最新商务信件 Letter of Claim(索赔函 英文版)资料

发布时间:2019-12-10 00:51:59   来源:文档文库   

Letter of Claim

Date: _____________ No:_____________


To: LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.

As regards inferior quality of your goods, we regret to inform you that we should claim a compensation of $_______.

In this March, your company provided the ________ with so many defectives, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled work. Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the loss as quickly as possible.


Company: Company:

Signature: Signature:

Letter of Claim(示例1)

Date: _____________ No:_____________


To: LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.

As regards inferior quality of your goods, we regret to inform you that we should claim a compensation of $_______.

In this March, your company provided the 3D Glasses with so many defectives, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled work. Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the loss as quickly as possible.


Company: Company:

Signature: Signature:

Letter of Claim (示例2)

Date: _____________ No:_____________


To: LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.

As regards inferior quality of your goods, we regret to inform you that we should claim a compensation of $_______.

In this March, your company provided the video cassette with so many defectives, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled work. Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the loss as quickly as possible.


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The Xi 撳簱 Geng$the Fei Hun

The Yue 氱偣 Zhu 涘簲

The 鐗╂祦 Chan 栧寘

The Zhu 涘簲閾 play ?

The 閮ㄩ棬 Geng$the 悊鐗╄祫

The dries the Zi 忔祹鍒 Duo to harmCompany: Company:

The Shu father 鍛ㄨ straches Qian 撳瓨

The 鍏嶉櫎鎷呬繚 Lu changesSignature: Signature:



《最新商务信件 Letter of Claim(索赔函 英文版)资料.doc》
