
发布时间:2020-06-13 14:17:44   来源:文档文库   
余额宝的风险与影响摘要:余额宝是由第三方支付平台支付宝打造的一项余额增值服务。自余额宝上线以来,通过高收益、低风险和使用方便等特点获得了大批消费者的支持,它迅猛增长的业绩博人眼球并一度成为媒体关注的热点。在金融市场下,余额宝的推出也是掀起了轩然大波,它虽然为广大用户带来了高收益和便捷,对一些传统的理财渠道例如银行等造成的却是不容小觑的挑战,因此取缔余额宝、限制余额宝的口号也在相关专业人士中响起。余额宝究竟是什么?它给用户带来了什么?又给银行业带来了怎样的影响?本文将围绕对余额宝实质的分析和余额宝作为一种特殊的理财产品本身的风险以及对银行业造成了何种影响进行探究。关键词:银行风险余额宝Abstract: Balance treasure by a third-party payment platform, Alipay to create a balance of value added services. Since its balance treasure on the line through high yield, low risk and easy to use features such as the support of a large number of consumers, rapid growth performance of Bo people's eye, and it became a focal point of media attention. Under the financial market, balance Po launch is also set off an uproar, although it brought a lucrative and convenient for the majority of users, some caused by conventional banking channels, such as banks and other challenges should not be underestimated, so elimination of balances treasure slogan, limit balances treasure sounded in the relevant professionals. Balance treasure what? How to treat it give users the benefits and risks? This paper will focus on the actual balance treasure analysis in different positions and the balance on the treasure brought benefit and risk assessment study.Keywords: Bank Risk YuEBao引言:


