
发布时间:2020-09-17 08:04:06   来源:文档文库   









The practical significance of Confucianism

Modern people, although material living conditions have improved, but their heart empty, there is no sense of belonging. Although it is free, but there are a lot of trouble.It have a great relationship with lack of Confucian wisdom, lack of self-discipline and moral. If a person abandon Confucian values ​​(self-discipline and moral), like the Western non-religious people, forever is not a perfect person.

With today's discourse is concerned, Confucianism was understood to be the core of human civilization in the ancient Chinese. In the face of these resources, modern people have a freedom of choice, can absorb some of the resources inside components, also can abandon some elements. I think we should carry forward the Chinese nation's fine tradition of us, that is inclusive, that is, to make the past serve the present, to criticize and inherit. Confucian thoughts have what practical significance to us? Based on a critical inheritance and sublimation, I personally think mainly in the following four aspects:

(1) The spirit of unremitting self-improvement and suffering consciousness: Unremitting self-improvement is an inexhaustible motive force for the Chinese nation to preserve the vigor of life and growth in nature. On behalf of hardship consciousness is a noble personality, embodies a kind of sense of social responsibility and historic mission. Under the surface of seeming peace in the modernour country still faces many challenges, such as "Diaoyu islands" event, we should always maintain a sense of urgency, and we should be self-improvement, to develop our strength.

(2) The thought of the people: Of course, the real connotation of the ancient "people", not the interests of the people. Today we reject the feudal kernel, you can transform the ancient thought of the people from the perspective of the people be in power, its development for the people's interests above everything else the concept of socialism.

(3) The unity of heaven and man, man and nature live in harmony: To promote the building of a harmonious society today, including the thoughts of the Confucian thought in the rule of virtue, the rule of man and the rule of rite,it covers a harmonious idea.

(4) The doctrine of the mean thought is the essence of Confucianism: Chinese cultural ritual and music culture is the core spirit of the doctrine of the mean. As a traditional culture, modern people think "the doctrine of the mean" spirit is moderate, doing things according to moderate way, and strive to keep within the scope of a reasonable.

(5) The spirit of advancing with the times: Traditional Confucian thoughts have a far-reaching impact on our lives in today, the key lies in it to the rulers and the society have been transformed, embodies the spirit of advancing with the times.


