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1、逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying. I am not afraid of being blocked by tens of thousands of people, but of surrendering myself. 2、嘴上说着单身挺好,可是看到情侣,还是会沉默。 It's good to be single, but when you see a couple, you still keep silent. 3、孤独是壶滚烫的酒,烧坏了喉咙还说不出口。 Loneliness is a pot of hot wine that burns its throat and cannot be exported. 4、漂亮如果有秘诀,那就是:狠狠宠爱自己! Beauty if there is a secret, that is: love yourself! 5、不要喝酒不要抽烟不要吹冷风然后和她好好过。 Don't drink, don't smoke, don't blow cold air and get along with her. 6、你看我们都多倔,一个再不回头,一个死不挽留。 You see how stubborn we are. One never looks back, the other never stays. 7、如果你不幸造就了别人的幸福,那你的不幸也是幸福的一部分。 If your misfortune makes others happy, then your misfortune is also a part of happiness. 8、我努力想结束这一切,才发现我早已落入万劫不复深渊。 I tried to put an end to all this, only to find that I had fallen into the abyss. 9、世界充满了我们相遇的几率,我却始终无法遇见你。 The world is full of chances for us to meet, but I can never meet you. 10、你是我的谁都别想抢走你。我是你的谁都别想代替你。 You're my man. Don't try to steal you. No one who is yours wants to take your place. 11、永远不要闲你男人啰嗦,因为他知道外面水有多深! Never idle your man, because he knows how deep the water is outside! 12、青春像结了疤的伤口,开成一朵疼痛的花。 Youth is like a scarred wound, blooming into a painful flower. 13、对你付出的青春这么多年换来了一句谢谢你的成全。 Thank you for your accomplishment. 14、终有一天我暖暖的心脏会如寒冰般让人远离。 One day my warm heart will be as cold as ice. 15、我喜欢忙碌,累了能沾床就睡,只要不想起你,累点也无所谓。 I like to be busy and sleep when I'm tired. It doesn't matter if I don't think of you. 16、不要轻易付出真心,因为真心,离伤心最近。 Don't give your heart easily, because it's the closest to sadness. 17、假如你爱一个人,只要他高兴,你就会愿意为他牺牲一切。 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

If you love someone, as long as he is happy, you will be willing to sacrifice everything for him. 18、可不可以跟世界请个假,我想暂时离开一下。 May I take a leave with the world? I want to leave for a while. 19、有些话说,与不说都是伤害,有些人,留与不留都会离开。 Some words, or not, are harmful. Some people, stay or stay, will leave. 20、你始终隐藏在我记忆的最深处,一个连我自己都触不及的角落。 You are always hidden in the deepest part of my memory, a corner that I can't even touch myself. 21、我一直在等一个人,等一个能为我的孤独画上句点的人。 I've been waiting for someone, someone who can put an end to my loneliness. 22、有的人脸上有太多太多的微笑,是因为心中有太多太多的泪水。 Some people have too many smiles on their faces because there are too many tears in their hearts. 23、有些话,你想说自然会说,不想说,听到的也只是假话。 Some words, you want to say naturally will say, do not want to say, hear only lies. 24、男人的谎话排行榜,第一句:我不在乎你的容貌。 Men's lie list, the first sentence: I do not care about your appearance. 25、越熟悉你的人,就越知道刀子捅哪里最痛。 The more familiar you are with your people, the more you will know where the knife is most painful. 26、我一直等你的回答,最后等到了一句对不起。 I waited for your answer, and finally I waited for a word of sorry. 27、如果钢铁像记忆般腐蚀,那这里是欢城还是废墟。 If steel corrodes like memory, is it Huancheng or ruins? 28、一个人最好记性不要太好,因为回忆越多,幸福感越少。 A person's memory is better not too good, because the more memories, the less happiness. 29、离开后,请不要安慰我,因为每一次缝补都会遭遇穿刺的痛。 After leaving, please do not comfort me, because every sewing will encounter puncture pain. 30、谁都是感情中的傀儡,有人为它喜有人为它忧。 Everyone is a puppet in the feelings. Some people like it and others worry about it. 31、你以为你对他来说很特别却不知道他对每个人都这样。 You think you're special to him, but you don't know he's special to everyone. 32、爱和被爱就这样遥远。沉默的存在,都很无奈。 Love and be loved are so far away. The existence of silence is helpless. 33、我想要的不过是拥有你主动回过头的温柔。 All I want is to have the gentleness you take the initiative to turn back. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

34、有多少人总喜欢看最近访客,期待那个人的出现。 How many people like to see the latest visitors and expect that person to appear? 35、你终究会删了当初拼了命都想留下的东西。 You will eventually delete what you desperately wanted to leave behind. 36、那一次刻骨铭心的相许,那一刻为谁声声催天雨。 For whom did you call for the rain at that moment? 37、为何只留下痛苦的回忆,你曾对我说,会把幸福留给我。 Why leave only painful memories, you said to me, will leave happiness to me. 38、我想,我不需要短暂的冷淡和过期不候的温暖。 I think I don't need short-term coldness and overdue warmth. 39、最辛苦的不是两地相隔,而是明明相爱,却不敢想未来。 The hardest part is not to be separated from each other, but to love each other clearly, but to dare not think about the future. 40、很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。 Many people come into your life just to teach you a lesson and then turn around and leave. 41、最难过的是你眉心紧皱,而我却没有拥抱你的理由。 The saddest thing is that your eyebrows are wrinkled and I have no reason to hug you. 42、我们彼此在彼此的世界里消失,从此不再想,不再念,不再见。 We disappear in each other's world, and never think, read or see each other again. 43、我对你设置了特别关心,你却对我设置了访问权限。 I set special concerns for you, but you set access rights for me. 44、恋爱的时候我是个傻子,分手后我成了疯子。 When I was in love, I was a fool. After breaking up, I became a madman. 45、我需要一场刻骨铭心的感情,来忘记这段撕心裂肺的爱。 I need an unforgettable feeling to forget the love that tore my heart and lungs apart. 46、你不会看到有一个我,把你的失落变成我的难过。 You won't see me, turning your loss into my sorrow. 47、那些曾许下一生一世的诺言,现在只剩我一人独守。 Those promises that have been promised for the next life are now left to me alone. 48、原来你已经离开很久了,久的我的输入法都不认识你了。 It turns out that you have been away for a long time, and my input method has not known you for a long time. 49、有时候需要装得傻一点,才不会让自己难受。 Sometimes you need to pretend to be silly so that you don't feel bad about yourself. 50、彼此刚刚拥有的默契,你却放手选择了放弃。 You just have a tacit understanding with each other, but you let go --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

and choose to give up. 51、有些人十句话也伤不到你,有的人一句话就戳痛你的心。 Some people can't hurt you in ten sentences, others can hurt your heart in one sentence.


