
发布时间:2019-02-27 01:35:07   来源:文档文库   


  下面是为大家带来拜伦著名经典诗歌两首,希望大家喜欢!拜伦著名经典诗歌:Away, awayAway, away, ye notes of woe!去吧,去吧,悲凉的曲调!Be silent, thou once soothing strain,沉默吧,一度甘美的乐音!Or I must flee from hence—for, oh!否则,我只得掩耳奔逃,I dare not trust those sounds again.这样的乐曲我不忍重听。
  To me they speak of brighter days—它们追述欢愉的往昔——But lull the chords, for now, alas!此刻,快停止拨弄琴弦!I must not think, I may not gaze我不愿正视,也不堪回忆On what I am—on what I was.我的今日,和我的当年。
  The voice that made those sounds more sweet你嗓音已哑,使这些乐曲Is hush'd, and all their charms are fled;原先的魅力都逃逸无踪;And now their softest notes repeat如今,它们低回的旋律A dirge, an anthem o'er the dead!不过是挽歌哀乐的复诵。
  Yes, Thyrza! yes, they breathe of thee是的,它们在唱你,赛沙!Beloved dust! since dust thou art;唱你——被人挚爱的尘土;And all that once was harmony那曲调原先是雍融和洽,Is worse than discord to my heart!如今比不上嘈杂的喧呼!'Tis silent all!—but on my ear全都静默了!可是我耳边The well remember'd echoes thrill;记忆犹新的回声在颤;I hear a voice I would not hear,听见的声音,我不愿听见,A voice that now might well be still:这样的声音早就该沉寂。
  Yet oft my doubting soul 'twill shake;它还在摇撼我迷惘的心灵,Even slumber owns its gentle tone,那柔婉乐音潜入我梦寐,Till consciousness will vainly wake“意识枉然醒过来谛听,To listen, though the dream be flown.那梦境早已飞去不回。
  Sweet Thyrza! waking as in sleep,赛沙呵!醒来也如在梦中,Thou art but now a lovely dream;你化为一场神奇的梦幻;A star that trembled o'er the deep,仿佛海上闪烁的孤星,Then turned from earth its tender beam.清光已不再俯照人寰。
  But he who through life's dreary way当苍天震怒,大地阴晦,Must pass, when heaven is veil'd in wrath,有人在人生的征途跋涉,Will long lament the vanish'd ray他久久悼惜那隐没的明辉——That scatter'd gladness o'er his path.它在这征途上投洒过欢乐。
  And didst thou not, since Death for thee听说死神给你的一箭Prepared a light and pangless dart,轻快而无痛;临终时,曾否Once long for him thou ne'er shalt see把无缘再见的故人眷念——Who held, and holds thee in his heart?他始终把你牢记在心头?Oh! who like him had watch'd thee here?有哪个像他的,曾来守护你,Or sadly mark'd thy glazing eye,痛心地看到你目光渐滞,In that dread hour ere death appear,死亡在临近,悲叹也屏息,When silent sorrow fears to sigh,直到这种种全都完事?Till all was past? But when no more而当你寂然化为异物,'Twas thine to reck of human woe,对人间悲苦不再萦怀,Affection's heart-drops, gushing o'er,深情的热泪就夺眶而出,Had flow'd as fast—as now they flow.飞快地奔涌——一如现在。
  Shall they not flow, when many a day怎能不奔涌!有不少日子,In these, to me, deserted towers,当我还不曾暂离本地,Ere call'd but for a time away,在现已荒废的楼台,多次Affection's mingling tears were ours?你我的热泪混融在一起!Ours too the glance none saw beside;无人曾见的脉脉相觑;The smile none else might understand;无人能解的淡淡笑容;The whisper'd thought of hearts allied,缔盟两心低诉的思绪;The pressure of the thrilling hand;颤栗手儿的抚摩触动;The kiss, so guiltless and refined我们的亲吻,纯真无邪,That Love each warmer wish forbore;使爱情抑制了热切心愿;Those eyes proclaim'd so pure a mind,眼神昭示了心灵的明洁,Even passion blush'd to plead for more.连激情也羞于另生奢念。
  The tone, that taught me to rejoice,我与你不同,常耽于苦恼,When prone, unlike thee, to repine;是你的音调教给我欢欣;The song, celestial from thy voice,是你的仙喉使歌声神妙,But sweet to me from none but thine;那甘美仅仅源于你一人。
  The pledge we wore—I wear it still,你我的信物——我至今佩带,But where is thine? —Ah! where art thou?你的在哪里?——你又在哪里?Oft have I borne the weight of ill,沉重的忧患,我惯常负载,But never bent beneath till now!从未像今天,压弯了背脊!Well hast thou left in life's best bloom在芳艳年华,你悠然远逝,The cup of woe for me to drain.苦难的深杯留给我喝干。
  If rest alone be in the tomb,墓穴里果真只有安适,I would not wish thee here again;又何需望你重返人寰。
  But if in worlds more blest than this倘若在神圣的星河天国,Thy virtues seek a fitter sphere,你找到一座中意的星球,Impart some portion of thy bliss,请把那福祉分一份给我,To wean me from mine anguish here.好摆脱这边无尽的烦忧。
  Teach me—too early taught by thee!我早就蒙你教益;如今To bear, forgiving and forgiven:教会我苦熬吧,与世人互谅;On earth thy love was such to me;在世间,你爱我如此情深,It fain would form my hope in heaven!当乐于赐我天国的希望!


