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苹果,用英文来表达的话你怎么写?下面是 给大家整理的苹果的英文名是什么,供大家参阅! 苹果的英文名是什么apple 苹果的英语例句1. What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple? IBM公司和苹果公司联手将会有什么效果呢? 2. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow. 他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后再要一份苹果派。
3. Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation. 原先苹果酒里的任何杂质在蒸馏后都会凸现出来。
4. Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple. 丹尼尔倚在沙发上,嘴里还在嚼着苹果。
5. Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp. 将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。
6. The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth.

7. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well. 肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。 8. Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic lunch. 我们中午野餐剩下的一个苹果给了普丽姆罗丝。 9. He took another bite of apple. 他又咬了一口苹果。
10. Rhys offered him an apple. 里斯给了他一个苹果。
11. Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples. 用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。 12. I want an apple. 我想要一个苹果。
13. Richard crunched into the apple. 理查德咬了一口苹果。
14. Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples. 将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。 15. Finely slice the cooking apples. 把烹调用的苹果切成薄片。
苹果apple的双语例句1. What will be the effect of the 2

alliance between IBM and Apple? IBM公司和苹果公司联手将会有什么效果呢? 2. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow. 他决定点烤鸡配蔬菜,然后再要一份苹果派。
3. Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple. 丹尼尔倚在沙发上,嘴里还在嚼着苹果。
4. Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp. 将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。
5. The main attractions of the Big Apple are well documented. 对纽约的主要旅游胜地有详细的记载。
6. The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth. 病人可以食用苹果、苹果汁、苹果酱等。
7. Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or con-centrated apple or pear juice. 加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。 8. Penny's only son was the apple of her eye. 彭妮的独子是她的心肝宝贝。
9. Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic

lunch. 我们中午野餐剩下的一个苹果给了普丽姆罗丝。
10. Poach the pears in apple juice for perhaps ten minutes at most. 把梨放入苹果汁中,最多煮10分钟左右。 11. He took another bite of apple. 他又咬了一口苹果。
12. Rhys offered him an apple. 里斯给了他一个苹果。
13. My gran's given us some apple jam. 我奶奶送给我们一些苹果酱。
14. Jeans are as American as apple pie. 牛仔裤极具美国特色。 15. I want an apple. 我想要一个苹果。



