
发布时间:2023-06-05 06:58:33   来源:文档文库   
班级:_________ 姓名:___________ 一、单词拼写
1He succeeded in ____________ (克服 many difficulties in learning English. 2Tom, you are always throwing books about. Look, what a ________ (混乱;糟糕 in your study! 3There were many _____________ (时候 when the team could win, but they were not so lucky. 4The disease spread _____________(遍及 the country, getting most people into a panic. 5He became inspired when he thought about helping ____________ (普通的 people. 6_____________ (幸运地, everything worked out all right in the end. 7The restaurant is _____________ (尤其 popular with the businessmen. 8To be honest, I'm very _____________ (满足的 with my life at present. 9. There is now ____________evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.(令人信服的) 10.The film ____________by Zhang Yimou is popular with young people.导演 11. It's a good idea for children and parents to switch roles ______________.(偶尔) 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。
1I found that all the old houses I remembered _________________________(难辨别出 in my village. 2Everybody thought this young actor would have a bright future after he ____________________(在两部电影中担任主角 . 3________________ (到目前为止, he hasn't found a good way to solve the difficult problem. 4In winter, the town _________________(常常与世隔绝 because of heavy snow. 5The news said that the schools in that southwestern area is ____________________ (缺少教学设备, and even teachers. 6Sam ____________________ (偶然学会一些电脑知识 just by watching others working on it. 7How did your mother _________________ (反应 the bad news? 8I mentioned that point ______________________ (尤其;特别, for it was quite important. 9.They will have moved to the new house _______________________.(到本周末) 10.We should never __________________________ book knowledge only.(满足于) 11. As is known, the British ____________________________able manners.(相当讲究) 12.They sat at the back of the room, talking ____________________.(低声) 13.They often _____________________________ at weekends. (款待朋友们吃饭)
14. At the sound, the birds in the tree flew _________________________________.(向四面八方) 15.Her British accent was ___________________ on her visit to London.(学会)
16. They reached the company out of breath _____________________ they were fired.(却被告知) 17.The Chinese government, _____________________ (正如所报告的一样will develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life. 18.He spent four years getting a degree, __________________(结果发现 there were no jobs for graduates. 19.The couple ________________________ (对……很满意 the life in the countryside, where everything
goes quietly and comfortably. 20.Some of the branches must _________________________ (剪掉 in order for the tree to grow. 21.The mother died in the traffic accident, ______________________________ (留下两个孩子 22._______________________________ (克服了许多困难, he achieved success. 23He ________________ (挑选 some talented persons to be his students, Xiao Shenyang, for example. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空,并在题后的括号内写出所填词的汉语. 1My sister ran 100 m in an _________________ (astonish 11.9 seconds. 2Jack was too _________________ (drink to remember anything about the wedding ceremony. 3The earthquake has killed hundreds and made thousands _________________ (home 4Are you ____________ (bore with your mother's endless complaining? 5The guy showed us a good tyre for comparison with the ____________ (wear one. 6Finally, the advertising campaign was a total _______________ (fail
7.The children in the mountain village have no ________________, so their teachers often tell ____________stories to ______________ them after class.(entertain 8.He felt like a ____________ when he __________ to pass the driving test.(fail 9.His __________words finally ___________ me, and I was __________ that he was innocent.(convince 10Would you mind _____________(turn down your radio a little, please? 11._______________ (make friends plays an important part in our life. 12.It is no use ______________ (talk with a person like him. 13.I remember ________________ (take to the zoo by my mother when I was a child. 14.He succeeded in _______________ (persuade her to take the job. 15.This computer wants __________________________ (repair 16._____________ (swim is my favourite sport. 17.Would you like ____________ (go there with us? 18.According to my own understanding, a good teacher is also a good ______________ (perform in class. 19. His experiment ended in _______________(fail
20.I am _____________ (fortune in having such outstanding parents. 21.________________ (occasion, he would say something funny to make his wife happy. 22.With a _____________ (mouth of rice, he could hardly say anything. 23.Tom is jobless, penniless and he feels _____________ (hope
24.His hometown is in a _______________ (mountain area, which is surrounded by a lot of mountains. 四。汉译英
1. 他让我们相信(convince英语学习的重要性。

2. 我们乐于阅读他给我们选择(pick out的阅读材料。

3. 当我们对生活感到厌倦(bored时,他总是告诫我们要满足于(content现在拥有的一切。



