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我们今天上了一堂特别的课,那就是军训,XX年级组的四个班集合在操场,老师请来了三位解放军叔叔,指导我们军训。 We have a special lesson today, that is military training. Four classes of XX grade group gather in the playground. The teacher invited three PLA uncles to guide our military training. 老师将我们四个班分成了三个大班,分别由三位解放军叔叔当我们的教官,其中我们XX(3班和XX(4班的小部分组成了一个大班,执教我们这个班级的是一位身高约17米,黑黑的脸宠,体魄健壮的解放军叔叔,他一脸严肃,虎视眈眈地注视着我们,立正,向右看齐、向前看、稍息!”口令喊得是那么响亮,在他的指挥下,我们就像一只只一山的小老虎,精神抖擞的按照口令行动,可是,我们的队伍就是站不好,头的摆动也不整齐,我们就连立正、稍息的动作都做不规范,所以,我们反反复复地练了好几遍。
The teacher divides our four classes into three big classes, which are made up of three PLA uncles as our teachers. A small part of our class XX (3 and XX (4 forms a big class. The one who teaches our class is about 1 height. 7 meters, black face favorite, strong body of the Liberation Army uncle, his face is serious, tiger eyes covetously
watching us, "stand upright, look right, forward, breathe a little!" The password is so loud, under his command, we are like a mountain tiger, the spirit of the action according to the password, but, our team is not standing well, head swing also not. Tidy, we do not even stand upright, slightly relaxed movements are not standardized, so, we repeatedly practiced several times. 虽然已是秋天,可今天中午的太阳晒在我们身上真热,训练不一会儿,就觉得累,其实,解放军叔叔挺爱护我们的,训练一阵后,就让我们坐下来休息。
Although it is autumn, today's noon sun is really hot on us. After training, I feel tired. In fact, my uncle of the PLA loves us very much. After training for a while, let's sit down and rest. 军训,对我们是一次强壮身体、磨练意志的训练,增强我们集体观念的训练。军训这堂课上得很有意义,我想:经过军训,我们流出的汗水一定可以洗去我们往日里的娇气和以前的不良习惯,换来的是强壮的体魄和坚强的意志。
Military training is a training for us to strengthen our body, train our will and strengthen our collective concept. The lesson of military training is very meaningful. I think: after military training, our sweat will wash away our old charm and bad habits, in exchange for strong physique and strong will.



