
发布时间:2019-02-15 22:43:10   来源:文档文库   



begin with以什么开始的英语例句 1. they plan to meet again in rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations. 他们计划不久在罗马再次会晤以开始实质性的谈判。 2. an auctioneer rouped the kirk seats beginning by asking for a bid. 拍卖者叫价以开始拍卖教会的坐椅. 3. the bank advanced him 20,000 dollars to start his business. 银行预付他两万元以开始他的事业. 4. drag media to the storyboard to begin making a movie. 将媒体拖放到情节提要以开始制作电影. 5. this gives me 340 calories to start the day. 这给我提供340卡的热量以开始一天的活动. 6. drag media to the timeline to begin creating a presentation. 将媒体拖动到时间线上以开始创建演示文稿. 7. press upgrade button to begin this rom upgrade process. 按下升级按钮以开始此rom的升级进程. 8. drag media to the timeline to begin making a movie. 将媒体拖放到时间线以开始制作电影. 9. a section beginning and ending acts as a marked sub - expression. 以开始,以结束的部分是标记子表达式. 10. he had aged considerably , graying at the temples. 他老多了, 鬓角以开始有白发了. 11. select a save profile to start the game. 选择一个保存的人物以开始游戏. 12. press [ ok ] to start print. 2. [ 确定 ] 以开始列印. 13. your legend has been on for a long time , and will surely continue. lidinchen:你的传奇早以开始演绎, 也将继续延续. 14. the minute they started the test by shutting off the steam valves, their fate was sealed. 在他们关闭蒸汽阀以开始试验的这一刹那, 他们的命运就决定了. 15. it all started so promisingly when speed scored a tremendous first goal.

比赛开始的时候形势大好,斯皮德以一记精彩的进球拔得头筹。begin with的双语例句 1. it was great to begin with but now it’s difficult. 一开始非常好,但现在可就难了。 2. to begin with he was prince charming. 首先,他是一个白马王子。 3. could i begin with a few formalities? 请允许我开场先讲几句套话。 4. begin with this one and do the others afterwards. 先做这个,然后再做其他的事. 5. you are wrong about the facts to begin with. 首先你把事实都没弄对. 6. it was fine to begin with and then it’started to rain. 起初天气很好,后来才开始下雨. 7. we begin with a brief and necessarily incomplete review of uk statistics. 我们先简要地回顾一下英国的统计数字,当然还未全面. 8. to begin


