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Lesson 6 What food do you like

各种美食,各地的风味。这一课我们来了解不同国家的人们不同的饮食习惯。 是哪儿人你喜欢吃什么口味本课学习掌握这些句子:Where are you from I come from America. I often eat hamburgers.学会这些词汇:dumplings vegetables noodles fried chicken
1.会说会用这些句子: Where are you from Where does he come from I come from America. I often eat hamburgers. 2.会说会用会写这些单词:
dumplings vegetables noodles fried chicken
3.复习一些国名,了解更多的地名,复习方位词in the south/north/west/east of…。

1.教师准备课件,课件中一个中国小伙子与一个外国小伙正在麦当劳同桌进餐,一起交谈。对话内容参照 Warming up
2.准备dumplings vegetables noodles fried chicken 的单词卡片。

3.准备更多的食物饮料的图片 如:火腿肠,热狗,汉堡,牛奶,果汁,面包,米饭,稀饭,馒头,包子,汤,鸡,鱼,牛肉,羊肉,蔬菜,可乐,果汁,咖啡,水,茶等。 准备所学的蔬菜的图卡。

4. 准备一些国家的国旗:中国4面,美国,英国,日本,法国国旗各一面。 5.准备一张中国地图和一张世界地图。在准备一张空白的世界地图,上面标有几个国家和中国的东西南北各一个城市。
热身(Warming up
A: Where are you from, Mrs Smith Are you English B: m from New York. Im an American. A:Do you like hamburger
B:Yes. We often eat hamburgers. Where are you from

A:Im a m from Changsha. B:Where is Changsha
A:It is in the south of China. B:Do you often eat hamburgers A: like rice.
2. 新课展示(New Presentation 1Im from the north of China. I come from America. Im from Japan. Im from England.
(1Be from sp./come from sp.是一个用来表示某人来自某地,某人是某地人的句型。后面可以跟国名或地名。
is from New York .Its in the east of is an American. She comes from Japan. She is a Japanese.
Rose is from France. She comes from Paris. She is French. Im a Chinese. I come from Xian. Im not from England. Im not English. 归纳一下这些单词:

国名 某国的,某国人 England English London America American New York China Chinese Beijing France French Paris Japan Japanese Tokyo
(2In the east/west/north/south of 在某个范围的某个方位。
老师展示中国地图, ,让学生看图说话,熟练运用这个短语。老师提问,让学生在地图上寻找,回答:
Where is Shanghai/ Lasa/ Guangzhou/Shengyang Its in the east/west/south/north of China.
2Linda and Billy are from America. They often eat hamburgers. She comes from Japan. She likes fish and vegetables. Robin is from is a French .He likes fried chicken.



