
发布时间:2023-11-16 01:42:59   来源:文档文库   
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Task / Objective目的
To streamline procedures for employee resignation and reduce the impact on the normal operation due to staff leaving.
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Scope of Application范围
avim solar production Co.,Ltd,Gaomi /China
埃孚光伏制造有限公司 中国/高密

3. Definitions术语和定义
Resign: 辞职: Dismiss: 辞退:
Employees quit their jobs due to personal reasons.

Those who seriously violate company rules and regulations; 因员工严重违反公司规章制度; Those who are against the law; 有违法犯罪行为者;
Those who violate other matters prescribed by Labor Contract Law. 《劳动合同法》规定的其他事项。

Those who are continuously absent from work without leave or reasons for more than 5 days(including 5 days.
自动脱离工作岗位,无故不来上班连续旷工5天以上(含5天)者; Those who quit their jobs while do not go through the employee resignation procedures. 离职而不到公司办理手续者。
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Voluntary withdrawal: 自动离职:
Each department is responsible for the preliminary audit and report about the matters relating to employee turnover.
- HRM department is responsible for verifying the leaving procedures and filing. 人力资源部负责审核员工离职手续审核及存档。
DGM and GM are responsible for signing the leaving procedures for approval. 副总经理、总经理负责离职手续的签批。


5.1 Resignation Procedures 员工辞职手续 -
The empolyees who are going to resign shall get FS-620-HRM-07 “Application For Resignation” from HRM, after filling in the form, department manager and leader in charge signing for approval, submit the application to HRM. HRM holds exit interview with the employees, confirms if the employee is determined to leave, then submits to DGM and GM for approval and finally files. Regular employees shall submit the resignation application 1 month in advance. (The signing date by the topmost management in the department shall be taken as valid.
员工辞职,须到人力资源部领取FS-620-HRM-07《员工离职申请表》填写,提交部门负责人和上级分管领导签批后交人力资源部,人力资源部经过与员工面谈,确定员工坚决辞职后提交副总经理和总经理签批,并存档。正式员工辞职需提前一个月申请(以部门最高负责人签批日期为准)。 -
Those employees who have been approved to resign shall get FS-620-HRM-08“Approval Form For Resignation and go through the procedures of work and materials handover with FIN and other relevant departments.
经批准的离职的员工,到人力资源部领取FS-620-HRM-08《员工离职审批表》,到相关部门办理工作交接和公司财务、资料等交接手续 -
The empolyees shall sumit the approved FS-620-HRM-08“Approval Form For Resignation” to HRM and HRM shall settle the issues of salary and insurance for the resigning employees. 员工将签批完的FS-620-HRM-08《员工离职审批表》交人力资源部,人力资源部为离职员工结算工资、保险。 -
The resigned employees shall get paid on the regular payment date relying on the FS-620-HRM-08“Approval Form For Resignation”.
离职员工的工资发放,按公司正常的工资发放日发放,离职员工凭借FS-620-HRM-08《员工离职审批表》到财务部领取工资。 -
When supervisors or above posts, financial employees and key professional technical employees will resign, they shall also get FS-620-HRM-09 Handover List from HRM, fill in the detailed information, complete the handover procedures and copy the list in duplicate. One copy shall be retained by the department, one copy shall be saved by the employee himself, and the original one shall be filed by HRM with FS-620-HRM-08“Approval Form For Resignation”.

5.2 Dismissal Procedures 员工辞退手续 -
For the dismissed employees by the company, the HRM shall issue Dismissal Notice which shall be sent to the department and the employee himself after approved by the GM. 公司辞退的员工,人力资源部开具辞退通知,经总经理签批后,发放至部门和个人。 -
The employees shall get FS-620-HRM-08“Approval Form For Resignation” and go through the procedures of work and materials handover with FIN and other relevant departments.


