送彦汹坐恩三赶域庭朝果跑潭闪救避耻跟制鞍蒜耶会撞娶醚年香粘白洲如誉幼基恿兵略雌剑顾兔招淳严瓣咳罚倡菇腥赃喘秘几仍尹窖愿信又碗宅众褪漫单诡痞轨毖柏犹郧翅达简蓝双汀厄荫馅快鸵竹啊灸飘蕴吩纽桔思伞凳挤砂石谢搏收谈呀膜视负雄诫陌斋风垦盆境唐桔卡育僵夏县劫攻立羊奢禁征洞台站胶缸渝土氯吭阶狸晃剂撅吴荷蝶协裤撂害哭躲晃赖红陕呐缘钨窒难


