
发布时间:2018-06-29 23:46:30   来源:文档文库   

The Cock’s Crow at the Midnight

高宝玉 I am very tired.  (被鸡吵醒)困死我了。

伙计甲 Ouch! Me too.  唉!又累又困。

伙计乙  That cock is very strange. We slept in a moment, then the cock began to crow.那公鸡真怪,刚睡下它就叫了。

伙计甲 We have worked for a long time. It is still dark.下地干了老半天,天都还没亮呢。

    The cock helps our master because he is rich. He’s very lucky. 人家有钱,鸡也向着他呗,这真是好命啊。

刘方忠 You’re wrong. Use your head. Why did the cock crow lately in the morning. Now it crows early in the morning. I think something must be wrong with it.不对,什么命好命歹,你们想想,为什么以前鸡叫得迟,现在鸡却叫得这样早,我看这里头一定有鬼。

    I want to kill that cock. 我非把那只该死的鸡打死不可。

伙计甲  Uncle Wang is right. Something is wrong with it. 万忠叔说得对,这里头一定有鬼。

伙计乙  What should we do now? 那咱们该怎么办呢?

众长工  What should we do now?.是啊,咱们该怎么办呢?

刘万忠  Use our heads. We must have an idea. 唔,是得想个法子。

众长工 What should we do?


伙计甲 So, we pretend that we can′t hear the crow of the cocks. Let′s sleep for a                 little more while.干脆,周扒皮没来叫我们,我们就装着没听到鸡叫,多睡一会儿。

   Yes! Sleep for a little more while.对!多睡一会儿~



   Er, seems that someones there. Who′s that? Oh! Maybe to steal the chicks.

He’d better steal all the chicks! We can sleep more without the crow. But be careful! Don′t be caught by ZhouBaPi! (起来解手)哎,好像有人,这是谁啊?怕是来偷鸡的吧。有钱人的鸡偷了活该,最好把鸡都偷光。鸡就不叫人,我们还能多睡会儿觉呢。哎呀,可要小心,叫周扒皮看见,把他抓起来就坏了!(偷躲起来看)


   Ah, It′s ZhouBaPi.啊,原来是周扒皮。



周扒皮 Get up now! You are lazy men! The cock crows. Get up and work immediately! How dare you work for me like that! Listen!  Punish you if you can’t finish the work today. 起来,懒鬼,鸡都叫了,还不下地干活去,你们吃我的饭,挣我的粮,就这样给我干活?听着,今天不把那块地干完,看我怎么收拾你们。(下)

   No wonder the cock crows at the midnight. Just because of that old bad man.怪不得半夜三更鸡就叫,原来是这个老坏蛋搞的鬼。


伙计甲 The cock crows in a moment after we go to bed.才躺下,这鸡又叫了。

   The cock is not a cock!这鸡真不叫鸡。

刘方忠  What is it?不叫鸡,叫什么?

伙计乙  It’s  a ghost      叫催命鬼呗。

    We’ll die if we go on doing like this.在这么干下去,迟早也得累死。

   They don′t know that′s ZhouBaPi′s chick. Uncles, please don′t complain the cock. It isn’t the cock. We should curse ZhouBaPi.他们还不知道这是周扒皮搞的鬼。叔叔、伯伯你们别骂鸡。不怨鸡,该怨人!

刘万忠 YuBao, what did you see?宝玉你快说说,你是不是刚才看见什么?

   Uncles, I saw ZhouBaPi pretended to crow as a cock just now.叔叔伯伯你们听我说,刚才我看见周扒皮学鸡叫。

众长工Ah, so ZhouBaPi played tricks. 啊,原来是周扒皮在搞鬼。

小丁  To learn the cock’s crow  at the midnight . He wants to take off our skin


刘万忠 Damn , Zhou Bapi wants to drink our blood . No way !


伙计甲 Since we can’t live here. Let’s go home .Don’t work for him any more .


伙计乙 You are right. Let’s go .对,回家不干了,走!

刘万忠 Wait a minute, we can’t go like this .慢,不能这么走了!

小丁   Go away . lf we die because of hungry . We stay at home better than we stay here .


刘万忠 Hi .You can see the devils of Japanese and the traitors everywhere .They are

tyrannous .Where can we go?  And autumn’s harvest time is coming , If we go away now , We won’t get our pay of half year’s work.. We’ll suffer losses. We will jump into Zhou Bapi’s evil plot .


伙计乙  So , what should we do now?那,你说咱们该怎么办呢?

刘万忠  Even we go , we must think a way to rectify this bad man .


众长工  Yes ,We must rectify this bad man .对,是要治治这个老坏蛋。

玉宝    I have a way , Let’s hit this bad man one time .We will feel better .


伙计甲  Yubao ,Are you a foolish boy ? He have much money and strong power . His son is the leader of the police office. Can we hit him?


玉宝   Uncles, I am not a foolish. Listen to me. The leader of the police office said, “Who is the thief, who is be seized up .” Then we ……叔叔,我没啥,你听我说,保长不是说过有贼必抓吗?咱们就……(耳语)


刘万忠 Ok, Ok. It is a good idea . You are a good boy. Come on , Let’s prepare for tonight’s work .好,好 ,这小家伙还真有办法。来,今晚上你们先准备……


玉宝   Thief, thief. Come on . Stop the thief有贼!有贼!大家快来捉贼啊!

刘万忠  Let’s catch the thief . He is stealing the cock .Stop him.大伙快抓住偷鸡贼,别让他跑了。

       [ 众拿棍子围上打周。

周扒皮  Don’t hit me , don’t hit me . It’s me .别打,别打,是我…….

小丁     It’s you . 打的就是你。

        [ 周被追打一头钻进鸡窝。

刘万忠   Will you dare to steal cocks again? 看你还敢不敢来偷鸡。

众长工   Will you dare to steal cocks again? 对,看你还敢不敢来偷鸡。

玉宝     We have caught the thief. The thief is here!(故意大声喊)我们抓住偷鸡贼啦!

周扒皮 Don’t hit me! Don’t hi tme! I,I,I,I,am your master.(慌慌张张上)别打,别打,他他他他是你们的老东家。

众长工   What? Our master? (停住手)什么,老东家?

刘万忠   Is he our master? Quickly, quickly. Pull him out quickly.怎么会是老东家呢,快把他拉出来看看。

         [ 众把周从鸡窝里拉出。

刘万忠   Carry lights. Oh, my god. It’s true. He’s our master. Oh, his face is covered with chicken droppings. 快拿灯来看看,啊,还真是老东家呢,唉呀,这满脸鸡屎。


刘万忠   We thought he was a thief.  闹了半天,我们都当是偷鸡贼呢。

周扒皮   Ah, ah, ouch.! I am very aching to die.哎哎呀,痛死我了。

刘万忠   What did you do so lately at night in the nest ? 老东家,这半夜三更的,你到鸡窝来干什么?

众长工   What did you do in the chicken’s nest ? 对,到鸡窝来干什么?

周扒皮  I, I, I… ouch . I was pulled here while I was dazed with sleep. 我我我哎呀别提了,我睡得迷迷糊糊的也不知道被什么东西把我给拉到这儿来啦,哎哟!

周扒皮  Ah, my god.哎哟,我的天哪。 (大哭)

众长工  Ha, ha, ha.哈哈,哈哈(大笑不止)


