
发布时间:2011-08-28 16:59:44   来源:文档文库   

The changing of the seasons季节交替让世界变得奇妙

brings wonder to the world给世界带来了奇迹

For ages has the magic

of the fairies been unfurled很久以来仙子们施展魔法

But nature's greatest changes

come beneath the autumn sky但大自然最伟大的变化是在秋天

and mysteries reveal themselves as harvest time draws nigh


This year, a shimmering blue moon will rise before the frost


Perhaps its rays can light the way to find what has been lost



Time to turn the maple brilliant crimson到了将枫树染成明亮的绯红色的季节

Time to turn the Aspen sparkling gold到了将白杨树染成闪闪发光的金色的季节

Time to tumble apples from their branches到了苹果树从树杈上坠落下来的季节

Time to tell the breezes crisp and cold到了告诉微风要吹得清新凉爽的季节

A chilling一阵清凉的风

Folds the countryside吹遍了整个乡村

Kiss of morning mist upon the meadow亲吻了草地上的晨雾

Scent of wood smoke swirling in the air空气中旋转着缓缓上升的炊烟

Signals that it's high time for the harvest种种迹象表明收获的时候到了

Every pumpkin, peach and prickly pear每个南瓜 桃子和仙人果

With ripened fruit to bear果实都成熟了

If you believe若你

In who you are坚信自我

Who you were always meant to be坚信自己一直存在的意义

If you open up your heart若你敞开自己的心扉

Then you set your spirit free那么你的心灵会自由的飞翔

In this time of the season此时此刻

Every leaf on every tree没棵树上的每片树叶

Will start to shine将开始绽放光彩

Come and see过来看看

Take my hand牵起我的手

Come with me跟我一起

And fly飞起来

Yeah, okay. There you go!对,来吧!

No, no, no!不!

Good job.干得好

In this time of the season此时此刻

Every leaf on every tree每棵树上的每片树叶

Will start to shine将开始绽放光彩

Come and see过来看看

Take my hand牵起我的手

Come with me跟我一起

And fly飞起来

Morning, Stone.-Hey, Terence.一早啊,石头一嗨,泰伦斯

Come on, let's go. Flap your wings!大家加油,扇动翅膀!

Those fairies on the mainland won't be able to fly without pixie dust!


Terence, have you delivered the pixie-dust rations to the scouts yet?


Yep. Finished today's and half of tomorrow's.嗯,今天的干完了明天的也干完了一半

Remember, one cup each. No more, no less.记住,每人一杯不能多,也不能少

I know, Fairy Gary.知道了,盖瑞仙子

Well, that's my cue. I’ll catch you guys later.我该走了,回头见

And where are you off to? 你要去哪里?

Just doing some errands and stuff.有些差事和事情要办

Errands!-And stuff! 一差事!一事情!

Why are you guys talking like that? 你们怎么说话怪怪的?

No reason.一没什么

All right.-Say hi to Tinker Bell, would you? 一好吧一跟奇妙仙子问个好,好吗?

What? 什么?

Very funny.真有趣

All right, you got me. 好吧,你们说中了

I'm gonna help Tink again. 我又要去帮奇妙仙子了

Is it okay if I take this?-Sure.一我可以拿上这个吗?一当然

Thanks. See you tomorrow.谢谢,明天见


Thanks. Okay, try it now, Cheese.谢了,现在试试,芝士

Yeah, that's it!Keep going. Keep going!没错了!继续!

Hey, Cheese.Special delivery for Tinker Bell.嘿,芝士 这是特别给奇妙仙子的

Hi, Terence.嗨,泰伦斯

Who's your best friend that always delivers?谁是总给你送东西的最好的朋友?

Iridessa?-Nope. Try again.一爱丽德莎?一不对,再猜


Just kidding.我开玩笑的

So, what do you think of the Pixie Dust Express?你觉得这“金粉快车”怎么样金粉快车

The guys are gonna love this back at the depot,哇,仓库的人会很喜欢它的

and it sure is going to help out on the river-outpost deliveries.


Hey, is that a stretchy thingy?嘿,这是可以伸缩的吗?

Yeah, I thought you could use it for your motor.对,我想你可以把它用在你的引擎上

I think it's gonna be perfect.我认为那将会很完美


All right, Cheese, ready to launch.好了,芝士,准备出发

It floats!浮起来了!

Okay. Are you ready for the official test run?好,你准备进行正式测试了吗?

Don't worry. I'll be right next to you.别但心,我就在你旁边

All set?-Check.一都准备好了?一好了

Let her rip.开动吧哇

And now for hydro-drive.现在是水力驱动


Oh, no!噢,不!

Are you okay?-Yeah. Thanks.一你没事吧?一没事,谢谢

I can't believe the boat broke.我不敢相信船破了

I guess your guys are gonna have to wait a little longer.我想你们得再等等了

I'm impressed.真让我惊讶

Usually when one of your inventions doesn't work out, you overreact,


but I must say,you're handling this one pretty well.


I drove it into a tree?-Never mind.一我把它开到树上了?一别在意了


I made it to help you, Terence.It should've worked.

我造船是来帮你们的,泰伦斯 它应该能行的

Come on.Look, it just needs a little tinkering.听着,只要做点小改动就好了

Let's see.Who do I know who's a good tinker?我认识哪个优秀的工匠呢?

Bobble. Bobble's a good tinker.波波,他是个好工匠

Or Fairy Mary,she's got a lot of experience.要不玛丽仙女 她经验丰富

Or... Hey, what about Clank?要不···胖子怎么样?

Someone's in trouble.-Hey, I haven't done anything, lately.


The stinkbug incident?臭虫事件?

Oh, no.不会吧

Tinker Bell, Queen Clarion awaits.奇妙仙子,克丽安女王召见你

It's all a big misunderstanding.这都是个误会

I'm sure the queen wants to see me about something completely unrelated.


One moment.稍等

Tinker Bell is here.She's waiting outside, my lady.


Thank you, Viola.谢谢你,凡奥拉

Fairy Mary, are you certain?-Whatever do you mean?


Only that Tinker Bell,while undoubtedly talented, also...

奇妙仙子自然很有天赋 只是···

Is a hothead? Flies off the handle?-Well, yes.一性子急躁?一没错

I believe she deserves a chance,Minister.我想她值得得到一个机会,部长

After all, tinker fairies learn from their mistakes.


Very well.很好

Agreed. Tinker Bell!我同意了,奇妙仙子!

Fairy Mary tells me she knows...玛丽仙女告诉我她知道···

It's not my fault, Your Highness!Those stinkbugs were asking for it.


This isn't about the stinkbugs, is it?-No.一这跟臭虫无关,对吧?一对

But we can certainly come back to that later.我们可以之后再谈那件事


You do know the Minister of Autumn.你一定认识秋天部长吧

My dear.-Hi.一我的孩子一嗨

Are you familiar with the great autumn revelry?你熟悉秋天狂欢节吗?

Well, everyone's talking about it.

They're so excited.嗯,大家都很激动地谈论着它

Since time immemorial,从远古时候起

fairies have celebrated the end of autumn with a revelry,


and this particular autumn coincides with a blue harvest moon.


A new scepter must be created to celebrate the occasion.


the Hall of Scepters.看,节杖陈列厅

They're beautiful.-Every scepter is unique.一真美啊一每一条节杖都是独一无二的

Some are the work of animal fairies,有些是由动物仙子打造

some of light fairies, or water fairies,or garden fairies.


This year,it is the turn of the tinker fairies.今年轮到工匠仙子了

And Fairy Mary has recommended you.玛丽仙女推荐了你

Me? But I'm... I'm...-A very talented tinker.


The scepter must be built to precise dimensions.这条节杖的尺寸必须分毫不差

At the top, you will place a moonstone.你将在节杖顶端放上一颗月光石

When the blue moon is at its peak,当蓝月亮升到最高处时

its rays will pass through the gem,creating blue pixie dust.


The blue pixie dust restores the pixie dust tree.蓝金粉会让金粉树重生

Like autumn itself,it signals rebirth and rejuvenation.


We are relying on you.我们看你的了

This way, dear.孩子,到这边来

Here is the moonstone.这就是月光石

It has been handed down from generation to generation.它是世代相传而来

Be careful. It is ridiculously fragile.小心,它非常容易打碎

Fairy Mary, I... I don't know what to say.玛丽仙女,我···我不知道该说什么好

-Thank you!-Careful, Tinker Bell! Fragile!


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.一、二、三、四、五六、七、八、九、十

-Why are you counting?-It helps to calm me down.


Got it. Don't worry, Fairy Mary.I'll make you proud, all of you.

明白了,别但心,玛丽仙女 我会让你们所有人为我而骄傲的





Terence, you're never gonna believe this.泰伦斯,你一定不会相信的

Guess what happened! Go on, guess!猜猜什么事!快猜!

Well, I...嗯,我···

I have been picked to make the new fall scepter!


Me! Me!我!

Hey, that means they...They gave you the moonstone?


Yeah! Want to see?对!想看看吗?

Not so close. Don't breathe on it.It's fragile.别太近,别对着它吹气很容易碎的

Yeah, I know. I know all about it.当然,我知道它的一切

The blue moon only rises in Pixie Hollow every 8 years.


The trajectory of the light beam's gotta match the curvature of the moonstone at a 90-degree angle


so the light can transmute into pixie dust.那样光线就能转化为金粉

Terence!Now, how'd you know all that?哇,泰伦斯!你怎么知道这些的?

Well, you know, every dust-keeper's gotta study dustology.


Hey! You know what this calls for?嘿,你知道我们该怎么庆祝吗?

-2 cups of...-Chamomile tea.一两杯···一甘菊茶

-With extra honey and...-And some milkweed whip.一要放很多蜜糖和···一一些乳草

Hey, by the way, that new bucket-and-pulley system you made?


Fairy Gary loves it.盖瑞仙子非常喜欢

-He's so cute.-If you say so.一他真可爱一你说是就是吧

You know what? Maybe I can help you.You know, I'm kind of an expert on this.


I can collect the supplies and give you advice.我可以帮你收集材料提供建议

-You will? That's... That's so sweet.-Hey, what are friends for?


So, what do you say?Can I be your wingman?


That would be great.那太好了

-The best dust-keeper fairy.-And the best tinker!


This is gonna be a revelry to remember.这一定会是一个令人难忘的狂欢节



All right, we have one full moon until the autumn revelry. Here we go.


Hey, Tink!I brought you some stuff from work.


Terence, how did you...哇,泰伦斯,你怎么···

I love this thing!我太喜欢了!

I can tell you're gonna be a big help.你一定能帮我的大忙

Looks good.看上去不赖

Now, remember,you get the most blue pixie dust记住,要想有最多的蓝色金粉

if you maximize the moonstone's exposed surface area.


Right. Got it.明白了


Out of bed, sleepyhead.起床了,瞌睡虫

You gotta keep the fire nice and hot.你得把这火保持通亮

Excuse me, Tink.打搅,奇妙仙子

Yeah, you know, you should really keep that workspace clean.


Okay, let me just...Let me get that one right there.


Just one more. Thank you.还有一个,谢谢

, 2, 3...一哇!一一、二、三···

-Why are you counting?-4...一你为什么数数?一···四···


Watch your angle there.小心你的角度

Knock-knock! Who's there?梆梆!有人在家吗?

Knock. Knock who?Knock-knock-knickity-knock!梆梆!有人在家吗?



You gotta be easy.This is the tricky part.你得小心,这很容易出错的

I know.我知道

All right, now we gotta match the trajectory of the light beam


-with the...-Got it. Thanks.一跟···一明白了,谢谢

-With the...-Okay. Yeah, I know.一跟···一好了,我知道了

With the...跟···

-The curvature of the moonstone.-Will you please...


Tink, it looks like you need some sort of,you know, sharp thingy.


That's exactly what I need.那正是我需要的

Could you go out and find me something sharp?


You got it. I'll be right back.当然,我就回来

Take your time.慢慢找

Clank, what is that?胖子,那是什么?

This is a fireworks launcher.Allow me to demonstrate.


Iridessa and Rosetta will mix light crystals with flower pigment.


The mixture will go into the launcher,like so.然后把混合物放进发射器,就橡这样

Then I tighten the spring, like so.然后我上紧弹簧,就橡这样

-Oh, dear. Clank...-Then you throw the trigger...


-Yes, Clank...-...and the fireworks shoot into the air!


-Clank!-Like so!一胖子!一就橡这样!

Clanky, that's brilliant!胖子,那真聪明!

Hey, Bobble. Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy?


-A sharp thingy?-How about a stick?一锋利的东西?一树枝怎么样?

-No, a sharp thingy-majigy.-A stick can be pretty sharp!


No, I need something sharper to help Tink.不,我需要更锋利的东西来帮助奇妙仙子

For Tink!奇妙仙子!

-Clank, don't sneak up on me like that.-Did you try the cove?


Of course! That's where all the lost things wash up.


-Thanks, Bobble. Thanks, Clank.-Our pleasure. So long, Terence!


I'm getting a little dizzy.我开始有点晕了


And now for the finishing touch,a spattering of silver shavings.


Steady. I can't wait till she sees this.平稳点啊,我都等不及给她这个了

There. Perfect.很好

-Finally.-Hey, Tink! I'm back!一总算好了一嘿,奇妙仙子!我回来了!

-What is this?-It's your sharp thingy.一这是什么?一你要的锋利的东西啊

My... That's not...我的···那不是···

1, 2, 3, 4...一、二、三、四···

Terence, this is not sharp.This is round.泰伦斯这不是锋利的,这是圆的

It is, in fact, the exact opposite of sharp.事实上,跟锋利完全相反

-Really, look, if you look inside, it's...-I need to work, okay?


Now, would you please get this thing out of here?


My scepter!我的节杖!

Tink, I'm so sorry. I...奇妙仙子,我很抱歉,我···

-Out, Terence! Just go!-What?一出去,泰伦斯!你走吧!一什么?

You brought this stupid thing here.You broke the scepter.


-This is your fault!Tink, I...一都是你的错!一奇妙仙子,我···

-I was just trying to be a good friend. I...-Go away! Just leave me alone!


Fine! Last time I try to help you.好吧!这是我最后一次帮你


Kept her workspace clean,brought her food, stoked the fire!


Find a sharp thingy.Searched high and low,“找锋利的东西”到处都找遍了

and she didn't even say thank you!她连个“谢”字都没有!哇

I know some rock fairies that are gonna be pretty upset.


What? There are no rock fairies.什么?这里没有岩石仙子

You never know. There might be.很难说,有可能有

Are you okay?你没事吧?

Yeah, I'm great! Why do you ask?我很好!你问来做什么?

I'm... No. I'm sorry.I... I had a fight with Tink.


What happened?怎么了?

There was just an accident,and she just... She just exploded. I...


She exploded?她爆炸了?

No, no, I don't mean like that.不,我不是那个意思

I mean, she just yelled at me,you know? And...我是说,她朝我大声吼,还有···

Did she turn red?她很生气?

Well, of course she turned red!It's Tink!当然她很生气!她是奇妙仙子!

Just give her a chance to cool off.等她消消气就好了

Yeah, you're probably right.也许你是对的

-Hello, Tink!-Clank! Bobble!一你好,奇妙仙子!一胖子!波波!

Came to see if you wanted to join us for fairytale theater.


We figure you could use a real break.我们想你可能需要破除单调的工作规律

Break? Nothing's broken!What do you mean?破?没什么破了!你们什么意思?

What do you know?你们知道什么了?

Sorry, fellas. Busy.对不起,伙计们,我很忙

You know, the revelry,fall scepter, whatnot.狂欢节、秋天节杖、等等

I can't wait to see that scepter!我迫不及待想要看看节杖!

-Try.-Is it as beautiful as I imagine?一还不行一是不是跟我想象的那样漂亮?

-No.-Terence told us it's amazing.一不是一泰伦斯跟我们说它美极了

We're so proud of you.我们真为你骄傲

-Look, guys, I really don't have time.-Well, not to worry, Tink.


We'll tell Fairy Mary you couldn't make it.我们会跟玛丽仙女说你赶不上的

-Fairy Mary?-Well, sure!一玛丽仙女?一当然!

You know her.She never misses fairytale theater.



Clank! Bobble! Wait for me!胖子!波波!等等我!

Fairy Mary, I...玛丽仙女,我···

Tinker Bell!I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.奇妙仙子!我没想到今晚能见到你

Have you finished the scepter?你完成节杖了吗?

Well, not exactly.嗯,还没

I... I was wondering...I mean, I have to ask you...我···我在想,我得问你···


It's about the moonstone.是关于月光石的

What happened to it? You didn't lose it.Tell me you didn't lose it!


-I didn't lose it.-Good.一我没弄丢一好

But I was thinking, if using one moonstone creates blue pixie dust,


using 2 would create even more.用两颗就可以造出更多

Do you have another moonstone?你还有一颗月光石吗?

That moonstone is the only one found in the last 100 years.


And thank goodness we found it.谢天谢地我们找到了它

Without the blue dust,the pixie dust tree would grow weak,


and things would be pretty tough around here, believe you me.


Are you okay? You look sort of pale.你没事吧?你看上去有点苍白

-Wait. I know what's going on.-You do?一慢着,我知道是怎么回事一你知道?

You've been working too hard.What you need is a little theater.


Knowing you, you'd probably redo the whole scepter if you could.


-Is that an option?-Tinker Bell!一那可以吗?一奇妙仙子!

How exciting!真令人激动啊!

Hush, fairies! Hush, fairies!一请安静,别出声!一请安静,别出声!

-'Tis the moment for ancient fairy lore- 'Tis the moment for ancient fairy lore


Tinker Bell, do you mind?奇妙仙子,介意我坐这里吗?

Sorry. Skunk training.抱歉,训练过臭鼬的

-Hush, fairies! Hush!-Hush, fairies! Hush!


-For a fairytale of yore!-For a fairytale of yore!


'Twas a distant fall那是一个遥远的秋天

when a pirate ship arrived in Neverland.一艘海盗船抵达了梦幻岛

The dreaded pirates swarmed ashore,恐怖的海盗们云集在海岸

seeking the greatest and most elusive prize of all.


A fairy.一名仙子

Pirates give me the willies!海盗真吓人!

Far and wide, the pirates searched until they found a fairy.


They chased her, captured her他们追逐并捉到了她

and forced her to lead them to the most magical treasure,


the enchanted Mirror of Incanta.具有魔力的印佳塔魔镜

Forged by fairy magic in ages past,魔镜由很久以前的魔法仙子铸造

the mirror had the power to grant 3 wishes,它有魔力来满足三个愿望

anything precious to your heart.任何对你珍贵的东西

{\1c&H4080FF&}-Fairy Mary, is this true?-Every word.


The pirates used 2 wishes,海盗们使用了两个愿望

but before they could use the third wish,但在他们用第三个愿望之前

the ship was wrecked on an island north of Neverland.船在梦幻岛北边的岛上撞毁了

The Mirror of Incanta,with its last remaining wish,还能满足一个愿望的印佳塔魔镜

was lost forever.永远地迷失了

Yet it is said that the clues to find it are hidden in this ancient chant.


Journey due north past Neverland越过梦幻岛往北

Till a faraway island is close at hand抵达一个遥远的岛屿

When you're alone But not alone只身而来却不孤单

You will find help And an arch of stone


Arch of stone.石拱门

There's one way across the isle's north ridge有一条路可以通过岛的北脊

But a price must be paid at the old troll bridge


What did she say?她说什么?

I think she said something about a toll bridge.我想她在说一座收费桥

-Toll bridge?-Yeah.一收费桥?一嗯

But I don't know how much it costs.但我不知道那得花多少钱

At journey's end You shall walk the plank


Of the ship that sunk But never sank


And in the hold Amidst gems and gold船舱之中还有一个愿

A wish come true Awaits, we're told未许之愿,等待实现

But beware and be warned There's a trick to this clue


Wish only goodwill Or no good will come you


For the treasure you seek只怕宝藏未得

You may yet come to rue!“却已悔不当初!”

Bravo! Bravo!太棒了!

Bravo! Bravo!太棒了!

Faraway island is close at hand抵达一个遥远的岛屿

Due north past Neverland“越过梦幻岛往北”

Let's see. Mouse cheese.我们来看看,老鼠芝士

Pan. Chart.锅、地图

Extra clothes.换洗衣物

This one's not for traveling.这件不适合旅行

How am I gonna carry all this?我怎样才能带上所有这些东西呢?

Not enough.不够

-There you go. One cup, dear.-Thank you.一孩子,给你的一杯一谢谢

Fairy Gary. Hi.盖瑞仙子,你好

Hello, Tink. What brings you here?你好,奇妙仙子,你来有什么事吗?

I see that bucket-and-pulley system I rigged for you is working out.


You know, Fairy Gary,you really run a tight ship.盖瑞仙子,你这里真是井井有条

I know it sounds like I'm just saying it,but you really do. Really.


That's very sweet, dear.孩子,你真会说话

Anyway, I was wondering,can I have some extra pixie dust?



Come on, Fairy Gary. Please?Just a smidge?盖瑞仙子,就给一小把好吗?

Now, Tinker Bell, you know the rules,奇妙仙子,你是知道规定的

and it says here you already got your ration.记录显示你已经拿到你那份了

Iridessa! Rosetta!爱丽德莎!罗塞塔!

-What do you think?-Lend you some of our dust?一你认为如何?一借一些金粉给你?

Tinker Bell,we need every bit of it on the mainland.


Sweetie, it takes a lot of flying to bring in autumn.亲爱的,要飞很久才能到秋天呢

Sorry, Tink.抱歉,奇妙仙子

Say, you know who can help.你知道谁可以帮忙的

Raffaela, Renato, Redina, Rina...拉斐尔拉、瑞拉托,瑞迪那、瑞娜···

-Hi, Cheese!-Hey, Terence!一嗨,芝士!一嗨,泰伦斯!

Morning, Fawn!早上好,芳玟!

-Rina, Rhoda, Rosetta...-Terence.一瑞娜、罗达、罗塞塔···一泰伦斯


Surprised to see you.How's the scepter?没想到能见到你节杖做得怎样了?

I'm working on it.还在做

Look, Terence, things happened,mistakes were made,泰伦斯,现在错误已经造成了

and now there's something I need to talk to you about.我得跟你谈谈

I need some extra pixie dust.我需要一些额外的金粉

You need more pixie dust?That's why you're here?



It's not exactly what I was expecting.Why do you need more dust?


I... I can't tell you.我···不能告诉你

You can't tell me?你不能告诉我?

You need more pixie dust,and you can't tell me why?


A true friend wouldn't need to know why.一个真正的朋友不需要问为什么

A true friend wouldn't ask me to break the rules!一个真正的朋友不会让我违反规定!

Well, then,I guess we're not true friends!那我想我们不是真正的朋友!

No, I...不,我···

I guess we're not.我想我们不是

I'm on my own, then.那我就一个人了怎么了?

So long, Pixie Hollow. I'll be back soon.再见,小精灵谷,我很快就回来

I just need to angle the moon with the horizon.我需要用地平线来测量月亮的角度

I'm starving.我好饿

My boysenberry rolls!我的波森莓卷!

My mouse cheese!My pumpernickel muffin!我的老鼠芝士!我的粗祼麦松糕!

Out. Out. Shoo. Go find your friends.出去,走开,找你的朋友去

Stop following me.别跟着我

I'm on a very important mission.我有一项非常重要的任务

I have 2 days to find the magic mirror and wish the moonstone back.


No, I don't need any help.不,我不需要帮助

Yes, I am sure. Okay. Now, let's see.对,我确定,我们来看看

Hey, look! Look, little guy. Fetch!嘿,看着!小家伙,去捡回来!

Will you please get out of here?你出去好吗?

That does it. Out!够了,出去!

All right. You can stay.好吧,你可以留下来

For now. Just do me a favor,if you could stay right here.


If my bearings are accurate,we should see land soon.


I'm Tinker Bell. What's your name?我是奇妙仙子,你叫什么?

Okay. Blinky?好吧,眨眼睛?

Flicker? Flash? Beam? Flare?亮闪闪?亮晶晶?光束?光芒?

Well, how in the blazing bellows am I supposed to guess your name


if you keep...我怎能猜到你的名字···

Your name's Bellows?你叫怒吼?


Kind of a tough-guy name.You a tough guy?橡个狠角色的名字你够狠吗?

Okay. Don't hurt yourself.好了,别弄伤自己了

That's it, Cheese.Keep them coming.对了,芝士让他们继续


Okay. Next.下一个

Iridessa,how are those lanterns coming?爱丽德莎那些灯笼怎样了?

Almost done, Fairy Mary.Good shot, Cheese.差不多好了,玛丽仙女,哇!干得好,芝士

Next, I'll get Rosetta some light crystals for the fireworks.


I can't wait to mix them up with my begonias, gardenias and...



I keep forgetting those.我总是忘了它们

Fawn, show me how that 21-butterfly salute is coming along.


All right, fellas, when I blow the whistle,you guys go.好了,我一吹口哨,你们就开始

On your mark, get set...各就各位,预备开始···

One down and 20 to go.1只好了,还有20

Keep at it, sweetie.Silvermist, what are you working on?


Pollywog bubbles. Okay, guys.蝌蚪泡泡,大家准备好

-There you go.-Nicely done, dear.一就是这样一干得好,亲爱的


Fireworks. Is it ready yet?烟火准备好了吗?

-Yes!-Let her rip!一好了!一发射吧!

-Right, Bobble.-Dear.一好的,波波一亲爱的

I'm okay.我很好

Still okay.还是很好


1, 2.一、二

I don't understand, Blaze.We should've seen land by now.


You go ahead and get some rest.I'll take first watch.你休息一下,我来站岗

I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm...In a tree?哇!我醒来了···在树上?

This must be the lost island.这一定是迷失的岛屿

There it is.The stone arch from the story!那是故事中的石拱门!

You stay here and guard the balloon.你在这里看着气球

I'll be right back.我马上回来

Oh, no.噢,不

This is supposed to be a rock arch,not a twisty, branchy, tree arch.


Not now.现在不

What has gotten into you?你怎么了?

Blaze, where's the balloon?亮亮,气球呢?

It's gone?飞走了?

My compass, my supplies,my pixie dust.我的指南针、物资和金粉

I left you in charge.Why didn't you warn me?


{\1c&H4080FF&}Well, I... You...我···你···

{\1c&H4080FF&}Okay, okay. We'll get back to that later.We gotta find that balloon.




-I'm so sorry...-Terence. Terence. How did you...一我很抱歉···一泰伦斯,你怎么···

You brought this stupid thing here.You broke the scepter.


-This is your fault!-Tink, I...一是你的错一奇妙仙子,我···

I was just trying to be a good friend. I...···只是想做你的好朋友,我···

Just leave me alone!别烦我!

Fine! Last time I try to help you.好吧!这是我最后一次帮你

No. Terence, come back. Terence.不,泰伦斯,回来


Blaze, where are you?亮亮,你在哪里?


I lost my balloon. I lost my pixie dust.I'm starving.我丢了气球、金粉而且还饿得要死

What have I done?我都干了些什么?

That hit the spot.Thank you so much.哇,那让我不饿了,非常感谢

Hey, we're lost.我们迷路了

By any chance, have you seen a stone arch around here?


I'm out of dust.Looks like I'll be walking from here.


{\1c&H4080FF&}My compass!我的指南针!

That is a sharp thingy.这是个锋利的东西


The stone arch. Blaze, hey, we made it!We're here!石拱门,亮亮,我们成功了!我们到了!

Thank you so much.非常感谢

Thank you all so much. Bye, now. Bye!太感谢了,再见!

Great to have friends that will help you out, huh?有肯帮忙的朋友是很好的吧?

I know Tink is my best friend.我知道奇妙仙子是我最好的朋友

We should just forgive each other.我们应该互相原谅

Someone just needs to take the first step.有人得先开口


Yeah, well, I think it should be Tink.我想应该是奇妙仙子


She blamed me for breaking the scepter.她指责我弄坏了节杖


I know she's under a lot of pressure,我知道她的压力很大

but she shouldn't have treated me that way.但她不应该那么对我

She should apologize.她应该道歉



Thank you so much, Mr. Owl.太感谢你了,猫头鹰先生

You know what? You are truly the wisest of all the creatures.你真是最明智的生灵

The fellows are making fun of my kilt again.那些家伙又在笑我的短裙了

-Who?-The guys at the depot!一谁?一仓库的人!

They keep calling it a skirt.他们叫这个短裙

Hey, Tink, it's me.嘿,奇妙仙子,是我

Look, I know you're mad at me, okay,but there's something I need to tell you.



Anyone home?有人在家吗?

The moonstone.月光石



It's our last day, Blaze.We gotta find that shipwreck soon.


None shall pass the secret troll bridge.没人能通过神秘的怪兽桥

Troll bridge?I thought it was "toll bridge."怪兽桥?我还以为是“收费桥”

-Look, fellas, I don't want any trouble.-We are guardians of the secret...


{\1c&H4080FF&}-Hey, hey, hey! Hey!-What?一嘿,嘿!一怎么了?

It's my turn to give the ominous warning, blockhead.该我来说凶险的警告了,笨蛋

-Is not.-Is too.一不是一是

-Is not! Not! Not! Not!-Is too! Is too! Too! Too! Too!一不是!不是!一是!是!

You did it last time.你上次说过了

That was over 300 years ago!那是300多年前了!

Go ahead.说吧

We are guardians of the secret bridge.我们是神秘桥的守卫

Beat it before we grind your bones to make our bed.



The expression is, "Grind your bones to make our bread," not "bed."




Who would want to make bread out of bones?谁想要用骨头来做面包?

Might break a tooth.会崩掉牙齿的

Well, who would want to sleep in a bed made of bones?那么,谁想要睡在骨头做的床上呢?

It's hard on the back. It'll put a crick in your neck, you knucklehead.


Ix-nay in front of the ictim-vay.别在受害者前透露消息

Gravel for brains.猪脑子

-Fuzz face.-Thimble head.一毛脸一顶针头

-Stinky breath.-Googly eyes.一臭嘴巴一鼓眼睛

-Waxy ears!-Unibrow!一耳屎耳朵!一半边眉毛!

Excuse me. I need to get through.打搅一下,我得过去

None shall pass!一没人能过去!一没人能过去!

Do you have any idea what I've been through to get here?


I almost got attacked by bugs and bats我差点被虫子和蝙蝠袭击

and got blown all over the place by the wind,我还被风吹过来吹过去

and almost starved to death to find a mirror that grants one last wish,


which I wouldn't have even needed如果泰伦斯帮我找来

if Terence had taken his time finding me a sharp thingy


instead of making me break the moonstone.我才不需要魔镜呢

And then he didn't even share his pixie dust because he cares more


about the stupid rules than he does about me...他那愚蠢的规定,而不是我

Hang on, hang on, hang on. 哇,慢着

-Who's Terence?-Is he a friend of yours?一谁是泰伦斯?一他是你的一个朋友?

Well, yeah.

He was my best friend.他曾是我最好的朋友

-You're not very nice.-Hey, don't you judge me!一你不是很友善一嘿,别评判我!

You've been yelling at each other since I got here.


But he knows I don't mean it, don't you?但他知道我不是真心的,对吧

You old softie.你这个老敏感

-Like when I call you "wart face."-Yes. Or when I call you "big nose."


-Booger breath.-Stinky feet.一鼻涕虫一臭脚丫

-Weasel toes!-Badger brain!一鼬鼠脚趾!一獾鼠脑子!

-Garden gnome!-Garden gnome?一花园侏儒!一花园侏儒?

Oh, dear, I don't know where that came from.噢,亲爱的,我不知道我怎么会那样说

-I crossed the line.-Say the magic words. Go on.一我太过分了一快跟我道歉,快

I'm sorry.对不起

-Do you mean it?-Absolutely.一你真心的?一绝对

-Do you feel it?-Deeply.一你真的觉得?一深深地

Well, then, I forgive you.好吧,我原谅你


-Come here, buddy.-Pal!一过来,哥儿们一兄弟!


-You're the best.-No, you.一你是最棒的一不,你才是

-No, you.-No, you're right, I am the best.一不,你才是一好,你对,我是最棒的

-So now you think you're the best?-I know I'm the best!


Now, don't you argue with me!你竟敢跟我争!

Well, you're ugly and stinky.一你这个又丑又臭的家伙

Really? 一真的?

Blaze, listen, it's the ocean.亮亮,听着,这是海

The ship that sunk but never sank.Okay, Blaze, this is it.


We gotta find that mirror and fix the moonstone. Let's go.


Why couldn't the mirror be in a bunny-filled meadow?



Who's that? Who's there?是谁?

Look, Blaze.看,亮亮

What do you think? Too big?你怎么想?太大了?

It's gotta be in here somewhere, Blaze.Come on. Help me look.


It's real.是真的

Okay. Deep breath.深呼吸

Clear your mind.Only get one shot at this. Here it goes.想好了,只能试一次

I wish... I wish...我希望···

I wish...我希望···

Blaze, I wish you'd be quiet for one minute!亮亮,我希望你能安静一分钟!

No, no, no, no! No!That one didn't count!不!那不算!

I take it back.Please, please. I take it back!我收回,求你了!

That wasn't my wish. Please!那不是我的愿望,求你了!

Blaze, look what you've done!亮亮,看你干的好事!

This mirror was my last chance.This is all your fault!魔镜是我最后的希望,都是你的错!

I'm sorry, Blaze. It's not your fault.对不起,亮亮,那不是你的错

It's mine.是我的

It's all mine.都是我的错

I wish Terence were here.泰伦斯在这里就好了

I wish we were still friends.我们要还是朋友就好了

We are friends, Tink.我们是朋友,奇妙仙子


-I am so sorry.-I forgive you.一对不起一我原谅你

I miss you so much.我很想你

I miss you, too. But, Tink, why...我也想你,但,你为什么···

Why didn't you tell me about the moonstone?


I didn't want anyone to know.我不想别人知道

I didn't think I needed any help, Terence.我以为我不需要帮助,泰伦斯

I was wrong. I wish you were here.我错了,我希望你在这里

-I am here.-I know you are.一我在这里一我知道

But, I mean, really here, with me.但我是说,真的在这里

I am with you.我是和你在一起

No. I mean here, Terence,right next to me.我是说在我身边

I'm standing behind you.我正站在你身后


I'm so sorry, Terence.I know, I was so wrong...对不起,我真错了···

Hey, hey. I'm sorry, too.嘿,我也对不起

You know, you were under a lot of pressure... Hey.你的压力很大···哇!嘿

-Who's this?-This is Blaze.一这是谁?一亮亮

He's been a big help in some tough spots.他在困难时帮了我大忙

-Well, it's a pleasure to meet you.-How did you...一很高兴见到你一你怎么···

I flew all night and all day over the sea,我在海上飞了整天整夜

and just when I was gonna run out of dust,正当我快用完金粉时

I stumbled into that flying machine of yours.我被你的飞行器绊倒了

That thing is awesome!那东西真是棒!

I only had a pinch of dust left.It got me all the way here.


You found my balloon?你找到我的气球了?

But where did you even get the dust to make it this far?


I, you know, borrowed a little extra.我借了一点点

-You broke the rules for me?-Hey, I knew you needed my help.




Hold on!坚持住!

-That was kind of fun.-What?一真好玩一什么?

There's our way out.那是我们出去的路

Terence, buy me some time.Come on, Blaze.泰伦斯,帮忙拖延一下时间来,亮亮

Back, you dirty rats!回去,你们这些脏鼠!

-Are they gone?-They're gone.一它们走了?一嗯

Let's go.走吧

Come here, you vicious monster.过来,你这个邪恶的怪物

Now, how are we gonna fly this thing?我们怎么让它飞起来呢?

I used the last of my dust getting it here.我来这里把最后的金粉都用完了

Well, with any luck, my pixie-dust bag幸运的话,我的金粉袋应该在附近

should be around here somewhere.

Is it enough?那够吗?

-Yeah, it's enough. Anchors up.-Aye-aye, Captain.一足够了,起锚一好的,船长

Just a little bit of pixie dust up front will get this baby going.


That should do the trick.那就能飞了,哇

I guess it pays to have a dust-keeper fairy around.有个金粉看守仙子在旁边真不错

I'm telling you, we just might make it.我说过我们也许会成功的

Hey, are you okay?你还好吗?

What's gonna happen when we get back?我们回去后会怎样呢?

Would you happen to have an extra moonstone?你会再有一颗月光石吗?

I don't know if it's gonna help,but I brought this.我不知道是否有用。但我带来了这个

My scepter.我的节杖

Hey, I've got an idea.我有个主意

-Terence?-Right. Right.一泰伦斯?一对

No, I know. You need your space.我知道,你需要私人空间

No. I can't do this without you.Would you help me?



If I turn this, then this can go in here.我转动这个,它就能进去

Wait a second.You think this would work?等等,你认为这能行?

-Yeah. Yeah!-Okay, okay.一耶!一好了

Set it at a 30-degree angle设定为30度角

so that the reflective qualities of the moonstone...那样月光石的反射特性···

{\1c&H4080FF&}Are magnified in relation to the moonbeam rays.


Yes! You're a genius.对!你真是个天才

-I almost got it. I just need...-Like a sharp thingy?



Excuse me, Blaze.抱歉,亮亮

That's a bit heavier than I remember.那比我记得的要重一些

1,492, 1,493...14921493···

No, no, no.

It's all right.Tink will be here any second now.没事的,奇妙仙子随时都会到

The blue harvest moon is high.蓝色收获月已经升起来了

The moonbeams are almost at their mark.月光也差不多了

This is a disaster.真是个灾难

Fairy Mary, where is Tinker Bell?玛丽仙女,奇妙仙子呢?

-I don't know!-You...一我不知道!一你···

Minister, Fairy Mary?部长,玛丽仙女?

Yes, Your Highness?一在,殿下?一在,殿下?

Is anything the matter?有问题吗?

-Yes...-No, Your Highness.一有···一没有,殿下

-Where is Tinker Bell?-Well, we've been...一奇妙仙子在哪里?一我们已经···

Look up there!看!

Tinker Bell!奇妙仙子!

Hi, everybody!大家好!


Hi! Queen Clarion, Fairy Mary,I made it!嗨,克丽安女王、玛丽仙女,我成功了!

-There she is.-Now that's an entrance.一她在那里一那是个入口

Right in the nick of time.时间刚刚好

Your Highness.殿下

Tinker Bell,at the beginning of the season,奇妙仙子,在季节之初

you were entrusted with a great responsibility.你被授予了一个伟大的责任

Where is the fall scepter?秋天节杖在哪里?

There were complications,出了些小问题

but it's ready now, Your Highness.但现在已经就绪了,殿下

This way, dear.这边,孩子

Fairies of Pixie Hollow,I present the autumn scepter.


The moonstone! 1, 2...月光石!一、二···

No, no. Don't worry, Fairy Mary.Just... Just wait.别但心,玛丽仙女等等

Wait, wait.等等

Come on, come on.

Please work. Please work. Please work.一定要成功

Your Majesty, I've never seen this much blue pixie dust before.



It's at least a million smidges.Maybe more.至少有一百万把,或许更多

-It's more.-Yeah. Much more.一是更多一比更多还多

This is amazing!太神奇了!

-Only Tinker Bell.-Pretty good, huh?一只有奇妙仙子能做到一很棒,对吧?

Come on, girls. It's show time.来吧,姑娘们,表演时间到了

Fairies of Pixie Hollow,小精灵谷的仙子们

we have celebrated this revelry without interruption for centuries.


Tonight, I believe,is our finest revelry ever,我相信今晚是最棒的狂欢节

thanks to one very special fairy,Tinker Bell.得感谢我们的奇妙仙子

And her friend, Terence.还有她的朋友泰伦斯

-And her new friend.-Blaze.一还有她的新朋友一亮亮

Yes, of course. Blaze.We owe them all our thanks.当然,还有亮亮,我们都该感谢他们

-I'm so proud of you.-Thank you, Fairy Mary.一我是如此为你骄傲一谢谢你,玛丽仙女

What made you think of breaking the moonstone你是怎样想到把月光石

into all those tiny little pieces?弄成碎块的呢?


On your lead, my dear.你来引路,孩子

All right, everyone.To the pixie-dust tree!大家注意了金粉树!

That's our cue!该我们上场了!

There are the bubbles. Hit it, Clank.那里有泡泡,启动啊,胖子

It worked, Bobble! It worked!成功了,波波!

Aye, it certainly did.当然

To believe in who you are

Who you were always meant to be

To you open up your heart

Then you set your spirit free

In this time of the season

Every leaf on every tree

Start to shine

Come and see

Take my hand

Come with me

And fly

The greatest treasures are not gold Nor jewels, nor works of art


They cannot be held in your hands They're held within your heart


For worldly things will fade away as seasons come and go


But the treasure of true friendship will never lose its glow


Subtitles: Arigon

Sometimes you think

you'll be fine by yourself

'Cause a dream

is a wish that you make all alone

It's easy to feel like you don't need help

But it's harder to walk on your own

You'll change inside

When you realize

The world comes to life

And everything's all right

From beginning to end

When you have a friend

by your side

That helps you to find

The beauty you are

when you open your heart

And believe in

The gift of a friend

The gift of a friend

Someone who knows

when your lost and you're scared

There through

the highs and the lows

Someone to count on

Someone who cares

Beside you wherever you'll go

You'll change inside

When you realize

The world comes to life

And everything's all right

From beginning to end

When you have a friend

by your side

That helps you to find

The beauty you are

when you open your heart

And believe in

The gift of a friend

And when your hope crashes down

Shattering to the ground

You'll feel all alone

When you don't know which way to go

And there's no signs leading you on

You're not alone

The world comes to life

And everything's all right

From beginning to end

When you have a friend

By your side

That helps you to find

The beauty you are

when you open your heart

You believe in

When you believe in

When you believe in

The gift of a friend

Where the sunbeams play

in the highland glade

Where the leaves are gently falling

Where we used to dance


My foolish pride drove you away

Where the storm clouds rose

and the cold winds blew

I could not hear you calling

Till you took my hand

and you pulled me through

To where the sunbeams play

To ride with you

upon the wind

To fly above the sea

To be far and wide

of Neverland

I would dare to go

If you would go with me

Now the wind blows our love

against our day

And the dark of night is falling

But if you're with me

We will find our way

To where the sunbeams

To where the sunbeams

To where the sunbeams dance

And play


