
发布时间:2019-02-26 04:10:36   来源:文档文库   



don t put the past too tight, because then you can t really embrace now.


true courage is not overwhelming, but not to be overwhelming.


the world without the injured people, really can cure her, only you.


tired heart to a certain extent, you are too weak to be angry without


never give up on something you really want, it s difficult to wait, but worse to regret.


no one was distressed, love yourself on your own.


a sad man, do a happy fool.

2017英文晚安心语(经典版) bow that is the most gentle, like a lotus cool shy.


spring born, spring forest chusheng, ten in the spring, as you.


give time, let the past pass.


later, i know, there is no self, go to where they can not find themselves.


i heard that the memory of the fish only 7 seconds, see, turn around, forget.


heartif there is no place to perch on, where all are wandering...


waiting has nothing to do with time. it is a habit. it s free to grow, and he s powerless to resist.


become an inp> 人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。

the greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as well.


elegance is the only beauty that never fades.


as the flowers bloom men s feelings are changeable. xie, as this phenomenon, want to become a kind of inevitable season.


a day is very short, happy smile, not happy to smile again.


a person has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong.


nothing will be forever, and nothing will be long, to find an excuse, who can go first.


where you are, i have to miss the remotest corners of the globe.


instead of thinking about how beautiful the sacrifice, it is better to think about how to live beautifully to the last minute.


growth is a kind of transformation, lost the old, because it is a new, it is fair.


miss, not wrong, but too.


the reason why you feel lonely, not no one care about you, but you do not care about the people who do not care about you.

最是人间留不住, 朱颜辞镜花辞树。

the world is not to stay, zhu yanci and trees.


a beautiful woman, not little, do not do, only all the love.


all belong to yesterdays gone with the wind, all through the wind and rain left is for the future.


respect is a spring, a spring, a give a person warm shuxin pill, a dose of inspiring confidence.


one world, a bodhi.


life is too short to be left to the people or things that make you unhappy.


feelings, is used to maintain, not to test the. lover, is used to love, not to hurt.



ook at the world with a pure heart, with joy in your life, in a normal heart touch, with a soft heart except guaai.


a drink of water in lethe, drank a sip of water on sichuan, forget everything, and remember everything.



if i know that one day i will love you, i will love you at first sight.


happiness is life and growth in nature, but it s too far to reach.


a master s heart is not necessary, but it must be strong.


tiptoe, we can be more close to the happiness point?


you can dream, ideal, is a bumpy road as if it were raining flowers, we step by step out of step.


after the dust settles, don t provoke memories.


favorite song, listen quietly, like the people, far to see!


memories like to go to a date with you, you will think of me? would you miss me?


just good, see you happy, so happy your happiness.


a cloud a river, a landscape of a time. i a moment, a bodhi tree in a haze.


i am very good, do not quarrel not to show off, do not wronged, do not laugh, do not need others to know.


time one day will break up you and me, but even so, until that moment, let us together!


i don t believe in the lines of the palm of your hand, but i believe in the power of the palm of your hand.


together can not be together, perhaps, a lifetime is not so long.


from far away to look at the beautiful and mysterious people and things, as long as the closer look, will understand that they are neither mysterious and beautiful.


jun sheng i was not born, i was born king.


confused, firmly on their own, said the dream, i still remember.


life is a personal journey, no one can replace, there is always someone left, someone coming.

2017英文晚安心语(热门篇) happiness is a way station between too little and too much.


don t forget the things you once you owned. treasure the things you can t get. don t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.


if you are brave enough to love, then you are strong enough to let go.




some memories, doomed to not erase; like some people, doomed to the same can not be replaced.


sometimes, two people have to fall apart, we will know how to each other


as a kind of woman, not resentment, beautiful, forgiveness is holy.


love is not the strong vow but light company.


the great tragedy of life is not because people will die, but because people will stop love.


destiny is like the hands of palm, no matter how tortuous, all in their own hands.

life is a wonderful journey. make it your journey and not someone else s.


you make me happier than i ever thought i could be. if you let me, i ll spend rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.


clean the dust haze without trace, hidden vacancy since the ming dynasty.


everyone has their own forest, lost people lost, meet people will meet again.


don t regret. if good, called wonderful. if it s bad, it s called experience.


a bosom friend is like a mirror, reflecting the most beautiful part of our nature.


no autumn leaves fall, where spring green shoots hungry bright? only know how to lose, will have to re.


lost things, in fact, never really belong to you, do not have to regret.


originally this one thousand miles of trek, but is to do the last time can not even meet the farewell.


life is a beautiful gown, crawling with fleas.


a lot of time from the fingers go, leaving many intellectual and emotional things in hand.


life is like a beautiful melody, and the lyrics will destroy the original beautiful.



今天语文迷小编为大家带来的是温馨英文 ,希望可以帮助到大家~

【篇一】温馨晚安心语英文 1give me a little bit of time, a little bit of patience, a little bit of faith, to show you how much i love you. 给我一点点时间,一点点耐心,一点点信心,让我证明我有多爱你!

2isn t it ironic that we ignore those who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us, hurt those who love us, love the ones who hurt us?~~~我们无视仰慕我们的人,却仰慕无视我们的人;我们伤害爱我们的人,却爱着伤害我们的人。

3we often ignore those we love, but love who ignore us.我们经常忽略那些疼爱我们的人,却疼爱着那些忽略我们的人。

4how t feels when you are loved by the one you love? how could t be lke? f you want to answer t mmedately, you shall know how happy you are.~~~ 被自己所爱的人深爱着是什么样的感觉呢?会是什么样子呢?想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福。

5many people do not need good-bye, because of just going by. forget is that we give each other the best souvenir.~~~ 很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。

6i m a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again. 我是一个好人,所以我原谅你,但是我还没有傻到去再相信你。

7never get too attached to anyone because attachments leads to expectations and expectations leads to disappointments.~~~不要太依赖一个人,因为依赖,所以期望,因为期望,所以失望。

8to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. -- william blake ~~~ 一沙一世界,一花一天堂。把无限握在你的手掌,永恒在刹那间收藏。

9never hate those people who are jealous of you but respect their jealousy because they are the ones who think that you are better than them~~~不要讨厌那些嫉妒你的人,相反你应该尊重他们的妒忌心,因为在他们心里,你要比他们优秀。

10i prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我要的,不是短暂的温柔,而是一生的守候。

11don t let the noise of others opinions drowns out your own inner voice, and most importanthave the courage to follow your heart and intuition. ~~~不要让别人的看法淹没了自己心底的声音,最重要的是,要有勇气跟随自己的内心与直觉。

【篇二】温馨晚安心语英文 1whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.


2happiness is a way station between too much and too little.


3in love folly is always sweet.


4the hard part isnt making the decision. its living with it.


5your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.


6you may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.


7love is not a maybe thing. you know when you love someone.


8in the end, its not the years in your life that count. its the life in your years.


9when the whole world is about to rain, lets make it clear in our heart together.


10its better to be alone than to be with someone youre not happy to be with.


11life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.


12time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. you must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.


13i lied when i said i didnt like you. i lied when i said i didnt care. i lie every time i try to tell myself i will never fall for you.


14one needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for.


15no matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesnt stop for your grief. the sun comes right back up the next day.


16accept what was and what is, and youll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.


17until you make peace with who you are, youll never be content with what you have.


18if you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. -henry wadsworth longfellow.


19if you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.


20ill think of you every step of the way.


【篇三】温馨晚安心语英文 weep no more , no sigh , nor groan. sorrow calls no time that s gone . 别哭泣,别叹息,别呻吟;悲伤唤不回流逝的时光。

one of the most scaring things when you grow up is that you may become the one you used to look down upon.成熟最恐怖的事情之一就是你可能成为自己曾经最看不起的那类人。

when you have nothing to lose, it s time to gain.当你没什么可失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。

loving someone is not to take something away from her. girls like dolls, but they never expect dolls to love them as well.爱一个人不是要从她身上得到什么,小女孩爱洋娃娃,从来不盼望洋娃娃也回爱她,这才是爱的真谛。

?don t let other people bring you down when you re fully capable to bring yourself up! be optimistic, stay positive! ?当你完全有能力使自己振作起来时,不要让别人把你击垮!要乐观,保持积极的态度!

if you weren t here, i could still be happy. but that doesn t mean you aren t important to me. 你不在,我也过得很好,可是这不代表你不重要。

love is when you take away the feeling the passion the romance and you find out you still care for that person.所谓爱,就是当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之后,你仍然珍惜对方。

no matter how much i feel lost and hesitated now. i need to live the way i want at last.无论我此时是如何的彷徨迷茫,最终,我都要过上自己想要的生活。

people cant do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。---《当幸福来敲门》

chuck―your world would be much easier if i didn t come back. 如果没有我,你的世界会简单些。。。。queen b ―but it wouldn t be my world without you in it.‖ 但是失去了你,我的世界将不复存在。《gossip girl

i would rather die than stay away from you. 我宁愿死,也不愿和你分开 《暮光之城》 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你流泪的人不会让你哭泣。

don t pray for life to be easy, but pray for yourself to be strong. 不要祈祷生活能简单,该祈求的是自己能更坚强。

it s strange talking about yourself. you think you know yourself, but you don t.谈到自己的时候很奇怪,你认为了解自己,其实不然。

when the whole world is about to rain, let s make it clear in our heart together.当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。

life is full of challenges; being happy shouldn t be one of them. 生活,已充满挑战;保持快乐,不应成为挑战之一。

one cries because one is sad. for example, i cry because others比方我 are stupid, and that makes me sad. 大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。吧,我总为别人太傻哭,因为人家愚蠢搞得我很伤心。-- 生活大爆炸

words fail to express how much i miss you.关于我有多想念你,一切语言都显得苍白无力。whatever the struggle, continue the climb. it may be only one step to the summit. 百般挣


life can never be perfect, but the good things is, you can always improve it to be better than before 生活永远不可能完美,但你能让今天比昨天过得更美好。

sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment unti直到一些珍贵的时刻成为了回忆,你才l it becomes a memory 有时候,会真正意识到它的价值所在。

i don t have the strength to stay away from you anymore. 我再也没有勇气留下你一个人 《暮光之城》

when you have something you really love but it causes you pain,

god is just testing you to see if you are strong enough to hold it. 当你真正喜欢一样东西,但它又给你带来伤害的时候,其实这是老天在考验你是否足够坚持

the scariest moment is always just before you start.(stephen king) 最让人害怕的时刻,总是开始前的那一刻。

love is not a maybe thing. you know when you love someone. 爱不是什么可能、大概、也许,一旦爱上了,自己是十分清楚的

take time. don t live too fast. troubles will come, but they will pass as well. 把握住时间,从容地活着。困难总会有,却也会走。

being strong is important, but knowing who you can count on is also important. 做一个坚强的人很重要,但知道谁可以依靠也同样重要。

?no amount of sleep in the world could cure the tiredness i feel.?世界上已经没有哪种睡眠能治愈我的疲倦了。

?happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.?幸福不会眷顾那些不珍惜拥有的人。

the world is there really such a miracle that you love him, he also loves you, two, for a lifetime. 世上是否真的有这样的奇迹,你喜欢他,他也喜欢你,两个人,一辈子

true friends are those who won t feel embarrassed when stay together saying nothing rather than having endless words.真正的好朋友,并不是在一起就有聊不完的话题,而是在一起,就算不说话也不会感到尴尬。

believe me, maybe there will be one day, you will have new understanding of the unforgettable past: it s good that you are not the one accompanying me to the end. 相信我,也许有一天,你会对那些念念不忘的过去有新的领悟:还好不是你,陪我到最后.

we already walked too far, down to we had forgotten why embarked. 我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了为什么而出发。---纪伯伦 sometimes,you are not happy if you see through everything.it s better to be naive and inattentive 很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐 ,倒不如幼稚的没心没肺。

learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.以昨天为鉴,以今天为乐,以明天为盼。--albert einstein

sometimes it is sunny and sometimes overcast.this is life有时候阳光很好,有时候阳光很暗,这就是生活。

i m grateful for the dark night coming.no matter how failed i am today,a new day remains to wait for my exertion 感谢黑夜的来临,我知道今天不论有多失败,全新的明天仍然等待我来证明自己。

catch one s heart,never be apart.愿得一人心,白首不相离。

if you re going to achieve anything, you ve got to stick with something. 想要有所收获,必先有所坚持。

your smile determines how you see and think about the world around you 你的笑容决定了你怎样看待和面对你周围的世界。

a person, be good to yourself; two person, treat each other. 一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

i care too much, that s the problem 我在乎的太多,这才是问题所在。《吸血鬼日记》 it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。

life always has many things to bring you down. but, what can really bring you down is your attitude 人生中会有很多事情把我们击败,但真正打垮我们的其实是我们自己的态度。

don t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为完结而哭,要为曾经发生而微笑

sometimes you have to say goodbye to the things you know an人得向自己熟悉d hello to the things you don t.-the reivers. 有时候,的事情道别,和自己陌生的事情问好。

i m tired of people who judge me without knowing my history.


?today i will do what others won t, so tomorrow i can do wha明天我就可以做别人不能做之t others can t. ?今天我做了别人不愿做之事,事。

forgiving someone is easy, but being able to trust them again is a totally different story. 宽恕某人是简单的,但再次信任他们就完全是另一回事了。

i don t care, as long as i m with you 只要有你,一切我都不在乎。

mowgli (the jungle book).

don t judge someone s past, when you haven t walked their journey! 如果你没有经历过别人所经历的事情,就不要去评判一个人的过去!

what other people think of you is none of your business. 别人爱怎么想那是他们的事。

in one minute you can change your attitude and in that minute you can change your entire day.(spencer johnson) 改变心情只需一分钟,而这一分钟却能改变一整天。

one day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love was always worth waiting for. 当某天某个人走进你生命时,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

be nice to people on your way up, because you ll meet them on your way down.往上爬时,对遇到的人好点,因为你掉下来时,还会遇到他们。

among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfort us, some to share and some to love. 在我们生命中出现的人,一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。

i ll never feel sad on losing anything in my life, cause whenever a tree loses its leaf, a new leaf is ready to take its place 生命中无论失去了什么,都不要觉得悲伤,因为树叶落了,自然还有新叶来替代。


?how to be happy: forget the idea of having to please others.?怎么变快乐:忘掉取悦别人这种想法吧!

sometimes you have to say goodbye to the things you know an人得向自己熟悉d hello to the things you don t.-the reivers. 有时候,的事情道别,和自己陌生的事情问好。

?look up to learn how to be better, look down to learn how you can be thankful for your life. ?仰视,学习如何做得更好;俯视,学习如何感恩生活。

have you ever looked back at the past and realized you were such an idiot? 你是否曾回首过往,觉得自己竟像个傻子?

you can t just sit there and wait for people to give you that gol

den dream. you ve got to get out there and make it happen for等着别人给你那金色的梦想,你

必须得走出去, yourself. 你不能坐在那里,为自己争取 --diana ross


