大学体验英语3 Unit 1-Unit8课后习题汉译英

发布时间:2015-01-05 11:25:07   来源:文档文库   

Unit1 on page 12


Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents.


It has been Marys long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true.


Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.


He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.


I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for Ive waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by.

Unit2 on page 36


Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack.


His election speech failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the Senate seat.


While I admit that there are problems, I dont agree that they cannot be solved.


His first debate on TV made a deep impression on his audience.


All things are interrelated and interact with each other.

Unit3 on page 60


Thoughts are expressed by means of language.


I have bought so many new books this year that its really difficult for me to keep count of them.


The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to celebrate her birthday.


His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month.


We bought a car last month, which was registered under my name.

Unit4 on page 85

1. 这支乐队20世纪80年代凭借那张专集一举成名

The band shot to fame in the 1980s with that single album.

2. 冒一下险吧,你可能还是会输,但赢的机会却增加了。

Take a risk, and you may lose again, but you would have improved your chances to win.

3. 科学家正极力研究治愈艾滋病 (AIDS) 的良方。

Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their research for finding a cure for AIDS.

4. 现在我们知道了网络的意义:鼠标一点就能知晓天下大事。

Now we see the point of the Internet: we can get information from all over the world just by clicking the mouse.


Some people believe the government will regulate the research of human cloning sooner or later.

Unit 5 on page 111


It’s one thing to understand the principle, it’s another thing to put it into practice.


It is reported that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.


Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to the latest survey.


The area should have been made into a park for everyone to enjoy but now some apartment buildings stand there.


I’m wondering whether all the related information could add up to a clear picture of him.

Unit 6. on page 135

1. 他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。

He breathed a sigh of sorrow and told us that he had seen a better day when he was young.

2. 他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。

He has a strong sense of responsibility, and that’s why he is chosen to take control of the project.


Wherever you go, be it for business or pleasure, it is always a good idea to find out as much as you can about the place.


Let’s be careful. The situation may be about to repeat itself.


In fact, the air quality of a house has a great deal to do with children’s health, and adults’ health for that matter.

Unit 7 on page 158


A lot of people believe that these pills help them sleep. All I can think is, “if they only knew.”

2. 他一直在琢磨这个问题,直到把它完全解决为止。

He kept chipping away at the problem until he had completely solved it.

3. 这位乡下孩子接触到了城里种种陌生的事物。他感到十分惊讶,仿佛自己进入了未来世界一般。

The country boy was exposed to many strange things in the city. He felt greatly shocked as if he had entered a future world.

4. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。

Within only one year of graduating from college, he went from a student who pursued his dream to a person who didn’t care about a thing.

5. 我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。

I have been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that’s not something that everyone gets.

Unit 8 on page 182


The thefts in recent months paled in comparison with this case.


Several years have passed since the traffic accident, and he still can’t shake away the guilty feeling.


Though we had put forward a proposal to reduce cost, the board members didn’t appear to take it seriously.


The bare hills around haven’t reminded the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.


It is unlikely for his hearty laughter to ring in our office again.


《大学体验英语3 Unit 1-Unit8课后习题汉译英.doc》
