
发布时间:2011-12-27 05:50:21   来源:文档文库   

Unit 4 Entertainment

1. 他小声地告诉我他的同桌在考试时作弊。(whisper to

He whispered to me that his desk-mate had cheated in the exam.

2. 当他在参加比赛时,由于紧张昏倒了。(faint with

When he took part in the contest, he fainted with nervousness.

3. Jane保持了全国马拉松比赛的最好纪录。(hold the best record of

Jane holds the best record of the marathon in the whole country.

4. 妈妈要求她的孩子马上收拾好他的房间。(demand

Mother demanded that her child should clean his room at once.

5. 校长低沉的声音传遍了整个操场。(boom out

The headmaster’s voice boomed out across the whole playground.

6. 他踏上舞台的时候,观众们为他的精彩演出而鼓掌。(clap

When he stepped onto the stage, the audience clapped for his wonderful performance.

7. 与一些国家相比,中国这几年的发展速度很快。(compare with

Compared with some countries, China is developing quite quickly these years.

8. 如果我们能够充分利用时间,我们就能在学习上取得很大的进步。(take advantage of

If we can take full advantage of time, we’ll make great progress in our study.

9. 老师问她的学生是否能够理解这个问题。(figure out

The teacher asked her students whether they could figure out the problem.

10. 当你遇到生词的时候,你可以查阅字典。(refer to

When you meet with new words, you can refer to the dictionary.

1. 虽然他是个能力很强的年轻人,我还是担心他是否能独自完成任务。(competent

Although he is a competent young man, I’m still worried whether he can finish the task on his own.

2. 他从马上摔下来,完全不省人事。(be in a dead faint

He fell down from the horse and was in a dead faint.

3. Debbie在我耳边轻声说她有可能马上要升职了。(whisper in ones ear, promote

Debbie whispered in my ear that it was possible for her to be promoted soon.

4. Simon总是提前完成工作。(ahead of

Simon always finished his work ahead of schedule.

5. 这位诗人把他的祖国比作东方正在升起的太阳。(compare to

The poet compared his motherland to the sun rising in the east.

Unit 5 Think Before You Eat

1. 老师提醒我如果我再迟到他将叫我父母来学校。(warn

The teacher warned me that he would ask my parents to come to the school if I was late again.

2. 这支队伍由10人组成,其中包括两名医生。(include

The team is made up of 10 people, including 2 doctors.

3. 这个图书馆的藏书已经增加到300万册。(increase

The library has increased its collection of books to 3 million.

4. 有时我们很难分辨他和他的哥哥。(tell from

It is sometimes hard for us to tell him from his brother.

5. 他一下午一直在玩游戏而不是做作业。(instead of

He has been playing video games all the afternoon instead of doing homework.

6. 他们花了一小时争论去那里度假,但还是不能决定。(decide on

They spent an hour arguing about where to spend the holiday, but didn’t decide on it.

7. 这菜的怪味让我倒了胃口。(appetite

The strange smell of the dish made me lose my appetite.

8. 缺乏维生素对孩子来说是危险的。(lack

A lack of vitamins is dangerous for children.

9. 我受英语老师的影响也成了一名老师。(influence


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I was influenced by my English teacher to become a teacher too.

10. 巨型火箭的发明使人类登上月球。(make it possible

The invention of the huge rocket made it possible for man to go to the moon.

1. Simon受父母的影响,在蔬菜和肉类之间喜欢蔬菜。(influence

Influenced by his parents, Simon prefers vegetables to meat.

2. 为了防止母牛感染疾病,弄民们给他们吃药。(disease

In order to prevent their cows from catching diseases, the farmers had them take drugs.

3. 这支包括4名工程师和两名教授的队伍明天将前往那个偏远的村庄。(including

The team, including 4 engineers and 2 professors, will set out for the lonely village tomorrow.

4. 专家建议我们最好多吃含有维生素的蔬菜和水果。(contain

Experts suggest that we eat more vegetables and fruits containing vitamins.

5. 营养均衡的饮食正越来越受到大家的欢迎。(balanced

A balanced diet is becoming more and more popular with people.

Unit 6 Fun Food

1. 蛋糕是由面粉、鸡蛋和糖的混合物制成的。(mixture

Cakes are made from a mixture of flour, eggs and sugar.

2. 作为学生,我们应该最充分的利用业余时间。(make use of

As students, we should make the best use of our spare time.

3. 老师介绍的学习方法很有效。(prove

The learning method introduced by the teacher proved to be effective.

4. 咖啡的引进改变了一些中国人的生活方式。(introduction

The introduction of coffee changed the life style of some Chinese people.

5. 白色农业离不开现代技术的应用。(involve

White agriculture involves the application of modern technology.

6. 人造化合物可以帮助农民种植更好的庄稼。(chemical

Man-made chemicals can help farmers grow better crops.

7. 多读报会给我们带来好处。(benefit

Reading more newspapers will bring benefits to us.

8. 吃各种各样的食物能帮助人们保持健康。(a variety of

Eating a variety of food can help people stay healthy.

9. 相比之下,西方人吃更多的乳制品。(comparison

In comparison, Westerners eat more dairy products.

10. 如果你早点意识到这个错误,你就可以避免失败了。(aware

If you had been aware of your mistake earlier, you could have avoided failure.

1. 初学者应该非常关注自己的发音。(attention

Beginners should pay close attention to their pronunciation.

2. 孙桥已经成为中国发展最快的区域之一。(prove

Sunqiao has proved to be one of the fastest developing areas in China.

3. 各种新作物品种给越来越多农民带来利益。(benefit

New varieties of plants have brought benefits to more and more farmers.

4. 那些不太注意饮食的人更容易有健康问题。(定语从句)

Those who pay little attention to their diets experience more health problems.

5. 和亚洲人相比,西方人吃更多的乳制品。(contrast

In contrast to Asians, Westerners eat more dairy products.

1. 他们决心干下去直到成功。(until

They are determined to work until they succeed.

2. Mary提前三天完成了任务。(ahead of

Mary finished her task three days ahead of time.

3. 她太累了,看着电视就睡着了。(while

She was so tired that she fell asleep while watching TV.

4. 每次打网球,我总能赢我表哥。(beat

I could always beat my cousin at tennis.

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5. Mandy兴奋得怎么也坐不住了。(keep still

Mandy was so excited that she could hardly keep still.

6. 天花板上吊着一盏漂亮的灯。(suspend

A beautiful light is suspended from the ceiling.

7. 自从毕业以来,他们一直保持联系。(since

They have been in contact since they left school.

8. 你最好别把他们两个安排在相邻的位置上。(seat

You’d better not seat them next to each other.

9. 他们只剩下一个礼拜的时间准备颁奖典礼。(to go

There’s only one week to go for them to complete the preparations for the award ceremony.

10. 有了MP3播放机,你能在旅行时欣赏到高质量的音乐。(with

With an MP3 player, you can listen to high-quality music while you are traveling.

1. 这里不准吸烟。(must

You must not smoke here.

2. 学生不该上学迟到。(should

Students should not be late for school.

3. 整个超市都挤满了顾客。(crowd

The whole supermarket was crowded with customers.

4. 午饭我要吃牛排和色拉。(have

I’ll have a steak and a salad for lunch.


He lost his appetite for food after the operation.

6. 你早上该早点起床,锻炼锻炼身体。(should

You should get up early in the morning and exercise.

7. 我们老师病了,陈老师替她来教我们。(instead

Our teacher was ill, so Miss Chen taught us instead.

8. 我们应该每天吃多种食物。(variety

We should eat a variety of food every day.

9. 昨天晚上她没有叫到出租车,只好走路回家。(have to

She couldn’t get a taxi last night, so she had to walk home.

10. 没有问小组其他成员的意见就不能决定。(without

We cannot make a decision without asking other team members’ opinions.

1. 饮食种类繁多的人能保持健康。(a variety of

People who eat a variety of food can stay healthy.

2. 西方和亚洲的饮食之间存在很大的差异。(difference

There are significant differences between Western diets and Asian diets.

3. 他们的第一次见面最后成了他们合作的开始。(prove to

Their first meeting proved to be the beginning of their cooperation.

4. 爸爸决定充分利用五一假期带全家去青岛。(make the best use of

Dad decided to make the best use of the May Day holiday to take the whole family to Qingdao.

5. 白色农业是一种在水中种植植物的新的耕作。(farming

White agriculture means a new kind of farming that grows plants in water.

6. 黄小姐门前花园里的红玫瑰看起来长得很好。(appear to, nourish

The red roses which are in the garden in front of Miss Huang’s house appear to be well nourished.

7. 和亚洲人相比,西方人吃更多的肉和乳制品。(contrast

In contrast to Asians, Westerners eat more meat and dairy products.

8. 意识到健康重要性的人们正在越来越关注他们的饮食。(be aware of

People who are aware of the importance of health are playing closer attention to their diets.

9. 我们应该关注我们的饮食,因为它们会影响我们的健康。(pay attention to

We should pay attention to our diets because they will affect our health.

10. 在孙桥现代农业开发区的研究将会给中国农民带来巨大的经济利益。(benefits

The research conducted in Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone will bring great benefits to Chinese farmers.


