
发布时间:2011-05-12   来源:文档文库   
一、可拆分的单词 1.词根
rog = ask *abrogate 废除,废止; arrogant 傲慢的,自大的; surrogate 替代,代理人; derogatory 毁谤的,贬损的; prerogative 特权,极好的优点

hypo = sub hypothesis 假设,前提; hypotension 低血压; hypodermic 皮下的;(derm- hypochondriac 疑病症患者,忧郁症患者; *hypocritical 虚伪的

pod: tripod 三脚架 : camera, podium 讲台

podiatrist 足病医生 : feet = dermatologist 皮肤科医生
: skin ped: peddle 兜售,叫卖; *expedite 加快,促进(考反义,阻碍抑制 pedal 踏板;
expedient 权宜之计(makeshift pedestal 底座; impede 妨碍; im-/in- 加强,进入,否定)
*pedestrian n.行人,徒步的,缺乏想象的
pedo-child: pediatrician 小儿科医师;encyclopedia 百科全书;pedagogy 教育学: education 过分要求:pedant 学究(对学习过分要求 pedantic 卖弄学问的; pedantry 迂腐
Purist 要求极度严格的人,纯粹主义者

gni/gno = know (c/g/k/k/gu recognize 识别;cognitive 认识的;agnostic 不可知论的;ignorant 无知的;
incognito 隐姓埋名地;diagnose 诊断;prognosticate 预言,预知;procrastinate 拖延:delayprocrustean 强求一致的

nasc/nat = to be born, gnasci genus scent 新生的;renaissance 复兴,再生;cognate 同源的,相关的;innate 天生的,固有的; neonate 初生婴儿

grat = pleasing 除了(grate:磨碎)
grateful 感激的; gratitude 感恩; ingratitude 忘恩负义; ingratiate 逢迎,讨好; gratify 使满足,使高兴; gratuity 赏钱,赠物(for free,tip

cub/cumb = lie cubicle 寝室,小卧室;incumbent 在职的;procumbent 匍匐的;recumbent 侧卧的,休息的; *incubate 培养(鼓励,刺激,促进 concubine 情妇; incubus 梦魇,梦淫妖 *1.re-back 2.dis-/di-away/apart散开 3.per-,全部的,所有的;否定的)


1表示时间概念:ex-, pre-, pro-, re-(重复,back

e.g.: expiration期满,终止; preliminary预备的,初步的,开始的; prophetic先知的,预言的; reparable能补救的,可挽回的

2表示位置概念:inter-, out-, over-, sub-, super-, trans-, under-
e.g.: interminable无尽头的; outstrip超过,跑过; overlap (部分地重叠; subterranean地下的; superimpose加在上面; transcend超越,胜过; underlying在下面,根本的;
3表示数量概念:uni-, bi-, di-, twi-, tri-, quadr-, centi-, milli-, mono-, multi-
e.g.: unidimensional一方面的,一维的; biped二足动物; twinge (生理,心理上的剧痛; trilogy三部曲; centigrade百分度的,摄氏温度计的; monochrome单色的; multiplicity多样性

4表示程度概念:super-, over-, under-, hyper- (high, well-, hype-(表示过分,大肆渲染) e.g.: superfluous多余的,累赘的; overdose (药物过大的剂量; underhanded不光明的,卑鄙的; hyperbole夸张的; well-groomed非常整洁的; hyperactivity活动过强,极度亢奋

5表示方式概念:auto-, co-, mal-(,mis-(,self-
e.g.: autonomous自治的; coronation加冕; malfeasance不法行为,渎职

6表示态度概念:anti-, counter-, pro-
e.g.: antithesis对立,相对; countenance支持,赞成,容忍; provincial偏狭的,粗俗的

7表示否定概念:ab-, an-, de-, in-, non-, un-
e.g.: abhorrent可恨的,讨厌的; anticlimax令人扫兴的结局; delinquency失职,过失; intransigent不妥协的; nonflammable不易燃的; unscrupulous肆无忌惮的

1高频后缀(动词)-ate, -ish, -ify, -ch, -en, -ize, -ise
e.g.: vacillate游移不定,踌躇; vanquish征服; vilify辱骂,诽谤; vouch担保,证明; ripen使成熟; satirize讽刺; exorcise驱魔,去除(坏念头等;
2高频后缀(名词)-or, -ee, -ess, -an/ian, -ance-, -ant, -ity, -th, -ary, -um, -age, -let(小的东西, -try, -ness, -al, -ese, -hood, -ics, -ion, -ism, -ist, -mant, -ship e.g.: equator赤道; repartee机灵的回答; ruffian恶棍,歹徒; semblance外貌; sextant六分仪; sanity神志清楚; sheath (刀、剑鞘、套; seminary神学院; rostrum讲台,讲坛; sabotage阴谋破坏,颠覆活动; rivulet小溪,小河; ancestry家系; judiciousness明智; intellectual知识分子; falsehood谎言; homiletics讲道术,说教术; hypertension高血压; eclecticism折衷主义; egotist自私自利者; draftsmanship起草术,制图术


3高频后缀(形容词)-al, -tle, -tive, -id, -que, -ous, -less, -able, -free, -ful, -ic, -like, -some, -y e.g.: abysmal无底的,深不可测的;糟透的,极坏的; brittle易碎的,脆弱的; fervid炽热的,热情的; counterproductive事与愿违的; oblique间接的;斜的; shiftless没有决断力的,偷懒的,无能的; unflappable不惊慌的,镇定的; baleful有害的,邪恶的,恶意的; bathetic假作悲伤的,陈腐的; lissome姿态优雅的,柔软的; mandatory命令的,强迫的

4高频后缀(副词)-ward, -ly, -wise e.g.: leeward向下风; proverbially无人不知地; 3.词源
dingy肮脏的,褪色的 dung dinghy小船,小艇 trough槽子

a,e,I,o,u,y fall落下 fell砍倒
lie躺下 lay放下 abandon 放纵
band bind捆绑 bond债券
pen母天鹅 pin gold gild镀金(增加一层,变亮 varnish上清漆
song sing crush 碾碎 crash碰撞
sock袜子 sac sack袋子,劫掠
middle mediate调解(medicate用药医治,加入药物; meditate沉思,反省) medium媒介 wrack废墟 wreck残骸

emperor皇帝 imperial皇帝的 imperious傲慢的
food feed sit seat hot heat rise raise sneer (snor = not无牙,冷笑 snort(表示不耐烦 snore打呼噜 chill寒冷 cool,cold
c,g,k,gu // b,p,ph,f,v // f,t // s,t,d // r,l,m,n,u,v,w,y,j,g kit小猫 cat disc disk check cheque支票

candle kindle点燃,燃烧 sting stink臭味,刺鼻的 picture pigment色素 contact接触 contagious传染的 bat球拍 pat轻拍 potent有说服力的 rob rip burse钱包 purse钱包 more mobile amorphous无定形的 metamorphoses 变形 -morph-:形状 u-v-w: nausea恶心,晕船 navy+sea want vanish 都含缺少概念
blockhead 笨蛋轻信别人 (轻信不轻信,受骗不受骗)


star astr- : astronaut宇航员
all alt- : altitude高度 / exalt赞扬(考反义 / altar 圣坛 call cla-叫唤 : claim / proclaim宣告 / clamor喧哗,吵闹 bla- ,alb-, alp, 表示白
blank毯子 (原指漂白过的羊毛毯 band 平淡的
leave vale离开 valediction告别词 beat = b+eat(it

hubris傲慢 hub/ris 中心升起)

chaos混乱 ponderous笨重的 Immigrant移民 famine饥荒
envelop信封 hippopotamus河马 sibyl女预言家,女先知 pectoral胸部的

gossip绯闻 camouflage掩饰,伪装
sanguine精神乐观的,脸红扑扑的 abracadabra胡言乱语,咒语 starch淀粉 bough大树枝 soak浸湿
wan苍白的,病态的,暗淡的 saturnine忧郁的,阴沉的(urn-骨灰盒 onus负担,耻辱,义务 morose郁闷的 canine犬的 flaunt炫耀 dodge躲避



magenta紫红色(意大利城镇 : color 种属关系
nicotine尼古丁; oratorio宗教中的清唱剧; sandwich三明治
*maverick想法与众不同的人(贬义(褒贬关系,打破传统思想,违背规律)utopian乌托邦的 meander蜿蜒,曲折(waft飘荡,蜿蜒,曲折 martinet严格执行纪律的人; odyssey远行,长途冒险旅行
serendipitous有天生好运来获得某种事物能力 serendipity《缘分天注定》

chiaroscuro强烈的对比(明暗对照法 oxymoron矛盾修饰法; daguerreotype银版照相法


imprudent轻率的(缺乏慎重性)impudent无礼的(lacking modesty缺乏谦逊) providence深谋远虑(vid/vis

Milky Way/galaxy银河系 Narcissus自恋,水仙花 gorgon蛇发女怪;丑陋女人 mortal致命的,极恐怖的 monster怪物 ringlet小环,卷发
petrify石化 petr-石头 deity
aegis宙斯盾,保护 (gorgeous华丽的;gorge峡谷 siren汽笛,妖妇 (考反义, 从特征上beacon灯塔 sphinx谜语,狮身人

全神贯注:engross使全神贯注;rapt全神贯注的;preoccupation全神贯注,专心 笑声:chuckle轻声的; chortle开心的; guffaw; simper假笑; grin咧嘴; giggle咯咯 叫声:bark狗吠,树皮; howl狼嚎; blat牛羊叫; roar狮虎吼; chirr虫鸟唧唧叫

短暂的:fleeting飞逝的; evanescent短暂的; ephemeral朝生暮死的; deciduous非永久性的; 话多的:garrulous饶舌的; nag说话唠叨; prolix啰嗦的; loquacious多嘴的 格言:adage, proverb, allegory, fable, dictum, maxim, motto, aphorism, cap-apo 欺骗:deceive, beguile, betray, inveigle, dupe, hoax, bamboozle, delude, hoodwink, defraud, swindle, cozen 宝石:ruby, sapphire, emerald, jade, turquoise, amethyst, rhinestone, opal 植物:oak, cypress, almond, maple, elm, willow, cactus, vanilla, orchid, chrysanthemum, balsam


protuberance突出; exuberance茂盛充沛; petulance发脾气 lineal直系的; linear线性的

The bible: scripture经文(-script-写) testament遗嘱证明,圣经旧约; exegesis解释注释; theologian神学家; theocracy神权统治; seminary神学院;

genesis起源《创世纪》 idolater崇拜者,皈依者;

commandment指令,戒律; covenant契约,盟约; pristine 远古的,原始的,纯的; rib肋骨(ribald下流的 serpentine蛇的,蛇般前进的; travail辛劳(因为分娩发生阵痛; seraphic如天使般的,美丽的; cherubic天使般的,无邪的,可爱的
Seven Deadly Sins七宗罪: lust, avarice贪婪, vanity傲慢, sloth懒惰, gluttony贪食,
covetousness妒忌, wrath愤怒
Seven Holy Virtues七美德: fortitude勇敢; temperance节制; prudence宽容; justice; faith; charity; hope 画:easel 画架; brush ,刷子; canvas 画布;Palette 调色板; collage 抽象画; crayon 蜡笔画; pastel 粉蜡笔; fresco 壁画; mural 壁画;mosaic 马赛克,镶嵌细工 canvass 拉选票)

panoramic全景的;pantheon万神殿;pandemic大范围流行;panegyric赞词; pandemonium大混乱;panoply全副武装


<类比> 1. 概念范畴辨析
MOLECULE: ATOMS 分子:原子 A. tissue: cells 组织:细胞
B. office: furniture 部分组成关系(出现必然错) C. body: limbs 身体:四肢(部分) D. family: brothers(部分) E. light: batteries(疯关系)

matrixnumbers = crystalatoms 矩阵:数字 = 晶体:原子 (组成+后者有规律的排列形成前者)

A. eggchicken 蛋:鸡 (成年及其幼体)
B. rungchair 椅子横杠:椅子(支持关系,部分关系) C. woolfabric 羊毛织物:织品
D. fusedynamic 导火索:炸弹(连接关系)
E. wickcandle 灯芯:蜡烛

lizardreptile = orangefruit 蜥蜴:爬行动物 = 橙子:水果
appleskin = melonrind 苹果:苹果皮 = 西瓜:西瓜皮(皮毛套关系)eggchicken = roesalmon 鸡蛋:鸡 = 鱼卵:鲑鱼
flannelcloth = linenfabric 法兰绒:布 = 亚麻布:织物 sonnetpoem = denimfabric 正诗:诗 = 丁尼布:织物 candlewax = tyrerubber 蜡烛:蜡 = 轮胎:橡胶

TWIGLIMB:小树枝:树枝 A. microbeslide 微生物:载玻片 B. galaxystar 银河系:星星 C. doggerelpoetry 歪诗:诗 D. plantroot 植物:根 E. brookriver 小河:河

figurinestatue = twigbranch 小雕像:雕像 = 小树枝:树枝 enzymecatalyst = bacteriummicrobe 酶:催化剂 = 细菌:微生物 constellationstar = bouquetflowers 星座:星 = 花束:花
= chordnote = archipelagoisland 和弦:音符 = 群岛:岛屿 punjoke = supernovastar 双关语:笑语 = 超新星:恒星
doggerelsonnet = scribblecalligraphy 歪诗:正诗 = 胡写乱画:书法

doggerelinformalhumorous doggerelpoem = sketchdraw 打油诗:诗 = 草图:图 sketch草图prepared预先安排
doggerelverse = burlesqueplay = potboilerarticle(拓展something 打油诗:诗 = 滑稽戏剧:戏剧 = 粗糙的作品:艺术品 elegypoetry = dirgemusic 挽歌:诗歌 = 悲歌:音乐 odepoetry = spoofparody 颂诗:诗 = 小恶搞:恶搞 poetrystanza = proseparagraph 诗歌:节 = 散文:段落 brook(creekriver = hillmountain = pebblerock 小河:河 = 小山:山 = 小圆石:岩石

组成关系:23-3117-225-111-253-773-249-253-9 1. SCHOOLFISH 鱼群:鱼
A. possecrowd 武装队:人群(并列关系,排除)
B. arrowfeathers 箭:箭翎 (部分组成)
C. unionlabor 工会:工人(labor集合名词,应为laborer D. flockbirds 鸟群:鸟 E. stockcattle 家畜:牛
2. CROWDPEOPLE A. librarybooks B. fieldhay 草场:草 (位置关系) C. schoolfish 鱼群:鱼
D. theaterplays 剧场:戏剧 (位置关系) E.
officedesks (部分组成)

3. CHOIRSINGER 合唱团:歌手 A. electionvoter 选举:选举人(参与) B. anthologypoet诗集:诗人 C. castactor 剧团:演员
D. orchestracomposer 管弦乐团:作曲家 E. conventionspeaker 会议:演讲者
choir / chorus合唱团:singer ballet芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞团,芭蕾舞音乐:dancer组成,dance种属,music种属orchestra管弦乐团:instrumentalist乐手,musician音乐家 cast演员阵容 / troupe剧团:actor 127-2157-3

4. PIECEJIGSAW PUZZLE:片、块:拼图游戏 A. claspbracelet 扣环:手镯 B. tilemosaic 瓷砖:马赛克 C. cuedialogue 提示信号:对话 D. hintanswer 暗示:答案
E. secretmystery 秘密的:神秘的

mystery推理小说 fiction 种属关系

5. BOUQUETFLOWERS 花束:花 (人工形成) A. foresttrees(组成关系)自然形成
B. huskcorn 种子皮/玉米皮:玉米(皮毛套)
C. mistrain 雾:雨 (并列关系)
D. woodpilelogs 木料堆:日志,记录,原木(组成关系)人工形成 E. driftshow 雪堆:雪(组成关系)自然形成

6. SINGERCHOIR A. flowerbouquet B. leafforest 树叶(组成一把树叶foliage:森林 C. flutereed 长笛:簧片 D. linesculpture 线条:雕塑 E. rhythmtime 节奏:节拍

A pirouetteballet 芭蕾舞中脚尖立地高难度旋转:芭蕾舞(部分关系) B rhymeverse 韵律:诗歌(部分关系) C duetchorus 二重唱:合唱团(并列关系) D actopera 幕:歌剧 E mimicrypantomime 模仿:哑剧


8. MATRIXNUMBERS 矩阵:数字 A. gasmolecules 气体:分子(无规则) B. volumeliquid 体积:液体
C. crystalatoms 晶子:原子
D. interactionreagents 反应:反应试剂 E. stratumlayer 阶层:地层(并列) 二重对应(纵向对应有规则)65-1115-2

种属关系:149-491-927-633-439-853-553-1 1. FANGTOOTH 毒牙:牙 A. gummouth 牙床:嘴
B. elbowarm 胳膊肘:臂膀(部分组成)<关节joint 83-3> C. bankriver 河岸:河
D. fingerdigit手指头:指头 toe脚趾头) E. summitmountain 山峰(acme,peak:山 = crestwave 浪尖:浪(整体与部分)

2. IRONMETAL 铁:金属 A. graniterock 花岗岩:岩石 agr-农业,acre英亩 B. fragmentblock 碎片:一大块
C. mineore 矿山:矿石(位置关系)
shalepetroleum 页岩:石油(源关系)= aquiferwater含水土层:水
E. glaciermountain 冰川:山(并列关系)

3. ALCOVERECESS 凹室:凹陷 A. turretchimney 塔楼:烟囱 B. domeroof 圆屋顶:屋顶
C. columnentrance 柱子:入口/入迷 D. foyerballroom 大厅:舞厅(并列)
E. foundationbuilding 地基:建筑物(支撑关系)

4. PUNJOKE 双关语:笑话
A ownerpet 主人:宠物(主奴关系)
B termiteinsect 白蚁:昆虫
C childadult 小孩:成人(成年及其幼体)= kittencat 小猫:猫(35-1D pintquart 品脱:夸脱 容积单位(并列关系) E sandbeach 沙子:沙滩(组成关系) 35-1ADULTCHILD A. horsemare 马:母马 B. catkitten 猫:小猫 C. swinesow 猪:母猪
humananimal 人类:动物
E. cowherd 母牛:兽群 cowv.威胁,cowerv.畏缩

A. burlesqueplay 幽默讽刺戏剧:戏剧 B. sketchdrawing 草图:图
C. operettasymphony 轻歌舞剧:交响乐 D. fablenarration 寓言:故事
E. limericksonnet 幽默色情诗:正诗(formal

6. INSECTBUTTERFLY 昆虫:蝴蝶 firefly萤火虫) A. perfumeessence 香水:香料
B. botanychrysanthemum 植物学:菊花(plant/flower C. philosophymetaphysics 哲学:形而上学 D. pitchblack 音调/ 沥青:黑 (正面特征) E. colorbrightness 颜色:光亮

7. REFLECTIONLIGHT 反射光:光 A. emotion > feeling (程度关系) B. echosound 回声:声音
C. filmscene 电影:场景(组成关系) D.
microphonehearing 麦克风:听力
E. irisvision 虹膜:视力 iri- 五颜六色的 myopia近视眼,目光短浅
有远见的far-sightedlong-sighted monocle单片眼镜,spectacle眼镜,goggles护目镜

光对声80%23-239-415-4 1. GLARINGBRIGHT:刺目的 > 明亮的 A. iridescent = colorful 五颜六色的(同义词) B. perceptiblevisible 可以感知的:可以看到的 C. discordantharmonious 不和谐:和谐(反义词)D. pepperysalty 胡椒味:咸的(并列) E. deafeningloud 震耳欲聋的 > 大声的

2. PITCHSOUND:音调:声音 A colorlight 颜色:光
B massweight 大量:重量
C forcepressure 力量:压力(种属关系) D energyheat 能量:热量(种属关系) E velocitytime 速度:时间

3. FREQUENCYPITCH 频率:音调 sound A. wavelengthcolor light B. radiusdiameter 半径:直径 C. perpendicularangle 垂直的:角 D. generatorenergy 发电机:能量 E. vibrationchord 震动:合弦

鱼对鸟60%83-265-523-3 1. BIRDFEATHERS 鸟:羽毛(皮毛套) A mammalspine 哺乳动物:脊椎 B handfingers 手:手指 C branchfruit 枝:水果
D limbfur 四肢:皮
E fishscales 鱼:鱼鳞(皮毛套)

2. BIRDSNARE 鸟:捕鸟的网(捕捉关系) A lionden 狮子:兽穴 B fishseine 鱼:渔网
C lambshears 羊羔:大剪刀 D scorpionsting 蝎子:刺(武器) E lobsterclaw 龙虾:大爪子

特殊与一般:3-45-637-339-143-765-9 1. LIMPWALK 跛行:走(断断续续) A. stumblerun 跛行(走的断断续续):跑 B. sneezebreathe 打喷嚏:呼吸(突然) C. flapfly 拍打:飞
D. chokechew 窒息:破坏
E. stuttertalk 口吃:说话(断断续续)
strutwalk 趾高气扬地走:走 = pontificatespeak 武断地说:说(说对走50% limpid清澈的,limber柔软的,lumber笨拙的走

A fuellog 燃料:木头(种属关系) B pebblerock 小石头:石头 C legdesk 桌子腿:桌子
D islandwater(包围关系) gladewoods林中空地:树木;oasisdesert绿洲:沙漠 E beachdesert 沙滩:沙漠(并列关系)

生活化,田园风光:讲义56-856-10 TABLECTOTHTABLE 桌布:桌子 A tentground帐蓬:地 B shirthanger 衬衣:衣架 C windowsill 窗户:窗台 D sheetmattress 床单:床垫
E cloudearth 阴影:地球 MANSIONRESIDENCE 豪华住宅:住宅 (豪华与一般) A limousineautomobile 豪华轿车:汽车
B chandeliercandle 蜡烛架:蜡烛(位置,支撑关系)

C tuxedowardrobe 礼服:衣柜 (位置关系) D diamondrhinestone 宝石:假钻石(真假关系) painkillerplacebo止痛药:安慰剂 E yachtharbor 游艇:海港(位置关系)

3. GOBBLEEAT 玩命地吃:吃(玩命与一般)
A nibblechomp 小口吃/咬:咬 nipple 奶嘴 B quaffswallow 痛饮/玩命地喝:吞 C bite = chew D guzzledrink 玩命地喝:喝
E gulpslurp 玩命吃:出声吃喝,吧唧嘴

玩命地吃:gobblegulpgorgegluteat 玩命地喝:quaffguzzleswilldrink 小口喝:sip
4. BABBLETALK 胡乱说:说 A. chiselsculpt 凿子:雕塑 B. harmonizesing 和谐:唱歌 C. scribblewrite 乱写:写 D. hint = imply 暗示(同义词)
E. quibbleelude 小反对/躲避:反对/逃避/无法理解

5. LURKWAIT 潜伏:等待(偷偷与一般) A absconddepart 潜逃:离开 B bilk = cheat 骗取
C topplestabilize 使不稳:使稳 D deplete = drain 用尽
E boost = elevate 提高

6. DEPARTABSCOND:离开:潜逃(偷偷与一般) A storesecrete 储存:隐藏 B closeocclude 关上:阻挡
C speakharangue 说话:长篇攻击性演讲 D intervene = interfere 干扰 E covereclipse 覆盖:日月食

A mutetrumpet 哑巴/弱音器:小喇叭 B celloviola 大提琴:中提琴 C stickdrum 棍子:鼓
D amplifierguitar 扩音器:吉他 E batonconductor 指挥棒:指挥员

tambourinedrum = trumpethorn 小手鼓:鼓 = 喇叭:号角(小与一般)
drummermusician = tragedianactor 鼓手:音乐家 = 悲剧演员:演员(种属关系)conductordirector 特征同义词
conductorinstrumentalist = directoractor 指挥家指导乐器演奏者 = 导演指导演员 conductororchestra = pilotship 指挥家指挥管弦乐团 = 领航员指挥船 conductorsymphony = directorfilm 指挥家指导交响乐 = 导演指导电影 conductorscore = directorscript 指挥家按照乐谱指导 = 导演按照剧本指导

105-3PALATEMOUTH 上颚:嘴 A. B. C. D.
curbsidewalk 缰绳,限制:人行横道 starsky 星星:天空 streamdam 水流:大坝
mountainrange 山:山脉(组成关系)
E. ceilingroom 房顶:房子

ASTRINGENTCONTRACTION:收缩剂:收缩 contraction = pucker A. anestheticinsensibility 麻醉剂:没有感觉 aesthetic审美的 B. analgesicpain 止痛剂:疼痛(消除) C. coagulanteuphoria 凝固剂:幸福愉快感
D. stimulantdrowsiness 兴奋剂,刺激物:困倦(消除) E. emollientirritation 润肤剂:皮肤上不适/烦躁(消除)


凝固:clotcongealthicken astringentpucker = coagulantcongeal 收缩剂:收缩 = 凝结剂:凝结
*sedativedrowsiness = anestheticnumbness 镇静剂:有睡意 = 麻醉剂:麻木(功能) analgesicdeaden = tonicinvigorate 止痛剂:麻木 = 滋补品:健壮(功能) painanalgesic = alertsoporific 疼痛:止痛剂 = 警醒:安眠药(消除)
= sensationanesthetic = 感觉:麻醉剂(消除) = symptompalliative = 症状:缓和剂(消除)
coagulantthicken / clot = solventdissolve 凝结剂:浓/凝固 = 溶剂:溶解 solvent 1.溶剂 2.*还债能力


位置关系:1.判断题目类型为位置关系 2.判断位置的目的是否具有一致性
ENVELOPELETTER:信封:信(邮寄,中转站) A. scarfhat 围巾:帽子(并列) B. boxbag 盒子:包(并列) C. crateproduce 柳条筐:农产品 D. neckhead 脖子:脑袋(连接关系) E. bloodheart 血液:心脏

F. buspassengers = tankerliquid 公共汽车:乘客 = 运油轮:液体 (交通工具)
mufflerneck = mittenhand 围巾:脖子 = 手套:手(目的保暖)


位置关系:13-323-651-361-473-677-2 1. ARCHIVEMANUSCRIPT 档案馆:手稿(位置保存) A jailcustodian 监狱:监狱管理员(监护,看管) B schoolprincipal 学校:校长(看管)
C courtyardfountain 庭院:喷泉(装饰,观赏) D arsenalweapon 军械库:武器
E treasuryvault 金库:小金库(小与一般)

2. FRESCOWALL 壁画:墙面(位置装饰,镶嵌)
A fountaincourtyard 喷泉:庭院(特殊选项) 从未当过正确选项 B parquetryfloor 镶木地板:地面 C thatchroof 茅草屋顶:屋顶(种属)
D statuarypassage 雕像:走廊
E gargoylegutter 怪兽状的滴水嘴:水槽(连接关系)
墓碑选项:scientist科学家, scholar学者,politician政客

3. MAILMAILBOX:信件:信箱(位置中转站) A medicinetreatment 药物:治疗 B laundryhamper 待洗的衣服:篮子 C gasolinepump 汽油:泵
D coatfactory 衣服:工厂
E toothpastecleanliness 牙膏:干净

4. GREENHOUSEPLANT:温室:植物(位置保护,生长) A. refrigeratormilk 冰箱:牛奶 B. wellwater 井:水(源关系)
C. orchardfruit 果园:水果 = gardenplant D. incubatorinfant 早产婴儿保育箱:婴儿 E. tankfuel 罐子:燃料

5. EPAULETSHOULDER 肩饰:肩膀(装饰) A. ringfinger B. tasselwrist 流苏:手腕bracelet手镯
C. cravatwaist 领带:腰 cravatneck领带:脖子 D. sashneck 腰带:脖子 sashwaist 腰带:腰 E. ponchoarm 雨衣:胳膊

6. VESSELBLOOD:血管:血液 vesselplaque(血小板,血管中填塞物阻碍)A tankoil 罐子:油(位置保存) B sewerplumbing 下水道:管道设备 C sprinklerwater 洒水车:水 D compressorair 压缩机:空气 E pipelinegas 管道:气体

血管:vessel / arteryblood 水管:aqueduct水槽/channelwater 气管:pipelinegas
arteryplaque = channelsilt动脉中的斑阻碍血流 = 河道中的淤泥阻碍水流

A ethicsetiquette 伦理学:礼节 ethicsmoral / behavior B epistemologyknowledge 认识论:知识 C logisticstruth 后勤学、物流学:真理

D rhetoricreasoning 修辞学:推理 logic 逻辑学 E theologymorals 神学:道德 theology deity
epistemologythe study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity logisticthe aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military materiel, facilities, and personnel rhetoricthe art of speaking or writing effectively 总结:学科 研究对象

logicreasoning = ethicsbehavior 逻辑学:推理 = 道德学:行为
conservatorymusic = seminarytheology 艺术学院:音乐 = 神学院:神学 -atory :表示地点和场所 1. observatory天文台
2. dormitory宿舍
3. lavatory盥洗室(lave沐浴,lava熔岩,magma岩浆)
喷出关系:volcanolava = motorexhaust 汽车:尾气 extinct volcano 死火山 4.purgatory受苦受难的地方 / 炼狱(purg pure

A. pseudonymname 假名字:真名字 pseudo-:假的 nym-name B. caricaturelikeness讽刺画、漫画:相似性 C. forgeryimitation 伪造:模仿 D. disguisedetective 欺骗:侦探 E. codeagent 密码:代理

2. 正反及程度对比
正面特征、反面特征(人、事物、行为) 同义词、反义词


APHORISTICTERSE 格言体的:简洁 A eloquentornate 有说服力的:装饰的
B esotericimportant 深奥的、神秘的:重要的 C hyperbolicexaggerated 夸张体的:夸张的
D metaphoricalfantastic 比喻的、隐喻的:惊讶的、吸引人的 E equivocalstraightforward 模糊的:坦率的

volubleterse = maladroit / hamhandeddeft 话多的:简短的 = 笨拙的:灵巧的(反义) = abandoninhibition 放纵:抑制
volubleterseness = loquacioustaciturn 话多的:简洁 = 话多的:沉默
= permanencetransitory 永恒:短暂的
superfluousterseness = expenditureparsimonious 多余的:简洁 = 浪费:吝啬
presciencefuture = eruditionesoteric 预知:未来的 = 博学(深、广深奥的 (因果关系) equivocalambiguous = oxymoronicincongruent (正面特征) 模棱俩可的:模糊的 = 矛盾修饰法:矛盾的

AMENITYCOMFORTABLE:舒适的设备:舒服的 A tactcircumspect 机智:慎重
B nuisanceaggregated 伤害:加重的 C honorariumgrateful 谢礼:感激 D favoriteenvious 喜欢:嫉妒(褒贬) E loungepatient 休息室:病人(位置)

正面特征词对:diplomat diplomattact = inventoringenuity 外交家:机智 = 发明家:独创性 diplomattact = genialbonhomie 有策略的:策略 = 友好的:温和

gaffetactless = exploitheroic 失态:不机智 = 开拓主义精神:英雄的 offendtactless / insensitive = preserveobstinate 冒犯:不圆滑的/感觉迟钝的 = 坚持:固执的
insensitive(不敏感,不机智)lacking feeling or tact circumspectprudency = urbanepolish 细心的:谨慎 = 彬彬有礼的:优雅(正面) rashcircumspective = imperiousservile 轻率的:慎重的 = 专横的:卑屈的(反面)

WAGHUMOROUS 小丑:幽默 (二重对应,小的角色) A. ruffianfrightened 流氓:受惊的(主客体错位) B. spendthriftinattentive 挥霍的人:不太关心 C. doltstupid 傻瓜:愚笨的
D. piratemerciless 海盗:无情的 E. sinnerrepentant 罪人:后悔的

wagjokera person going to joking doltstupid 笨蛋

humorouswag = ludicrousbuffoon 可笑的:小丑
= dissolutelibertine 放纵的:放荡不羁的人 liberalfreeliberate:解放; literal字面上的,literate受教育的; literate < erudition博学

zealotfervor = spendthriftimprovidence 狂热分子:热诚 = 浪费的人:浪费 miserparsimonious = spendthriftprodigal 吝啬鬼:吝啬的 = 挥霍者:挥霍的 *improvidence:挥霍浪费;无远见
*providence挥霍;慎重;深谋远虑,幸运(provid- :向前看) bullyintimidate = stupidgullibility 欺负弱小的:威吓 = 愚蠢的:轻信

A. leaderguidance 领导者:指导 leadergovern统治,mentor导师guidance B. connoisseuranachronism 鉴赏家:年代错误,穿越 C. sluggardindolence 懒人:懒惰
D. puristadulteration 纯粹主义者:掺假
E. scientisttheorizing 科学家:建立理论(墓碑选项)

stickerderelict = poseurunaffected disaffect不满的,affect影响,affected做作的 一丝不苟的人:玩忽职守的 = 装模作样的人:不娇柔造作的/自然的
stickerexacting = martinetdisciplinal = defeatistresigned (正面)
坚持己见的人:苛求的 = 要求严格服从纪律的人:风纪的 = 失败主义者:逆来顺受的

deferleader = admirehero 尊重:领导 = 钦佩:英雄(动宾)
mentorguidance = oracleprophecy 导师:指导 = 代神发布神谕的人:预言 = prevaricatordeceive 说谎的人:欺骗 = prevaricatormislead 说谎的人:误导
altruistselflessness = connoisseurexpertise 无私的人:无私 = 鉴赏家:专家意见 credulitydupe = discriminationconnoisseur 轻信:以上当受骗者 = 辨别力:鉴赏家 connoisseur expertisediscrimination
bribeincorruptible = affectinsensible 贿赂、收买:不腐败 = 感动:无知觉的 hovelpalatial = citybucolic 小屋:宏伟的 = 城市:乡村的
misanthropehumane = asceticvoluptuary 厌倦人类的人:仁慈的 = 禁欲者:沉溺酒色的


正面特征:1-829-931-633-637-557-469-771-971-873-9 1. RIVALCOMPETITION 对手:竞争
A mentorpraise 导师:赞扬 mentor guide B mendicantconfusion 乞丐:困惑
C sycophantflattery 马屁精:拍马屁 (纵向反义特征) D litigantmorality 诉讼当事人:道德
E maverickcooperation 想法与众不同的人:合作

A. revolutiondemocracy 革命:民主 revolution剧烈变化:evolution渐渐变化 (反义) B. duelformality 决斗:正式的 C. feudimpartiality 世仇:公平
D. boutsparring 回合:拳击
E. crusaderemoteness 运动:遥远的 Crusade十字军战士

3. SAGEWISDOM 智者:智慧 sagejudgment / wisdom A pilgrimabstinence 朝圣者:节制
B punditimitation 权威人士:模仿(主客体错位)punditauthoritative权威的 / opinion C philanthropistbenevolence 慈善家:仁慈的

D legislatordiplomacy 立法者:外交 legislatortact E crusaderambition 改革者:雄心壮志 crusaderchange
最常考<节制>单词:abstinencecontinencetemperanceself-denialself-restraintabstemious 禁欲者ascetic / stoic 反面:voluptuary 沉溺于酒色的人 / reprobate堕落的人 libertine放荡的

A prophetrule 预言家:有规则 prophetpredict B profiteerconsume 奸商:消费 profiteerspeculate投机
C profligatedemand 挥霍的人:要求 profligate squander挥霍 D prodigalsquander 挥霍的人:挥霍 E prodigywonder 神童:惊奇

5. REDOUBTABLEAWE 令人敬畏的:敬畏(主客体错位) A. tartpungency 刺激的:刺激(正面特征,主体一致) B. tacitsolitude 心照不宣的:孤独的
C. despicablecontempt 令人鄙视的:鄙视(纵向反义) D. engrossingobliviousness 吸引人的:忽略的(反义) E. venerablerenown 值得尊敬的:有名望的


6. COLLUSIONCONSPIRATORS 串通:串通者、密谋者 A conclusionmessengers 结论:信使
B revisioncorrespondents 修订:通讯记者 C identificationarbitrators 识别:仲裁者 D attributioninterpreters 归功于:翻译员
E cooperationpartners 合作:合作伙伴(纵向同义,偷偷与一般)

7. JUGGERNAUTCRUSH 摧毁一切的强大力量:摧毁 A. quislingbetray 叛徒:背叛
B. incubushatch 梦魇:孵化 incubator婴儿保育箱 C. sphinxdestroy 谜语:破坏 Sphinx狮身人 D. sibylmislead 女先知:误导 sibylpredict E. paragonpurify 完美事物:提纯

8. MISERTHRIFT 吝啬鬼:节俭(过分的) A performerartistry 表演者:艺术才能
B chauvinistpatriotism 过分爱国者:爱国
C mimicridicule 模仿者:嘲弄 mimicv.嘲弄性模仿n.模仿者 D politiciancompromise 政客:妥协 E scientistdiscovery(墓碑)
吝啬鬼:miserskinflintniggard-gard鬼:sluggard懒鬼,laggard慢鬼) 吝啬:miserlystingytightfistedparsimonious
9. GOURMANDAPPETITE 美食家\贪吃的人:胃口 A. pedantsimplicity 学究:简单 B. skinflintthrift 吝啬鬼:节省 C. prodigalenergy 挥霍的人:能量 D. daredevilstrength 胆大的人:力量 E. egotisthonesty 自私自利者:诚实

10. PHILOSOPHERCOGITATE 哲学家:沉思 A. linguistprevaricate 语言学家:支吾搪塞 B. politiciancapitulate 政客:投降(墓碑选项) C. scholarextemporize 学者:即兴演说 D. misanthroperepeat 厌倦人类的人:重复 E. iconoclastattack 攻击传统习俗的人;攻击

反面特征:5-321-357-945-659-5 1. OBJECTIVITYPARTISAN 客观:党员 partisan:allegiance忠诚;bias/prejudice/blind偏见 A. honestywitness 诚实:目击者 B. accuracycritic 精确:评论者
C. skepticisminfidel 怀疑:异教者(正面特征) D. temperancereprobate 节制:堕落的人 E. hesitancyparagon 犹豫:完美的人

2. MAVERICKCONFORMITY 想法与众不同的人:传统习俗 A. B. C. D.
renegadeambition 叛徒:雄心壮志
extrovertreserve 外向的人:矜持 内向的人introvertreserve reprobatehumility 堕落的人:谦虚 zealotloyalty 狂热者:忠诚
E. strategistdecisiveness 策略家:果断
最常考<想法与众不同的人>mavericknonconformisticonoclastbohemian波希米亚人 传统:conventionconformitydogma教条,doctrine教条,学说

3. DOGMAICONOCLAST 教条:打破传统习俗的人(违反关系) A authoritysubordinate 权威:下属
B patriotismcoward 爱国主义者:胆小鬼 patriotismrebel叛徒(反面) C ideologyrebel 意识形态:叛徒(墓碑选项) D responsibilityrenegade 责任:叛徒 E conventionmaverick
patr-:父亲(patriotismpatronize资助、赞助,repatriate遣返回国,patriarch父权政治) matr-:母亲(matrix子宫,matron妇女、保姆,matriarch女权政治) arch-1.拱形 2.统治
1. archy拱形的,architecture建筑学 2. anarchy无政府主义,monarch独裁制

4. INDULGEASCETIC 放纵:自制的人 A adaptmutineer 改编:叛徒
B sacrificepolitician(墓碑)
C restrainlibertine 节制:放荡的人(纵向反义) D defytraitor 蔑视:叛徒
E stintbenefactor 节省:捐助人(主客体错位)

5. STICKLERAPPROXIMATION:争执琐碎的人:粗略 A leaderguidance 领导者:领导(正面) B connoisseuranachronism 鉴赏家:时代错误 C sluggardindolence 懒鬼:懒惰(正面) D puristadulteration纯粹者:掺假 E scientisttheorizing(墓碑)

FURTIVESTEALTH 偷偷摸摸的:偷窃 A loquaciousintelligence 话多的:智力 B immoralcontrition 不道德:悔罪
C pontificalreverence 自大的:尊敬(反) D whimsicalcaprice 善变的(古怪的:善变(任性(从未是错误选项) E arduousendurance 费劲的:坚持

furtiveopenness = flamboyantreserved 秘密的:公开 = 炫耀的:保留的

话多的:garrulous = loquacious = volublechatter = wordy = talkative(褒贬关系健谈的) 话少的:loquaciousgarrulouslaconictaciturnreticenttersesuccinct
sycophanticobsequious = pontificaldogmatic 拍马屁的:奉承的= 武断的:武断的,独断的 phan-:现象,-sequ-:跟着,ob-:反
*elegiacsorrow = devotionalreverence 挽歌:悲痛 = 虔诚的:尊敬 同义替换:sorrowgrieflamentdeplore

whimsicalcaprice =foresight洞察力,insight识别,perspicacity目光锐利)prudent明智的,discerning动机,acute敏锐的)

endurance1.时间长 2.体力、耐力
insightdiscern = mettleendure洞察力:动机 = 耐力:忍耐

DEFAULTPAY 拖债/未履行的责任:付钱
A evictreside 驱逐/赶出:居住 (程度不一致)
B slouchstand 懒人勤奋:坚持放弃 (层面不对应) C yieldreisist 屈服:反抗 D sueconvict 指控:定罪 E arguewin 争论:赢得
-vict:胜利 victor胜利者,victorywinged victory 胜利女神
tenaciousyield不服的(顽固的:屈服 = beneficentharm 有利的:有害的 = insouciantworry 无忧无虑:担忧

intransigentyield 不服的(不妥协:服 = ephemeralabide 时间短(短暂的:时间长(持续 adamantyield不服的(固执的:服 = cautiousgamble 谨慎的:孤注一掷的/赌博的

dubiouscommitment / conviction = disaffectedcontentment unaffected自然的) 可疑的:确信 = 不满的:满意
arguereasondisputeindicatemaintain arguedispute 种属关系(1-2

PLEASURE < ECSTASY 高兴:狂喜(摇头丸 pleasurerapture狂喜 A. complacenceenvy 自满:嫉妒 B. surprise < astonishment 吃惊:大吃一惊 C. anxietycuriousity 焦虑:好奇 D. pridevexation 骄傲:烦恼 E. pitydread 同情:害怕


ecstasya state of being beyond reason and self-control

astonishto strike with sudden and usually great wonder or surprise
unpleasurerepugnant = scantymeager 不高兴:不愉快 = 不足的:缺乏的(同义关系) pleasure < bliss = dislike < loathing 快乐:天赐之福 = 讨厌:厌恶 vexation骚扰、干扰、烦恼:irritationafflictionfret (同义词)
moist < sodden潮湿:湿透 = surprise < astonished
curiousityknow = wanderlusttravel 好奇心:知道 = 旅游癖好:旅行(因果关系) *hubrispride傲慢 > 骄傲 = flattery > praise 奉承:赞美(褒贬关系) * = hesitation > reluctance

draconianinclemency = fretvextation 严峻的:严酷 = 烦扰:烦恼 (同义词) reprehendcensure = lamentpity 责骂:责难 = 可惜/惋惜:惋惜
-prehend:扎 reprehend / censure > criticize (程度类比) (总结 严厉批评:一般批评, 批评:赞扬)

褒贬关系: ATTENTIVEOFFICIOUS 关心的:多管闲事的 A doubtfulambiguous 怀疑的:模糊的
B absorbedengrossed 吸引人的:全神贯注的
C refinedsnobbish 优雅的:附庸风雅的(势利小人的 D magisterial = authoritative 权威的
E impromptuspontaneous 即兴的:自发的

attentivemeddlesome过分关心、多管闲事的/ fawn奉承 = officious多管闲事的/ obsequious 奉承的

= envious羡慕:jealous嫉妒

= colorful有颜色的:quarish 过分装饰、俗艳的 gaudy = frugal节俭:parsimony 吝啬

visionaryidealistic = officiousobliging 幻想的:理想主义的 = 多管闲事的:恳切的
absorbed < engrossed = close < intimate 吸引人的:全神贯注的 = 紧密的:亲密的 (程度) authoritativenesspundits = allegiancepartisans 权威:权威人士 = 忠诚:党徒(正面特征) doctrineheterodoxy = spontaneousstudied教义:异端邪说 = 自发的:后天习得的(反义) hetero-不同的;homo-相同的
impromptu unprepared impromptuadlib = divergentaside 即兴的:即兴的:分歧的:在旁边(同义) -verg-:边缘、旁边 反义
impromptuperformance/rehearsal排练 = unheraldedannouncement没有预先通知:通知 = capricedeliberate 反复无常的:深思熟虑的 = honestyduplicity 诚实:不诚实(狡猾

同义词:67-981-4 1. MARTIALMILITARY 战争的、军事的 martinetMars A. basicsimplistic 基本的:简单的 B. classicmusical 经典的:音乐 C.
cosmicplanetary 宇宙的:行星
D. runicmysterious 神秘的(北欧古代文字的:神秘的
E. endemicpatriotic 地方性的:爱国的 -dem-:古希腊城邦的人民

2. JEERDERISION 嘲笑 A fidgetrestrain 坐立不安:抑制 B cowermenace 畏缩:威胁 cow C slouchvigilance 无精打采:警觉 D reprimandcensure 严厉批评 E frownadversity 皱眉:倒霉

笑:chuckle轻声笑:wisper轻声地说 31-1
grin:咧嘴笑:反义 pout噘嘴; gloat幸灾乐祸的笑;
smirk傻笑,自鸣得意的笑; simper胡乱笑(43-4
程度类比:15-757-641-641-811-9 1. RAVISHING > ATTACTIVE:特别吸引人的:吸引人 A. florid = health 健康的:健康
B. perspicacious > dicerning 显眼的:能够识别的
C. impassionedabject 慷慨激昂的:可怜的,卑下的/无精打采的(反义) D. passiveinsensitive 消极的:无感受的 E. sullenquarrelsome 闷闷不乐的:好争吵的

1. 罕见单词比常见单词程度深 2. 表示动作比表示心理的程度深
3. 如果考题中有认识的程度类比关系,直接选

2. GLIMMER < DAZZLE:发微光:发强光
A delineatedisclaim 详细描述:否认 declaim高谈阔论(说话不靠谱)B recedeabandon 后退:放弃
C reciteharangue 背诵:长篇攻击性演讲 D muse = reflect 沉思(同义) E murmur < resound 低声说话:高声说话

3. EXHORT > SUGGEST:劝诫(强烈建议):建议 A craveaccept 渴望:接受 B goad > direct 驱使:指引 C instruct = teach 教(同义) D tamperadjust 窜改:调整 (错与一般) E conspireplan 串通:计划 (偷偷与一般)


4. INTERESTED < AGOG 有兴趣:强烈感兴趣 A persistentdaunted 坚持不懈的:气馁的(反义) B careful < meticulous 仔细的:特别仔细的 C curious = questioning 好奇的 D blithewillful 轻率的:固执的 E occupied = engaged 占据的,繁忙的

5. FULMINATE > CRITICIZE 严厉批评:批评 A penetrate = enter 进入(同义) B narrate = relate 讲述(同义)
C adulate > flatter 过分怕马屁:怕马屁 adulate程度最深的拍马屁 D venerateexculpate 崇敬:清白 E devastate < annihilate 破坏 < 消失,摧毁

褒贬关系:27-815-619-967-817-9 1. MANIAENTHUSIASM 癫狂(:热情 A exerciseactivity 练习:活动
B feversymptom 发热:症状(种属)
C coma > unconsciousness 昏迷:无意识 comaa state of profound unconsciousness D honestyvirtue 诚实:美德(种属) E dotingfondness 溺爱:喜爱

2. COMPLIMENTFLATTERY 赞扬:奉承( A eulogyexcoriation 颂词:责骂(反义) B deferencesubservience 遵从:卑躬屈膝 C wisdomwit 智慧:智力 D sincerityhypocrisy 真诚:虚伪(反义) E prideobsequiousness 骄傲:奉承

3. FIRMINTRANSIGENT 坚定的:固执的( A vagueinattentive 模糊的:不注意的 B faithfulresolute 信任的:坚决的
C malleable = tractable 可以塑造的:可以驾驭的 D concernedobsessed 关心的:入迷的,极度关心的 E improvidentindustrious 无远见:勤奋的

A temperate = sober 节制(同义)
B ethicalunscrupulous 有道德的:肆无忌惮的(无原则) C cynicalsarcastic 愤世嫉俗的:讽刺的 D compliantobsequious 顺从的:奉承的 E loathsomemalevolent 厌恶的:有恶意的

5. COURAGEOUSBRAVADO 勇敢的:故作勇敢( A wary = prudence 谨慎
B horrificpanic 可怕的:慌张的 C honorableveracity 值得尊敬:真实 D self-centeredconceit 自私的:自负
E complimentaryfulsomeness 赞扬的:奉承的(

反义关系:9-235-4 1. FICKLECONSTANCY 花心的:稳定的
A. naivesophistication 天真的:老于世故的 正面特征:yokel乡巴佬:naive B. optimisticcheerfulness 乐观的:高兴
C. sedatecreativity 沉着镇静的:创造性 sedate反义:不安的restiverestless D. reticentprotection 话少的:保护
E. compassionateagreement 同情:同意

2. SHIPSHAPEDISARRAY:整齐的:混乱的 A snugpropriety 舒适:适当,恰当 B squalidcleaniness 脏:干净 C plushprosperity 豪华:繁荣 D forsakendesolation 抛弃:荒芜
E chaoticostentation 混乱的:炫耀

*snug:主考意思:narrow窄小,反义:宽敞的spaciouscommodious 形近词:smug自鸣得意,snub怠慢,snob势利小人,snobbish附庸风雅的
plush 豪华的,blush脸红,flush冲,lush郁郁葱葱 omb-隆起,tomb坟墓,comb蜂巢,梳子,bomb炸弹,zombie僵尸 sp-:喷出,spring喷泉

POSEURSINCERITY 装模作样的人:真诚 A bratinsolence 顽童:傲慢 B flirtdecency 调情者:恰当
C grouchpatient 脾气坏的人:耐心 D reclusegregariousness 隐士:群居性 E rogueempathy 流氓:移情作用


groucha fit of bad temper sincerityhypocritical = authenticityfraudulent 真诚:伪善的 = 真实:欺骗的(反义) brattishmischievous = tightfistedparsimonious 淘气的:调皮的 = 吝啬的:吝啬的(同义) coquetteflirtatious = supplicantbeseeching sup-:在下面,plic-:折叠的 风骚的女人:轻浮的 = 恳求者:恳求的(正面特征)
dandy风骚的男人flirtatious impetuouspatience = impertinentpropriety 急脾气的:耐心 = 粗鲁的:适当(缺乏)
= restivecalmness 不安的:平静

recluse隐遁者:(正面特征词对 privacy隐私,solitude孤单,withdraw隐退)
= toadyfavor 谄媚者:喜欢,好感 = bigotbiased 偏执者:偏颇
= hedonistpleasure 享乐主义者:欢乐
= roisterercarouse 喝酒喧哗者:痛饮
reclusecompassion = turncoatconsistency 隐遁者:同情 = 变节者:一致性(反面特征) reclusemarked by withdrawal from society

缺乏关系:3-149-7 1. SNAKELEGS 蛇:腿
A fishscales 鱼:鱼鳞(皮毛套) B gorillacage 大猩猩:笼子(束缚) C lionesscub 母狮子:幼兽 D horsewings 马:翅膀 E unicornhorn 独角兽:角

2. FLAGVIGOR 衰弱:精力 A endurecourage 忍耐:勇气
B tiremonotony 疲劳:单调
C questionperception 问题:感觉 D waverresolution 摇摆者:坚决 从未做过错误选项 正面特征:waverirresolution E flattercharm 奉承:魅力

flagv.衰弱 n.旗帜 48-20FLAG:减少 A. sustain 支持 B. strive 努力,奋斗 C. favor D. cut E. wax 增强


3. 动作极其连带关系
NEPOTISMRELATIVE 裙带关系:亲戚 A cronyismfriend 任人唯亲:朋友 B elitismleader 精英论:领导 C narcissismself 自恋:自己
D recidivismcriminal 重犯:罪犯 recidivism v. relapse E jingoismpatriot 盲目爱国主义:爱国

bellwetherleadership = advisorconsultant 领头羊:领导者 = 顾问(同义) deferleader = admirehero 尊重:领导 = 赞美:英雄 recidivismrelapse = punditopine 重犯:复发 = 博学者:发表 recidivismrelapse = rehabilitationconvalesce复原(同义)
narcissismlove = guiltblame 自恋:爱 = 内疚:自责 patrioticchauvinistic = receptivegullible 爱国的:盲目爱国的( = 容易接受的:轻信的( patriotcountry = partisancourse 爱国者:国家 = 同党之人:路线(追求关系) miserthrift = chauvinisticpatriotism 吝啬鬼:节省 = 盲目爱国的:爱国主义

alcoverecess = domeroof 凹室:使凹进 = 圆屋顶:盖屋顶 (动宾,盖特征) appointofficial = castactor 任命官员 = 分配演员
attorneydisbar = studentexpel 律师:剥夺律师资格 = 学生:开除(开除特征) bar- barrister律师

bartercommodities = correspondletters 以物易物:商品 = 通信:信件(exchange交换) detourroute = digresstopic 绕路而行:路线 = 偏题:主题(特征:绕stray away carveturckey = slicecake 切:火鸡 = 切:蛋糕(特征:切块块)
winnowwheal = refineoil 扬麦:麦子 = 提纯:提纯油(提纯) dismounthorse = disembarkship 下马:马 = 下船:船(下)
dosemedicine = sentencepunishment 给人服药:药物 = 判决:惩罚(给give interrogateinformation = solicitdonation 审问:信息 = 恳求:捐赠(要 ask for

动宾关系:81-781-813-451-4155-1 1. BARTERCOMMODITIES exchange A arbitratedisputes 仲裁:争论 B invadeboundary 闯入:边界 C debateissues 争论:争执 D correspondletters 通信:信件 E promoteranks


2. PARRYQUESTION 躲避:问题 表示躲避的:11个单词 A returnaffection 返回:喜爱 B shirkduty 躲避:责任
C confrontdread 面临:可怕的 D hurlinsult 投向:侮辱 E surrendertemptation 投降:引诱

3. EAVESDROPCONVERSATION 偷听:谈话(精神) A. shopliftcustomer 偷货物:顾客 B. trespassproperty 侵占:财产(物质) C. gossipdiscussion(暴露)
D. arrestsuspect 逮捕:疑犯(强制) E. subpoenawitness 传讯:证人(强制)

4. SUBPOENAWITNESS 传讯:证人 A subornjudge 教唆;法官
B taxworker 收税:工人 taxmoney C electofficer 选举:官员 D conscriptsoldier 强制征兵:士兵 E hirelaborer 雇佣:工人

5. SILVERTARNISH 银:使变灰暗(银锈) 锈锈组合 39-3 A goldburnish 金:抛光 B steelforge 钢:锻造 C ironrust 铁:铁锈 D leadcast E tinshear 罐头:剪

增加一层,有光泽:waxlinoleum打蜡:地板(油毡varnishwood上清漆:木头 增加一层,无光泽:tarnishsilverrustironglazepottery上彩釉:陶器,
gildmeatal 镀金:奖牌,galvanizemetal电镀(刺激:金属,basteroast倒油汁:烤肉 减少一层:polish磨光/burnish抛光/finish磨光:metaletchglass蚀刻:玻璃,

A serrationbraiding 锯齿状:编结 knot B holeperforating 洞:打洞
C dent = weakening 削弱(凹痕:削弱 D breaksetting 破:安置 E gougecracking 凿子:裂缝


perforatehole = pleatfold 打洞:洞 = 打褶:折叠
groovedstriated = braidedstranded 开槽的:有条纹的 = 编成辫子的:一股一股的 dentureteeth = toupeehair 假牙:牙 = 假发:头发(真假关系)
attenuatethickness = weakenpotence 削弱:厚度 = 减弱:力量(特征:减少) 缓解压力:relievereleaseease
hackcarve = gougeengrave 乱劈:雕刻 = 挖出:雕刻
breakcode = decipherhieroglyph 破解:密码 = 译解:象形文字(破,分解) fragilebreak = flammableburn 易碎的:破 = 易燃的:燃烧
= porouspenetrate 多孔的:渗透
brittlebreak = manifestperceive 易碎的:破 = 明显的:感知
brakedecelerate = crampcompression 闸:减速 = 夹子:压缩(减少,变弱)

penetrate / puncturedeflated = jarunsettled 穿透:漏气 = 震动:不稳定的 deflate:漏气,inflate / aerate:充气
inflate / deflatebuoyancy = 充气/ 漏气:浮力(结果/消除)

结果关系:97-525-6 1. INFLATEBURST 充气:爆炸 A atrophyevaporate 萎缩:蒸发 B pulltear 拉:撕裂
C exposehide 暴露:隐藏 D excavateincrease 挖掘:增加 E break = shatter

2. FERTILIZEGROW 施肥:增长 A. immunizeresist 免疫:抵抗
B. nourishenrich 滋养:富含养分 nourishto promote the growth of C. heatburn 加热:燃烧 heat warm D. graftmultiply 嫁接:增加 graft unitejoinattach E. prunedwarf 修剪(n.梅干):使矮小 dwarfto restrict the growth of
PRIMPVAIN 搔首弄姿的打扮:自负的 A scowluncomfortable 皱眉:不舒服 B maskslick 隐藏:圆滑的
C cringemean 畏缩:吝啬 cringefear/servile奴性的 D gloatsmug 幸灾乐祸地看:自鸣得意 E boastsuccessful 吹嘘:成功的
scowla facial expression of displeasure scowldispleasure = kissaffection 皱眉:不高兴 = 亲吻:喜爱 爱的动作:caressembracekiss scowl = frown
smirksmugness = sneerderision 得意的笑:自满 = 冷笑:嘲弄
maskface = pseudonymname 假脸:真脸 = 假名字:真名字(真假关系) colludecooperate = smuggleconvey 串通:共谋 = 走私:搬运(偷偷与一般) smugglertariff = stowawayfare 走私者:关税 = 偷乘者:费用
blowhardboastful = toadyobsequious 吃牛家:吹牛的 = 谄媚者:谄媚的(正面特征)
*synonymousmeaning = interchangeablefunction (具有相同的) <直接背答案> 同义的:意思 = 可交换的:功能
meanprodigality = meekarrogate 吝啬的:挥霍 = 谦逊:自大 misdemeanor < crime = lapse < error 轻罪:一般罪行 = 小错误:一般错误
= decision < commitment 决定:承诺
waft < plummet = meander < clash 飘落:迅速下落(铅锤 = 蜿蜒曲折的:猛冲

动作及表达心理感情:11-835-539-563-975-2 1. UPBRAIDDISAPPROVAL 强烈谴责:不赞同 A rankleresentment 激怒:愤怒(主客体错位) B mortifydistress 侮辱:痛苦(主客体) C begfavor 祈求:恩惠
D stifleconcealment 窒息:隐藏 stifle = suffocate / smotherto deprive of oxygen E lamentgrief 哀悼:痛苦

2. COUNTENANCETOLERATION 给予:宽容 A deferignorance 推迟:无知 B renouncemistrust 放弃:怀疑 C encroachjealousy 蚕食:嫉妒 D demurobjection 持异议:反对
E rejectdisappointment 拒绝:失望(主客体)

3. DISCOMFITEDBLUSH 尴尬:脸红 blushshameembarrassdiscomfited A nonplussedweep 困惑的:哭泣 B contemptuoussneer 轻视的:嘲笑 C affrontedblink 冒犯的:眨眼 D sullengroan 闷闷不乐:呻吟
E aggrievedgloat 痛苦的:幸灾乐祸地看(主客体)

4. SUBMISSIONOBEISANCE 遵从:敬礼 A dilemmafrustration 进退两难:挫败
B fearforeboding 恐惧:给出凶兆的(主客体) C boredom = listlessness 厌倦 D modestyblush 谦逊,谨慎:脸红 E affectionembrace 喜爱:拥抱


jeersullenness 嘲笑:闷闷不乐 glowerridicule 怒目而视:嘲笑 frowndispleasure 皱眉:不高兴 cooperationrespect 合作:尊敬
E. flatterylove 拍马屁:爱

MUFFLESOUND 减弱:声音 A. assuagegrief 缓和:痛苦 B. maulobject 伤害:物体
C. extractflavor 提取:香味 -tract-:拉
D. endureagony 忍耐:极大的痛苦 agon-angle角(戳你)protagonist主角 E. concealsecret 隐藏:秘密(结果关系)


muffledsound = mutedcolor 变轻:声音 = 变淡:颜色
mufflerneck = mittlenhand 围巾(消音器:脖子 = 手套:手(位置,功能保暖)

assuagesorrow = dampenardor 减轻:悲伤 = 消除:热情
dampv 阻尼(减弱…的振幅);制音(减小声音);使潮湿;adj 潮湿的 dampvibration阻尼:震动(阻止关系)

incantationutterance = talismanobject 咒语:说出来的话 = 护身符:物体(种属) solacegrief = pacificationanger 安慰:痛苦 = 平息:愤怒 alleviateintensity = consolegrief 减轻:强度 = 安慰:痛苦 disturbserenity = consolegrief 扰乱:平静 = 安慰:悲伤 -sol-:太阳,单独
dirgegrief = paean / hymnpraise / joy 挽歌:悲哀 = 赞美歌:赞扬 milkextract = exploitutilize 压榨:提取 = 剥削:利用(褒贬) pigmentcolor = spiceflavor 色素:颜色 = 调料:味道(因果)
ruthlessmercy = insipidflavor 无情的:仁慈 = 无味道的:味道(反义) 纵向上词性要求一致(冒号前面等于前面,冒号后面等于后面),极个别题有特例

strident / piercing / grating / raspy / cacophonous / discordant 刺耳的:sound 声音 (负面的) = fetidsmell 恶臭的:气味
= malodorscent / taste 恶臭的:气味
= acrid / pungentodor 辛辣的:味道 piquant辛辣(产生幸福愉快感) = glarelight 刺目的强光:光 = anachronistictime

1. 特殊与一般:纵向把握特殊单词特征 2. 动宾关系:纵向把握动词特征 3. 修饰关系:纵向把握形容词特征

euphonioussound = gracefulmovement 悦耳动听的:声音 = 优雅的:运动 mellifluoussound = savorytaste 悦耳的:声音 = 美味的:味道 full-bodiedflavor = resonantsound 浓烈的:味道 = 洪亮的:声音 staturetall = soundloud 身高:高 = 声音:响亮 (大,强)
crescendosound = accelerationtempo 声音渐强:声音 = 加速:速度 (增大) debasevalue = fadeloudness 贬低:价值 = 减弱:音量 photographlight = recordingsound 摄影:光 = 录音:声音 reflectionlight = echosound 反射光:光 = 回声:声音 -celer-celtic部落

ramshacklesoundness = garbleddarity 摇摇欲坠:稳固 = 混淆的:清楚 decibelsound = lumenlight 分贝:声音 = 流明(光通量单位:光
= voltelectricity 伏特:电量 = wattpower 瓦特:功率 = calorieheat 卡路里:热量
pitchsound = colorlight 音调:声音 = 颜色:光
sirensound = beaconlight 汽笛、警报:声音 = 灯塔:光 sirenbeacon反义 soundair = electricitycopper 声音:空气 = 电:铜

ephemeral / transitoryendure 时间短:时间长 = repellentattract 排斥的:吸引 = inelasticstretch 无弹性的:伸展 = inertreact 惰性的:反应
= immutablechange 不变的:变化

insightdicern = mettleendure 洞察力:洞悉 = 勇气:忍耐 lurkconcealment = espousemarriage 潜伏:潜藏 = 嫁娶:结婚
= purloinappropriation 偷窃:盗取
clandestinesecrety = overtopenly 秘密的 = 公然的 covert秘密的

franksecretiveness = callowmaturity 坦白的:隐秘 = 未成熟的:成熟(反义关系) = honesttheft 诚实:偷
headstrongadvice = secretivescrutiny 顽固的:建议 = 秘密:详细检查 treasurerfunds = secretaryrecords 财务员:资金 = 秘书:记录


消除关系:5-945-49-4 1. ADULTERATEPURITY 掺杂:纯度(部分消除) A modifyessence 修改:精髓
B exoneratecrime 免罪:罪行(全部消除) C ascertainvalidity 查明:有效性 D enervatevigor 削弱:精力
E toleratediversity 宽容:多样性

2. EMBELLISHAUSTERE 装饰:朴素的(全部消除) A. condenseillusive 浓缩:幻觉的 B. alterremarkable 改变:明显 C. trainclumsy 培训:笨拙 D. adulteratepure 掺杂:纯净 E. refineunique 提纯:独一无二

A lubricantfriction 润滑剂:摩擦
B foundationstability 地基:稳定性(结果) C exerciseactivity (墓碑选项)
D foodweight 食物:变重(结果)
E antisepticsterility 杀菌剂:无菌状态(结果)

4. 逻辑关联性
REDOLENTSMELL 芳香的:气味 A curiouskonwledge B lucidsight 清晰的:视野 C torpidmotion 缓慢的:动作 D ephemeraltouch 短暂的:触摸
E piquanttaste 辛辣的:味道 piquantbland温和的(反义)

painful < agonizing = curious < inquisitive 疼痛的:疼痛难忍的 = 好奇的:过分好奇的 supervisoroversight = calalysisinitiate 管理者:监管 = 催化剂:发动 oversight:失误,小心照顾

tourniquetbleeding = brakemotion 止血绷带:出血 = 刹车:移动(事物功能) inklingkonwledge = modicumquantity 小知识:一般知识 = 小量:一般量(程度) exercisestrong = readknowledge 锻炼:强壮 = 阅读:知识(反复)
incognizanceknowledge = penurywealthy 不认识:知识渊博 = 贫穷:富有(反义) uninformativeknowledge = acrimoniousgoodwill 不增进知识:知识 = 严厉的:亲切

audible < stentorian = comprehensible < lucid / pellucid 听得见的:声音洪亮的 = 可理解的:清晰的、明确的

friablecrumbed = lucidcomprehended 易碎的:弄碎的 = 清晰的:理解的
manifest / pellucidunderstand = prominentnotice 清晰的:理解 = 卓越的:注意 = venialexcuse 可原谅的:原谅 palpabletouch = pliablemold 可触摸的:触摸 = 可塑造的:塑造
tactiletouch = sentientemotion 触觉的:触摸 = 情感的:感情(同义) quixoticidealistic = touchysensitive 空想的:空想主义的 = 敏感的(同义)
*sent- / sens-:很多表示感觉feel3个除外:表示感情sentientsentimentsentimental *vert / vers:转turn versus

revisemanuscript = retouchpicture 修订:手稿 = 润饰:图画 *ephemeralendure / enduring / abide / longevity 时间短:时间长
= inertreact = intransigentyield 惰性:反应 = 不妥协的:屈服
= inanimateliving = inelasticstrench 无生命的:有生命的 = 无弹性:有弹性 = grandiosehumility 堂皇的:谦卑 = repellentattract 排斥:吸引

49-8LACONICSPEECH 话少的(简洁的):演讲(简洁) A believableexcuse 可信的:借口 B unyieldingattitude 不屈的:态度 C austeredesign 朴素的:设计 D somberprocession 庄重的:行进 E gradualtransition 渐渐的:变化

对立句子题:可用can not 连接
INVINCIBLESUBDUED 不能征服的:征服 A inconsistentexpressed 不一致的:表达 B imperviousdamaged 不能破坏的:破坏的 C imprudentenacted 轻率的:实施 D bolted = separated 分散的 E expensivebought 昂贵的:买


invincibleconquer = negligibleperceive 不能征服的:征服 = 可以忽略的:察觉 implacableappease = indomitablesubdue 难以和解的:平息 = 不能征服的:征服 dominatedominancy显性遗传(处于主导)recessive隐性遗传

apatheticemotion = imprudentdiscretion 冷淡的:感情 = 轻率的:慎重
imperviousdamaged = indefensibleexcused 不能破坏的:破坏 = 不能辩护的:申辩 imperviouspenetrate = ineluctable / inevitableavoid 不能渗透的:渗透 = 不能避免的:避免
imperviousfriable = nonflammablecombustible 不受影响的:受影响的(易碎的) = 不易燃的:燃烧

fawnimperiousness = equivocatedirectness 奉承:傲慢 = 模棱两可:直接 disguiserecognition = paddingdamage 伪装:识别 = 填充物:破坏 paddingdamage = leveeflooding 河堤:洪水
protocolblunder = bumperdamage 外交礼节:大错 = 保险杠:破坏 (直接背)

centrifugeseparate = colanderdrain 离心机:分离 = 漏勺:排水
decipherhieroglyph = separatecomponent 破解:象形文字 = 分离:组分 encloseparentheses = separatecomma 括:括号 = 分开:逗号

parenthesis:explanationellipsis:omission 括号表示解释=省略号表示省略 ellipsis:wordapostrophe:letter 省略号省略字=撇号省略字母 apostrophes:wordellipsis:sentence 撇号省略字=省略号省略句子"

对立句子:3-845-55-5 1. IRREVOCABLEREPEAL 不能取消的:废除 A unchartedsurvey 为在地图上标明的:调查 B unwieldylift 笨重的:举起
C inscrutablemention 难以理解的:提到 D immutableanchor 不变的:稳定 E ineluctableavoid 不能避免的:避免
2. IMPLACABLEAPPEASE 不能平息的:平息 A. impregnabledefy 不能破坏的:蔑视 damage B. inconsistentpersuade 不一致:劝说 C. indomitablesubdue 不能征服的:征服
D. imperturbablemollify 平静的:平息 disturb E. intractableunderstand 不服的:controlmanage
3. EXEMPLARYCRITICIZED 模范的:批评 A periodiccounted 周期性的:数 B erraticpredicted 善变的:预测
C precociousemulated 早熟(心理上):模仿 premature早熟(生理上) D hypotheticalverified 假设:证明 E fawningreciprocated 拍马屁(单向):互惠互利(双向)(反义)


CURIOSITYKNOW 好奇心:知道(未知探求) A. temptationconquer 诱惑:战胜 B. starvationeat 枯萎、憔悴(饥饿):吃 nutrition C. wanderlusttravel 旅行癖好:旅行 D. humorlaugh 幽默:笑 E. survivallive 幸存:活

impracticableeffected = intangibleknown invincibleconquer = negligibleperceive suffocateoxygen = starvenutrients 窒息:氧气 = 饥饿:营养 drawdoodle = travelramble 画:涂鸦 =旅行:漫游(胡乱与一般) bookwormread = gourmeteat 书呆子:读书 = 美食家:吃(正面特征) *fasteat = moratoriumactivity 斋戒:吃 = 中止:活动
= respitelabor 暂缓、休息:劳动

carnival嘉年华,carnage大屠杀,carnivore食肉动物 vor-:吃 herbivore食草动物,herbaceous草本植物

causticeataway = desiccantdry 腐蚀性的:侵蚀 = 使干燥:干燥(正面) elasticexpand = viablelive 能伸缩的:张开 = 能存活的:存活
viv-vit-live vital重要的,vigor活力,vivisection活体解剖,vitamin
insulinpancreas = bileliver 胰岛素:胰脏 = 胆汁:肝脏(器官及其分泌)
chide < pillory = humor < mollycoddle 斥责:示众嘲弄 = 迎合、迁就:溺爱
fluentglib = humorouswry 流利的:油腔滑调的 = 幽默的:讽刺性幽默的(褒贬) gadflygoad = humoristamuse 牛虻(苍蝇):刺激 = 幽默者:逗乐
philanthropistbeneficence = comedianhumor 慈善家:善行 = 喜剧演员:幽默 phil-:爱; anthro-:人
soph-debate争论,智慧; sophist诡辩者,sophisticated老于世故的 freshmansophomorejuniorsenior
avaricemoney = gluttonyfood 贪婪:钱 = 贪吃:食物 aspirantquarry = hunterprey 有抱负者:目标 = 狩猎者:猎物 cineastfilm = gourmandfood 电影迷:电影 = 美食家:食品
mercenarymoney = vindictiverevenge 唯利是图的:钱 = 报复性的:报复 trophycontestant = honorsstudent 奖品:竞争者 = 荣誉:学生

escapecapture = dodgeblow 躲避:捕捉 = 躲避:打击

bolstersupport = tacklehoist 靠垫:支撑 = 滑轮:提高、升高 bonebody = girderskycraper 骨骼:身体 = 大梁:摩天大楼 foundationhouse = pedestalstatue 地基:房子 = 基座:雕塑 roofrafter = tableleg 屋顶:椽子 = 桌子:腿
stockadeenclosure = pillarsupport 栅栏:围绕 = 柱子:支持

embargocommerce = quarantinecontact 禁运:贸易 = 隔离:接触

blandishmentcajole= obstacleimpede 甜言蜜语:哄骗 = 障碍:阻止

overdoseprescription = indiscretionconvention 配药过量:处方 = 不慎重:传统惯例 digresstopic = straygroup 离题:主题 = 离群:群体 -gress:走
transgressionmorality = presumptionpropriety 犯罪:道德 = 放肆:恰当性

INEXPERIENCENEOPHYTE 无经验:新手 A. gracedancer 优雅:舞者
B. dexteritysurgeon 灵巧:外科医生
C. snobbishnesssycophant 势利小人:马屁精 D. irresponsibilitywastrel 不负责任的:流浪汉 E. indolencespendthrift 懒惰:败家子

surgeon:dexterity = acrobat:agility外科医生灵巧=杂技演员敏捷


<反义> 反义概述:
1. APOLOGIST:辩解者 A. egotist 自私自利者 B. wrongdoer 做错事情的人 C. freethinker 思想独立的人 D. detractor 诽谤者 E. spendthrift 挥霍的人

apologistone who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something spendthrifta person who spends improvidently or wastefully freethinkerone who forms opinions on the basis of reason
A. after long deliberation 经历长期慎重的思考 B. with benevolent intent 具有慈善精神 C. in general disagreement 总体上不同意 D. under close scrutiny 经历仔细检查
E. from questionable premises 源于有问题的假设 3. A. B. C.
trustworthy 值得信任的 A. unsurprising 不吃惊的 unschooled 未受教育的 B. unambiguous 不模糊的
credulous 轻信的 C. unimpressive 不令人尊敬,无印象
D. not formidable 不可怕的 D. inevitable 不可避免的 E. not certain 不确定 E. immovable 不能移动的

redoubtable1. causing fear or alarm : FORMIDABLE 2. ILLUSTRIOUS, EMINENT 显耀的

4. SCATHING 严厉的 bitterly severecausticscatheto do harm A easily understand 容易理解的 B politely cooperative 有礼貌的合作 C intentionality involuted 故意卷入的 D calmly complimentary 平静的赞扬 E strongly paritison 十分狂热

cooperative work together for the benefits


1. 狭义的反义
BOISTEROUS 混乱,吵闹的 A. grateful 感恩的 B. angry C. clever D. frightened E.

boisterousrowdystormytumultuousvociferous 吵闹的

COMMOTION 骚动,暴乱 A. desirability 期待 B. likability 可爱 C. propensity 倾向 D. changeability 能够改变 E. tranquility 宁静的

2. 广义的反义

DISPATCH 迅速(分派,快件) 词性一致原则 A. serenity 宁静
B. leisureliness 悠然,从容,悠闲 C. heedlessness 不关心 D. irregularity 无规则
E. aversion 厌恶,反感
dispatch to send off or away with promptness or speed especially leisurelinessunhurried sereneclear and free of storms or unpleasant change

3. 常见的类反搭配 一、动对静
动:commotiondisturbanceperturbationturbulenceturmoilactionagitationferment fracashavocpandemoniumupheavaldin

分:divergedetachdispersedissipateisolateseparatebreakscatterbreach rend扭、拧,sunder
rendwrest, to split or tear apart ,to lacerate mentally

合:accumulateaggregateagglomerateamalgamatecollectcoalesceconcatenatecompoundgathergroupnucleateunifyunit soldernexus coalesceto unite concatenateto link together in a series or chain

多:profuseabundantaffluentcopiousplentyprodigalrife rifeprevalent, especially to an increasing degree, abundant, common n. plethoraslew
少:scantscantylimitedpenurioussparse n. dearthiota极小量,paucitypinch捏、掐
pinchv. straiten, constrict, compress, taper, narrow, juncture

批评(轻)admonishchidecriticizereproachreproof (n.reproveflakdisparage chide: to voice disapproval; reproach: re+ proach (approach rebuke; reproof: critics 批评(重)beratecastigatecensurechastisecondemndenouncediatribe(n.excoriate fulminateimpeachimpugninvectiveInveighlambasterailrebukeeprehendreprimandreprobaterevilescoldupbraid vituperatepan
fulminatefare, denunciation; impeachin+ped, accusation, against; impugn: in+ fight, assail, resist

称赞:exaltextolglorifylaudravetoutacclaimapplaudcommendeulogize ravetout 表示不切实际的过分赞扬

n. accoladeencomiumapprobationorchidplaudittribute
extol: ex+tolerance, glorify; rave: to talk with extreme enthusiasm; tout: promote, talk up, solicit; accolade: a+collar, award; encomium: enthusiastic, praise



顺从:amenableamiablecomplaisantcompliantdocileobedientresponsibleresponsive敏感的)submissivetoleranttractablealacrity (n.

不服:incorrigiblebigotedunrulycontumaciousheadstronghideboundindocileintractable intransigentobdurateobstinaterebelliousrecalcitrantrefractorystubborntenaciousunmanageablemulishossifiedwrongheaded


肯定:affirmassertattestaveravowpositproclaimcorroborateprovesubstantiate verify (其中corroborate, prove,substantiate,verify 指带有证据或事实肯定之意)

否定:denydisclaimgainsaynegaterepudiatedisprove(reprove批评refutecontrovert (其中disproverefutecontrovert带有证据或事实否定之意)

忧郁:morosesaturninedowncastcrestfallendispiritedgloomymelancholydoleful despondentlugubrious



弯:convolutedcircuitouscurving deviousmeanderingroundaboutserpentinesinuous tortuoustwisting
serpentine: winding; sinuous: full of folds and bending

直:directforthrightstraight forwardstraightundeviatingunswerving deviate: turn out of the way; de-: down; via: way; -rect:直)


促进:abetaidassistcatalyzefosterencouragefacilitatefermentgoodigniteimpel inciteincubateinstigatepermitprecipitateprodprovokespurpromoterousestimulate triggervitalize
incubate: in + cubicile: 1. to hatch or maintain; 2. to cause or aid the development spur: to incite to action or accelerated growth or development

阻止:arrestbancheckcurbforbidextinguishforestallfrustratehamperhinderimpedeinhibitobstructquellreinrepressrestrainscotchsquelchstymiesubdue stiflethwart
quell: to reduce, quell riot; rein: to check or stop by; squelch: quell silence; stymie: to present an obstacle to; stifle: to kill by depriving of oxygen smoothen, muffle



清晰:clearlimpidlucidpellucidtranslucenttransparentn. clarity 模糊:murkyopaque(op+queobscureturbidvagueobfuscate


放大:aggrandizeamplifybroadendilatedistendexpandinflateswell dilate: di-apart, lat- latitude, wide
缩小:constrictcontractcondensecompressdeflateshrink strict-:拉; restrict限制)


不利健康:debilitatingdeleteriousdetrimentalinjuriousnocuousnoxiousmischievous lethalperniciousvirulent

pernicious: per+ noxiousobnoxious: ob ( + toward


长久:chronicconstantenduringgraduallastingincessantperennialpermanentperpetual persistent persistent长期坚持,insistent短期坚持)


evanescent: e+ van/ vanish; sporadic: sowing spore


有礼得体:amiablecivilcongenialdecentdecorousdeferentirreproachableseemly amiable: being friendly, sociable, and congenial congenial: sociable, genial, deferent

无礼不当:bawdyblatantbrazeneffronteryimpertinentimpudentindecorousinsolent opprobriousrudescurrilousscurvyunseemly
n. asperityimpropriety
bawdy: lewd, obscene blatant: to babble impertinent = im+per+tain


序言开场白:beginningcommencementforewordgreetingintroductionoutsetoverture prefacepreludepreambleprologue prelude: pre + lud (play


epi-upon, among epigram: epi之上)+gram (语言=格言; epidemic: epi (之上+demic (=人之上大范围内流行)



大:bullcolossalelephantineenormousgargantuangigantichugeimmensemammoth prodigioustremendoustitanic
prodigious: extraordinary in bulk, exciting amazed

小:diminutivemicroscopicminusculeminutepiddlingpaltryslighttrivialtiny paltry: trivialinferiormean piddling: small or unimportant paltrytrival琐碎的(考褒贬关系)


cognate: co+ gn (name = similar nature felicitous: fit, pleasant germane: fitting




加水:drenchdousehydrateinundatereconstitute (重建,加水以后变大saturatesouse steep

-stit-: stand; institute学院; destitute:de-往下,-stit-,下站=苦的; restitute偿还; prostitute妓女; superstition迷信)


虚假: apocryphal (away + hidebogusdeceptivedissemblingfraudulentfeignedfictitious mendaciousprevaricatedpseudospurious



平息安抚:allayalleviateappeaseassuageconciliatelullmitigatemoderatemollify pacifyplacatepropitiatereconcilerelievesoothe allay平息安抚,alley小胡同,alloy合金,ally联盟; propitiate: pro+pit (petition

刺激激怒:agitateannoyantagonizebotherdisturbgrateharassharrowirknagpesterperturbpiquerankle -agon-triangleprotagonist


干净:asepticnatty (neatpristine (former, untouched, unspoiledsprucetidyunspotted 肮脏:contaminateddowdymaculatedshabbyslipshodsloppyslovenlysqualidsordid taintedunkempt

slipshod: wearing slippers or loose shoes

慷慨:liberalgenerouslargessemunificentbounteousmagnanimous muni-public公共的; magn-:大,anim-spirit精神)

挥霍:spendthriftprodigalprofligatespendsquanderlavishdissipateextravagantimprovidenceexpendituresumptuousluxurysybaritewastefulwastrel lav-:冲)

成熟:ripenmatureexplicitfull-blownfull-fledgedfully developed 老练的:adeptadroitdiplomaticseasonedsophisticatedsuaveveteran



躲:eschewbilkescapeshyavoiddoubleduckeludeevadeshun 迎:embracegreatseekhabitablyindulge inwelcome


4. 常见解题方法
词根词缀:(不要轻易用) ASPETIC 干净的
A contaminated 被弄脏的 B disperse 分散 C oxidized 被氧化的 D persistent 坚持不懈的 E haphazard 散漫的

TESTINESS 脾气暴躁的 A devotion 献身,忠诚 B patience 耐心
C methodicalness 有条不紊 D caution 谨慎小心 E discretion 谨慎

NUMINOUS 精神上的,supernaturalmysteriousholyspiritual A mundane 世俗的,earthlycommonplace B gloomy 阴暗的、忧郁的,dismalsullenforbiddingdepressingpessimistic C single D lackluster 无光泽
E piebald 花斑的,杂色的

PROBITY 正直,uprightnesshonesty A timidity 胆小,害羞 B sagacity 睿智
C impertinence 不相关 D uncertainty 不确定
E unscrupulousness 肆无忌惮,unprincipled

ORIENT adj.上升的,东方的; n.珍珠的光泽; v.定向,使适应,熟悉 A hasten 催促
B defile 弄污,弄脏,匍匐前进,山间小路 C menace 威胁(n.+v. D confuse 混乱 E decline 降低

orient occident西方的

PROMPT:促进 A. B. C. D.
betray 背叛 check 阻止 sway 摇摆
complicate 使复杂
E. defer 推迟

BENT n. a special inclination or capacityTALENT A symmetry 对称 B rigidity 坚硬 C ineptitude 无能
D nonchalance 冷淡 chal- cal- E trustworthiness 值得信任

CONSTRAIN 束缚,限制(客) A release 释放,松开(客) B sever 切断,脱离
C abandon 放弃(放纵(主) D unload 卸下 E agree

程度一致原则: RAZE:摧毁 A build 建立 B strengthen 加强 C impede 妨碍 D refurbish 刷新 E stabilize 稳定

ESCHEW 逃避 to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds : SHUNESCAPE A invest 投资 B consume 消费 C maintain 保持 D condemn 严厉谴责 E seek 寻找

A habitually indulge in 习惯性卷入 B take without authorization 无授权拿走 C
leave unsaid D boast about 吹嘘
E handle carefully 仔细处理


A thoroughness 彻底的 A. flippancy 无礼 B generosity 慷慨 B. optimism 乐观 C gratitude 感恩 C. aptitude 才能 D tact 机智 D. loyalty E loyalty E. humidity 湿度

IMPASSIVE 冷淡的 absence emotion A overwrought 过度亢奋的 B long-winded 冗长的 C pompous 傲慢的,浮夸的
D energetic 精力充沛的 marked by energy E adept 精通的,老练的

LEVY 征兵,征税
A reconsider 重新考虑
B relinquish 取消,放弃坚持 C repatriate 遣返 D revitalize 使复活
E rescind 废除建立 <> levyv 征收;征用)institutev 创立;开始)

relinquish<> procurev 获得)cling to(坚持)cooperatev 合作)rewardv 酬劳;奖赏)

INVEIGLE 诱骗 to acquire by ingenuity or flattery A display openly 公开展示 B request directly 直接要求 C initiate willingly 自愿开始 D advocate strongly 强烈支持 E contribute lavishly 慷慨捐助

1. 有些单词并没有绝对的反义词,所以要选的答案是最近似的反义词 2. 看全所有答案
3. 如果对词义不明确,不要从词根词缀来分析
4. 较难题目处理时,要用排除法,先排除明显不可能的 5. 代入答案中的词,看哪个答案使得该句的意思恰好相反 6. 最后几题要特别注意,有可能存陷阱


