
发布时间:2019-08-31 01:21:12   来源:文档文库   

Pu suan tzu A fragment moon hangs from the bare tung tree The water clock runs out all is still Who sees the dim figure come and go alone Misty indistinct the shadow of a lone wild goose Startled she gets up looks back With longing no one sees And will not settle on any of the cold branches Along the chill and lonely beach 缺月挂疏桐 漏断人初静 谁见幽人独往来 缥缈孤鸿影 惊起却回头 有恨无人省 拣尽寒枝不肯栖 寂寞沙洲冷 Shui tiao ko tou The moon -- how old is it I hold the cup and ask the clear blue sky But I dont know in palaces up there When is tonight If only I could ride the wind and see -- But no jade towers So high up might be too cold For dancing with my shadow -- How could there be like here Turning in the red chamber Beneath the carved window The brightness baffles sleep But why complain The moon is always full at parting A man knows grief and joy separation and reunion The moon clouds and fair skies waxing and waning -- And old story this struggle for perfection Heres to long life This loveliness we share even a thousand miles apart 明月几时有 把酒问青天 不知天上宫阙 今夕是何年 我欲乘风归去 又恐琼楼玉宇 高处不胜寒 起舞弄轻影 何似在人间 转朱阁 低绮户 照无眠 不应有恨 何事长向别时圆 人有悲欢离合 月有阴晴圆缺 此事古难全 但愿人长久 千里共婵娟 Shui lung yin Like a flower but not a flower No one cares when it falls And lies discarded at the roadside But though Unmoved I think about The tangle of wounded tendrils Lovely eyes full of sleep About to openyet Still in dreams following the wind ten thousand miles In search of love Startled time and again by the orioles cry Do not pity the flower that flies off Grieve for the western garden Its fallen red already beyond mending -- Now after morning rain Whats left A pond full of broken duckweed If the three parts of spring Two turn to dust One to flowing water Look -- These are not catkins But drop after drop of parted lovers tears 似花还似非花 也无人惜从教坠 抛家傍路 思量却是 无情有思 萦损柔肠 困酣娇眼 欲开还闭 梦随风千里 寻郎去处 又还被莺呼起 不恨此花飞坠 恨西园 落红难缀 晓来雨过 遗踪何在 一池苹碎 春色三分 二分尘土 一分流水 细看来 不是杨花 点点是离人泪 Nien nu chiao The Ynagtze flows east Washing away A thousand ages of great men West of the ramparts -- People say -- Are the fables Red Cliffs of young Chou of the Three Kingdoms Rebellious rocks pierce the sky Frightening waves rip the bank The backwash churns vast snowy swells -- River and mountains like a painting how many heroes passed them once ... Think back to those years Chou Yu -- Just married to the younger Chiao -- Brave brilliant With plumed fan silk kerchief Laughed and talked While masts and oars vanished to flying ash and smoke I roam through ancient realms Absurdly moved Turn gray too soon -- A mans life passes like a dream -- Pour out a cup then to the river and the moon 大江东去 浪涛尽 千古风流人物 故垒西边 人道是 三国周郎赤壁 乱石穿空 惊涛拍岸 卷起千堆雪 江山如画 一时多少豪杰61 遥想公瑾当年 小乔初嫁了 雄姿英发 羽扇纶巾 谈笑间 樯橹灰飞烟灭 故国神游 多情应笑我 早生华发 人生如梦 一尊还酹江月 Chiang chen tzu Ten years living and dead have drawn apart I do nothing to remember But I can not forget Your lonely grave a thousand miles away ... Nowhere can I talk of my sorrow -- Even if we met how would you know me My face full of dust My hair like snow In the dark of night a dream: suddenly I am home You by the window Doing your hair I look at you and can not speak Your face is streaked by endless tears Year after year must they break my heart These moonlit nights That low pine grave 十年生死两茫茫 不思量 自难忘 千里孤坟 无处话凄凉 纵使相逢应不识 尘满面 鬓如霜 夜来幽梦忽还乡 小轩窗 正梳妆 相对无言61 唯有泪千行 料得年年断肠日 明月夜 短松冈 李煜虞美人春花秋月何时了往事知多少 - 小楼昨夜又东风。故国不堪回首明月中。雕栏玉砌应犹在。只是朱颜改。 - 问君能有几多愁。恰似一江春水向东流。 Spring blossoms and autumn moon - when will they end How much has happened in the past On the balcony last night again an east wind the moon was so bright I couldnt bear to look toward my old kingdom. The carved galleries and jade steps must still be there only the rosy cheeks have changed. I ask you how much sorrow can there be Its just like a whole river full of eastward flow in spring. 欧阳修采桑子群芳过后西湖好狼藉残红飞絮蒙蒙垂柳阑干尽日风。笙歌散尽游人去始觉春空垂下帘栊双燕归来细雨中。 When the many scents are gone the West Lake of Yichuan is charming all over a little red is left. Floating fluffs blur the air fencelike willow twigs catch the wind and rain. The airs of a panpipe accompany traveling people reminding them that spring is gone. The window curtains hanging down while swallow pairs turn back in drizzling rain. 晏几道木兰花东风又作无情计艳粉娇红吹满地。碧楼帘影不遮愁还似去年今日意。谁知错管春残事到处登临曾费泪。此时金盏直须深看尽落花能几醉。 Once again the eastwind makes heartless plots rouge and powder blown down and covering the ground. The curtain of the green balcony is not able to cover my sadness just like the year before. Who knows what damage such wrong pipes do to spring climbing every hill I once shed useless tears. In such times we cannot but fill the golden cups stare at the falling flowers and make us drunk. 晏几道木兰花秋千院落重帘暮彩笔闲来题绣户。墙头丹杏雨余花门外绿杨风后絮。朝云信断知何处应作襄王春梦去。紫骝认得旧游踪嘶过画桥东畔路。 Double curtains fall in the swing yard at dusk and color brushes cease to work in her boudoir. Inside the walls the rain has left over some red apricot flowers outside the door the poplar fluffs fly after the wind. If faith in dawn clouds a girl named Xiaoyun is lost where to go I have to make me free from king Xiangwangs springtime dream. Purple Steed you know the old paths neighing you cross a painted bridge on the way across the eastern banks. 苏轼江城子十年生死两茫茫不思量自难忘。千里孤坟无处凄凉。纵使相逢应不识尘满面鬓如霜。夜来幽梦忽还乡小轩窗正梳妆。相顾无言惟有泪千行。料得年年肠断处明月夜短松网。 The year yimao 1st month 20th day: recording a dream I had last night Ten years - dead and living dim and drew apart. I dont try to remember but forgetting is hard. Lonely grave a thousand miles off cold thoughts - where can I talk them out Even if we met you wouldnt know me dust on my face hair like frost - In a dream last night suddenly I was home. By the window of the little room you were combing your hair and making up. You turned and looked not speaking only lines of tears coursing down - year after year will it break my heart The moonlit grave its stubby pines. - - 舒亶虞美人芙蓉落尽天涵水日暮沧波起。背飞双燕贴云寒独向小楼东畔倚阑看。浮生只合尊前老雪满长安道。故人早晚上高台寄我江南春色一枝梅。 Falling lotus flowers disturb the Heaven Ponds clear water at dusk blue waves arise. High a swallow pair flies below the freezing clouds as I am lonely watching from the balcony. In a floating life the only appropriate way is to venerate the old. Snow covered the streets of Changan when in old times Fan Ye was watching from the tower day and night waiting for Lu Kai to bring him a flowering peach twig from the south. 周邦彦满庭芳风老莺雏雨肥梅子午阳嘉树清圆。地卑山近衣润费炉烟。人静乌鸢自乐小桥外新绿溅溅。凭阑久黄芦苦竹疑泛九江船。年年如社燕飘流瀚海来寄修椽。且莫思身外长近尊前。憔悴江南倦客不堪听急管繁弦。歌筳畔先安枕簟容我醉时眠。 Wind raises the oriols chicks rain manures the plum sprouts midday sun makes trees grow clearing and rounding. The ground is flat the mountains near wet clothes damping over the fire. As man is quiet the kites play happily. Outside the small bridge new green in gurgling water. Leaning upon a balustrade amidst yellow gourds and withered bamboo I ask myself if the ship will reach Jiujiang. Year after year like migrating swallows like the floating desert they come under my eaves. But never think at outside of your self if long or short rever the ancient. Emaciated and tired are the guests from the south let them hear music play flutes and lutes Make a banquet on the fields first prepare their mats and pillows and let us only sleep when we are drunk. 贺铸蝶恋花几许伤春春复暮杨柳清阴偏碍游丝度。天际小山桃叶步白慆花满湔裙处。竟日微吟长短句帘影灯昏心寄胡琴语。数点雨声风约住朦胧淡月云来去。 What should hurt the spring when a spring day is over Poplars and willows under the clear moon their twigs just in the way of strolling people. On a small hill at the horizon peach leafs come out and with a pure delight petals scatter all over my fresh washed robe. When the day is over tiny sounds of short and long poems in the shadow of the curtains light in the dark and hearts send their words by a zither tune. The sound of rain has relieved the wind amidst floating clouds the dim and hazy moon. 辛弃疾汉宫春春已归来看美人头上袅袅春幡。无端风雨未肯收尽余寒。年时燕子料今宵梦到西园。浑未办黄柑荐酒更传青韭堆盘。却笑东风从此便薰梅染柳更没些闲。闲时又来镜里转变朱颜。清愁不断问何人会解连环。生怕见花开花落朝来塞雁先还。 Spring is back on all the maidens heads the springtime papercuts. Ceaseless wind and rain and still a little bit of cold. The seasonn when the swallows breed chicks is come but in the night I walk in dream in Kaifengs West Garden. No finished yet the orange liqueur we first serve the green scallions plate. Now we laugh with the eastwind perfuming plums and coloring willows to have more leisure time. In leisure time then we look again in the mirror to change the rouge on our cheeks. But our simple sadness never ceases asking who can loose these chains Im afraid to see again this place in my life. Opening flowers falling flowers - the dawn impedes the geese to fly home. 吴文英风入松听风听雨过清明愁草瘗花铭。楼前绿暗分携 路一丝柳一寸柔情。料峭春寒中酒交加晓梦啼莺。西园日日扫林亭依旧赏新晴。黄蜂频扑秋千索有当时纤手香凝。惆怅双鸳不到幽阶一夜苔生。 Listening to wind and rain and waiting for clear weather while the grass of sadness buries the incarved flowers. In front of the house in twilight green our ways are separating. Giving you a willow twig giving me a bit of warm emotion. While drinking wine in the harsh coldness of spring a morning dream is filled with oriol songs. In the west garden I daily sweep the Forest Pavillion enjoying the clear weather like before. The wasps attack the swing rope when I was holding it with delicate hands and fragrant shape. So heavy-hearted I wait for my husband to come home while in the dark corner of the stairs the moss grows green over night.


