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你知道快餐的英文是什么吗一起来学习一下吧 快餐的英文说法1: snack
快餐的英文说法 2: fast [snack] food 快餐的英文说法 3: quick [fast] meal; 快餐的英文例句:
1. Kiwi fruit are just the thi ng for a healthy sn ack. 猕猴桃正是健康的小点心。
2.1 only have time for a sn ack at lun chtime. 中午,我的时间只够吃点心。
3. He conv erted his truck in to a mobile sn ack bar. 他把货车改成流动小吃店.
4. You will have time for a hasty snack before the train leaves. 火车离站前你还能抓紧时间吃一顿快餐. 5.1 only have a sn ack at lunch time. 午饭我通常只吃一份快餐.
6. Let's have a sn ack at the n earest restaura nt. 咱们找个近便的饭馆吃点吧.

7. You are better eat ing just a small sn ack tha n hurry ing a mai n meal. 你最好简单吃点快餐,不要着急着慌地吃正餐。
8. It won& #39;t take me more tha n five mi nu tes to knock a sn ack together. 用不了五分钟我就能做好一份点心.
9. You can enjoy a quick sn ack while your childre n cavort in the sand. 趁孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏,你可以吃点小吃。 10. The sn ack bar is ope n duri ng the day. 小吃店白天营业。
11. Lunch was a sn ack in the fields. 午饭是在野外吃的便餐。
12. It is customary to offer a drink or a sn ack to guests. 向客人提供一杯饮料或一份点心是一种习俗。 13. I have my lunch in a sn ack bar n earby. 我在附近一家快餐店吃午饭.
14. Snack Bar is the place where fast - food service is available. 快餐部是供应快餐的地方.



