抗击疫情最美逆行者先进事迹英语作文素材 - 抗疫英雄 - 捐款的清洁工

发布时间:2020-05-24 11:53:53   来源:文档文库   



This winter, the virus stealthily attacked us. The whole sky seems to be dim, but the darker it is, the brighter the stars will be. Gradually light up the long night, and everyone can be a star.


A few days ago, there was a video that an old grandfather took a paper bag and threw it to the Property Office of the community. He turned around and left. He opened the paper bag with the words “take it to support Wuhan”. There is a whole ten thousand yuan of cash in the paper bag. I was shocked and watched it again. I looked at the old grandfather carefully. He was not tall or thin. There was a little old mans spot on his face. His eyebrows were a little white. The wrinkles were all over his face. His hands were full of wrinkles. Under his slightly drooping eyelids, there were a pair of firm eyes. It seemed that he kept shouting “come on, Wuhan!”


Later, it was found that he was a cleaner, and his salary was only 1000 yuan. The police went to their house twice to find him, but he never admitted that he let him go. Someone told him that 1000 yuan could be reimbursed, but he was severely refused by this kind-hearted man. He later issued a statement, saying: if other doctors can spare their lives, cant we make a little contribution? Praise for such a noble grandfather!


The epidemic is merciless, people have feelings! Everyone makes a little contribution and sends out a little light, so the long night of the virus will be illuminated sooner or later, come on, China! Come on, Wuhan!


《抗击疫情最美逆行者先进事迹英语作文素材 - 抗疫英雄 - 捐款的清洁工.doc》
