
发布时间:1714427157   来源:文档文库   

1.一IV.听力部分(略) V.语音(共10小题,每小题1分)
26. The young man said he would like to live in the country with his cousin.
27. Mike stopped his work and looked out of the window. AB
Then he watched the street carefully to see what had happened.
28. I read the book about eastern food in Asia in the reading-room last week.
29. There's another TV play which I would rather see onThursday.
30. Men's hands and fingers are so big that they aren't fit for this kind of job. A BC D
31. Remember to meet me at the library in the Republic Square the day after tomorrow. ABC D 32. Ask them to write a report about the programme.
OK. That's a good idea.
33. A person with good manners should always be polite and helpful.
34. The computer is very useful today, for example,
AB the librarian can use it to help you find the books on medicine easily in the library.
35. At one time, there were long queues of peoplewaitingoutside the ticket offices of CAAC.
36. The boys arrived late at the cinema, and the start of the film. A. caught B. missed C. gotD. lost 37. Guess, how much does it cost? I think it costs 15 and 20 dollars.
A. from B. between C. among D. with 38. As we know, some people are good at but bad at giving back. A. lending B. keeping C. borrowing D. using 39. Why couldn't you the correct spelling of the word?

Err. . . I hadn't got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look at
40. You look very tired this morning. What did you do yesterday afternoon? I did Christmas shopping. A. a lot of B. a few of .
A. Of course notB. Yes. I'd be happy to C. Not at all. I've no time D. Yes, please 42. What can I do for you?
A. Yes, you can give a skirt to me B. I'd like a skirt C. No, I can do it myself D. I can do what I want
43. After school we usually play basketball for half an hour on playground. A. the; the B. 不填;不填 C. 不填; the D. the;不填 44. Each of us has to write a report every two weeks. A. two-hundred-wordB. two-hundreds-word
C. two-hundreds-words D. two-hundred-words 45. Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice? . Please give me a cup of tea.
A. Neither B. Both C. A11 D. None
46. An old friend of my sister's always helps my brother and with English. A. I; our

B. me; ourselves C. I; my D. me; our
47. The little boy ate a big meal he said he wasn't hungry. A. ifB. though C. because D. as 48. What do you like doing after class? I like not only reading painting. A. andB. but also C. orD. for
49. We love to go to the country in spring as the flowers smell so . A. wellB. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely 50. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't news. A. many B. a few C. much D. few
51. The boy doesn't speak his sister, but his written work is very good. A. as well asB. so good as C. more better thanD. more worse than 52. When did your uncle arriveChina?
He got to Guangzhou the morning of the 16th of April. A. at; inB. in; inC. to; on D. in; on 53. The food my country is quite different that here. A. in; like B. to; from C. from; to D. in; from 54. way it is from Guangzhou to Paris!
A. How longB. What a long C. How a longD. What long
C. a number of D. a piece of
41. Would you mind looking after my dog while I'm on holiday?



