
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   




Research on the operation of Vanke Real Estate's light asset model Abstract
In recent years, with the increase in the price of land transfer fees and the increasing pressure of competition in the industry, the real estate industry in China has gradually declined. The transformation and upgrading of the real estate industry is becoming more and more urgent. Therefore, many real estate developers try to implement the operation plan of the light asset model. In 2013, Vanke Group proposed a strategic development plan to transform the real estate development model from the original heavy asset model to the light asset model, which changed the direction of the transformation and upgrading of the real estate industry. This paper focuses on Vanke Real Estate as the main research object, and analyzes the application of the light asset model of real estate enterprises and its financial effects. This paper introduces the relevant theoretical basis of light asset model operation, combined with the case analysis of Vanke light assets, analyzes in detail the motivation and feasibility of Vanke's transformation of light asset operation, and then the financial characteristics and indicators before and after Vanke's transformation of light asset operation mode. Analyze Vanke's "small stock trading" mode. Finally, the enlightenment and suggestions of light asset operation are obtained. In this article, on the research of real estate enterprise asset light model transformation, on the one hand, I hope more academic focus on real estate asset light mode, thus further strengthen the deep research in real estate asset light mode. On the other hand, in order to light by vanke real estate assets operation mode transformation practice case, for the real estate industry and other heavy assets enterprises provide experience and advice, can be used for reference to promote the vigorous development of the real estate industry in our country.
KeyWords: Real Estate Industry Light Asset Operation Mode, Vanke, Transformation

1 绪论 ................................................................. 1 1.1 研究的目的及意义 .................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ...................................................... 1 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ................................................... 1 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ................................................... 2 1.2.3 文献述评 ....................................................... 2 1.3 研究内容与方法 ...................................................... 3 2 轻资产模式运营相关理论基础 ........................................... 5 2.1 轻资产模式相关理论 .................................................. 5 2.1.1 分工理论 ....................................................... 5 2.1.2 “微笑曲线”理论 ............................................... 5 2.1.3 企业战略转型理论 ............................................... 6 2.2 房地产企业转型轻资产运营模式 ........................................ 6 2.2.1 传统的重资产运营模式 ........................................... 6 2.2.2 房地产行业的转型 ............................................... 6 2.3 房地产企业轻资产化的典型模式 ........................................ 6 2.3.1 狮铁门模式 ..................................................... 7 2.3.2 凯德模式 ....................................................... 8 3 万科轻资产化案例分析 ................................................. 9 3.1 万科转型前基本概况 .................................................. 9 3.1.1 万科简介 ....................................................... 9 3.1.2 万科的重资产模式 ............................................... 9 3.1.3 万科转型前的现状 ............................................... 9 3.2 万科转型轻资产运营的动因分析 ....................................... 10 3.2.1 市场销售竞争压力 .............................................. 10 3.2.2 行业去库存压力 ................................................ 11 3.2.3 经营风险隐忧 .................................................. 11 3.2.4 政策税收压力 .................................................. 12 3.3 万科转型轻资产运营的可行性分析 ..................................... 12

3.3.1 品牌建设优势 .................................................. 12 3.3.2 运营管理优势 .................................................. 12 3.3.3 核心技术优势 .................................................. 12 3.3.4 资本运作优势 .................................................. 13 4 万科转型轻资产模式的实施 ............................................ 14 4.1 万科转型轻资产模式的实施 ........................................... 14 4.1.1 万科式“小股操盘” ............................................ 14 4.1.2 互联网思维的运用 .............................................. 14 4.1.3 金融渠道的创新 ................................................ 15 4.1.4轻资产业务的拓展 .............................................. 15 4.2 万科转型轻资产运营模式的效果分析 ................................... 16 4.2.1 财务特征 ...................................................... 16 4.2.2 财务指标 ...................................................... 19 4.2.3 EVA评价 ...................................................... 21 5 万科轻资产运营模式的启示与建议 ...................................... 22 5.1 研究启示 ........................................................... 22 5.1.1 轻资产运营模式转型需要注重输出品牌和管理模式 .................. 22 5.1.2 借鉴小股操盘需要加强对合作方的资源整合和管理能力 .............. 22 5.1.3 房地产金融化可以有效实现多元化、低成本融资 .................... 23 5.1.4 结合互联网思维有助于企业实现轻资产转型 ........................ 23 5.2 研究建议 ........................................................... 23 5.2.1 全面权衡项目合作风险,加强运营管理 ............................ 23 5.2.2 加强公司成本费用控制力度,提高盈利能力 ........................ 24 5.2.3 重视轻资产积累 ................................................ 24 结论 ....................................................................... 25 参考文献 ................................................................... 26 谢辞 ....................................................................... 27


