
发布时间:2018-06-28 20:00:52   来源:文档文库   

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China requests all civil and military authorities of foreign countries to allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely and afford assistance in case of need.

Passport; Type: P;

Country Code: CHN;

Passport No.:


Given names:


Place of birth:

Date of birth:

Place of issue:

Date of issue:

Date of expiry:

Authority: Exit & Entry Administration Ministry of Public Security


1. 本护照为要身份证件,持照人应为保存、使用,不得涂改转让、故意损。任何组织或个人不得非法扣押。

2. 本护照的签发、换发、补发和加注由公安部出入境管理机构或公安部委托的公安机关出入境管理机构中国外使馆、领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构办理。

3. 本护照失或被,在国内应立即向当地或户籍所在地的公安机关出入境管理机构报告;在国外应立即向当地或附近的中国驻外使馆、领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构报告。

4. 短期出的公民在国外发生护照遗失、被等情形,应向中国驻外使馆、领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构申请中华人民共和国旅行证。


1. The passport is an important identity document, and the bearer should properly save and use and shall not alter, transfer or deliberately destroy. No organization or individual may illegally seize.

2. The passport issuance, renewal, replacement and filling should be handled by the Ministry of Public Security Entry and Exit Management Agencies or the public security organ entry and exit management agencies, Chinese embassies in foreign countries and consulates commissioned by the Ministry of Public Security or other overseas offices commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3. If the passport is lost or stolen in China, report immediately to the local public security organ entry and exit management agencies or that in the place of domicile; if the passport is lost or stolen in foreign countries, report immediately to local or adjacent Chinese embassies in foreign countries and consulates or other overseas offices commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. For the citizens to go abroad for short term, if the passport is lost or stolen in foreign countries, apply for the travel certificate of the People's Republic of China to Chinese embassies in foreign countries and consulates or other overseas offices commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Bearer’s signature:


