
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

短语中文意思 闭嘴 滚出去 十分乐意 这个用英语怎么说 那个用英语怎么说 没关系 没关系 怎么了 击掌 公交车票 火车票 鼓山
好男孩,好狗狗 它是什么牌子 你是什么国籍 做得好,干得好 我明白了 我明白了 而你呢? 而你呢? 而你呢? 你周末过得怎么样 你假期过得怎么样 遛狗 爱屋及乌 你今天有空吗 你什么时候有空 随便说
你是做什么工作的 你是做什么工作的 热线 我今天很郁闷 抓小偷 过来
你最喜欢什么颜色 你的衬衫是什么颜色 我是一个新手 眼红,羡慕
1 英语 Shut up Get out
My pleasure What’s this in English? What’s that in English? It doesn’t matter. That’s OK. What’s wrong? Give me five. A bus ticket A train ticket Gu Mountain Good boy What make is it? What nationality are you?
Well done, good job I got it. I see. And you? What about you? How about you? How is your weekend?
How is your holiday? Walk the dog Love me, love my dog. Are you free today?
When are you free? Anyway What’s your job?
What do you do? Hot line I am blue today. Catch a thief Come here What’s your favourite colour? What colour is your shirt? I am a green hand.
Green-eyed 短语中文意思 绿灯 浅绿 深绿 洗衣机 在右边 在左边 在中间 照顾 照顾 保重 好久不见 房子棒极了 身份证 生日卡 新年贺卡 上课 浇花 跳楼 沿着闽江走 飞走
另一只手上有什 在机场
Green light
Light green Dark green Washing machine On the right On the left In the middle of Look after Take care of Take care. Long time, no see. The house is awesome. ID card Birthday card New Year card Have a lesson/class Water the flower Jump off the building Walk along the Minjiang River
Fly away What’s on the other hand?
At the airport 英语
在公交车站(小) At the bus stop 在公交车站(大) At the bus station 办公楼、写字楼 做蛋糕 整理床铺 做个好梦 睡得好 把墙涂成白色 火锅 花盆 一桶水 在窗外 只有我们两个人知道 你努力工作 我可以留个口信 我现在很忙
The office building Make (the cakes. Make the bed. Have a good dream. Have a good sleep. Paint the wall white. Hot pot Flower pot A pot of water Outside the window It’s between you and me. You work hard. May I leave a message?
I am busy now.
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

色情书籍 电信黄页 加油 赶紧进来 让我们AA 放某人鸽子 这不公平 同样感谢你 你也一样 钓金龟婿 来见见我的家人 下大雨 下大雪 绿茶 红茶 纯咖啡 牛奶咖啡 奶茶 红糖
这是我们的风俗习惯 牛仔 店员 打三折 你怎么了 你怎么了 你怎么了 你是开玩笑的吗 我是认真的 我受不了你了 不要让我失望 我是对的吗 好吧 好吧 好吧 不用谢 不用谢 不用谢 你现在好点了吗 你现在好点了吗 卖热狗的人
2 Blue book Yellow book Come on Come on in Let’s go Dutch. Stand sb up It’s unfair. Thank you all the same. The same to you. Fish a moneybag Come and meet my family. It’s raining heavily/hard. It’s snowing heavily/hard.
Green tea Black tea Black coffee White coffee Milk tea Brown sugar
This is our custom. Cowboy Shop assistant
70 % off What’s the matter with you? What’s wrong with you?
What’s up, man? Are you kidding? I am serious. I mean it. I can’t bear you. I can’t stand you. Don’t let me down.
Am I right? All right. OK. That’s fine. That’s all right. You are welcome. My pleasure. Are you all right now? Are you OK now?
Hot dog man 等一会我打给你 前门 后门 前部 ..后部 小心、当心 小心、当心 小心、当心 往窗外看 不要迟到 不要走开 一滴水 一袋面粉 你们正在说什么 隔墙有耳 最后 我正在处理它 我正在处理它 你打算怎么处理 别摔了 不要那样做 少儿英语 期待 我正期待着它 天呐!3 梦游 别开玩笑了 不必了 这个看起来很美
我的口水流出来 脱口秀 不要这么傻 炫耀 出现
你能给我发一条短信吗 一片、一张 一条 一块 一磅 半磅
I will call you back later. The front door The back door In front of In the back of Watch out Look out
Be careful Look out of the window Don’t be late. Don’t walk away A drop of water
A bag of flour What are you talking about? Walls have ears In the end I am doing with it.
I am dealing with it. What are you going to do with it? How are you going to deal with it? Don’t drop it. Don’t do that. Kids’ English
Look forward to I am looking forward to it. Oh, my God! Jesus! Gosh!
Sleepwalking Don’t be kidding./No kidding.
No need. It looks yummy/delicious. My mouth is watering. Talk show Don’t be so silly. Show off
Show up Can you send me a message? A piece of A loaf of A bar of A pound of
Half a pound of
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

卖花的小女孩 你是个好人 请关门 请关门 解雇某人 走开 我吃饱了 你现在饿了吗 你饱了吗 你是一个傻瓜吗 随便你/由你决定 不是由我们决定的 生词 我加入
我们在相同的班级 餐厅 客厅 来吸烟吧 睡觉时间到了 草稿箱 收件箱 发件箱 梳妆打扮 禁止吸烟 禁止停车 梳妆打扮 隔壁 动车 安静 等我一会 等我一会 等我一会 拿出来家庭作业 教室里面的空调是开着的
我能问你一个问题吗 她是父亲掌上明珠 情人眼里出西施 小菜一碟
Flower girl
You are a good/nice/friendly/kind
person. Shut the door, please.
Close the door, please. Fire sb Go away. I am full. Are you hungry now? Are you full now? Are you a fool? It’s up to you. It’s not up to us. New words
I am in.
We are in the same class. Dining room Living/sitting room Have a cigarette It’s time to go to bed.
Draft Inbox Outbox Make up No smoking. No parking. Dress up Next door Bullet train Be quiet. Wait for me a moment. Wait for me a minute. Wait for me a while. Take out your homework.
The air conditioner of/in the classroom is on. May I ask you a question?
She is the apple in her father’s eyes. Beauty lies in the lover’s eyes.
It’s a piece of cake.
四分之一磅 一听
谁是你们家养家糊口的人 两桶水 排队 难怪 清明 中秋 吹牛、说大话 温泉大酒店 我正在路上 麻辣烫 失物招领 水开了 水开了 他正在煮一些蛋 你能听到我的话
我们会想念你的 泡茶、泡咖啡 快点 快点 当然了 等着瞧 快点儿 我恨你 西红柿炒蛋 你住哪里 你住哪一层 我住16 我非常喜欢苹果 享受生活 回家 回家 到家 到家 到车站(大)
A quarter of a pound of
A tin of One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Who is the bread winner in your family? Two pots of water Line up No wonder Tomb-sweeping Day Mid-autumn Day Talk big Hot Spring Hotel I am on the way. Hot hot hot Lost and Found The water is boiling. The kettle is boiling. He is boiling some eggs. Can you hear me? We will miss you. Make the tea/coffee Hurry up!
Quickly. Of course. Sure. Certainly. Wait and see Hurry up.
I hate you. Fried tomatoes and eggs Where do you live? Which floor do you live? I live on 16th floor. I like apples very much. Enjoy your life. Go home Come home Arrive home Get home
At the bus stop 你确定吗?我确定
Are you sure? Yes, I am sure.
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

No big deal. 等等…. 锄草坪 写一篇文章 改变一下吧 交换空间 迷路 让我们出去玩 让我们聊聊 上网 你在线吗 网聊 你相信吗 交换生 手牵手 手挽手 勿忘我
花时间和精力做某事 上或下 疯狂英语
Wait for… mow the lawn Write an article Make a change change the space Get lost/lose ones way Let’s hang out. Let’s chat. Get on line
Are you on line? Net chat Do you believe it? Exchange student Hand in hand Arm in arm Forget-me-not
Spend time (in doing sth. Up or down Crazy English Are you mad? Are you insane? Are you out of your mind?
Baby face I don’t wanna see your face. Cleaning cloth Tablecloth You wish! Who do you like? Can you listen to me?
I love you all my life. Pure water Pure girl My choice Which fruit do you like? What do you think of…? How do you like…?
I don’t think so. I think so. At the butcher’s At the supermarket At the baker’s/bakery 到车站(小) 带他们去上学 放学回家 下班回家 到家很早 到家很迟 养家糊口 他们通常做什么 坠入爱河 一见钟情 此时此刻 不要以貌取人 纸包不住火 我看得出 隔墙有耳 什么意思 看起来像 起起落落 断断续续
At the station Take them to school Come home from school Come home from work Arrive home early
Arrive home late Earn money/earn one’s bread What do they usually do?
Fall in love Fall in love at the first sight
At the moment Don’t judge people by their looks. The day has eyes and the night has ears. I can tell. Walls have ears.
What do you mean? Look like Ups and downs
On and off 你疯了吗 娃娃脸
我不想看见你的脸 擦桌布 桌布 你想得美 你喜欢谁 你能听我说吗 我爱你一生一世 纯净水 单纯的女孩 我的选择 你喜欢哪一种水果 你觉得怎么样 我不这么认为 我想是 在肉店 在超市 在面包店
4 旅途愉快 保持联系 你别作梦了 周末愉快 祝你一天愉快 晚安 晚安 晚安 晚安 步行去哪里 搭火车去北京 搭火车去北京 搭动车 搭动车 此时此刻 1:00 2:15 3:30 4:45 Have a nice trip Keep in touch Stop dreaming Have a good weekend Have a good day Good night Good dreams Sweet dreams Sleep well Walk to somewhere Take a train to Beijing Go to Beijing by train Take a bullet train By bullet train At the moment One o’clock A quarter past two Half past three
A quarter to five
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
逝世 持续一段时间 使某人红光满面

Pass away For +一段时间 Sth light up one’s face
在文具店 在超市 愚人节
At the stationer’s At the supermarket April Fools’ Day


