
发布时间:2023-05-26 04:06:00   来源:文档文库   
Where do you come from?
I come from Zhouzhou, Hunan provin ce. 2.
What kind of Iandscape surrounds your hometown? My hometow n was surr oun ded with hills and trees, so the air is quite fress there. 3.
What do you do during the Spring Festival? I spend most time stay ing with my paren ts, and I also read ing some books at ni ght. 4.
Tell me something about the customs of your hometown. Like most other p laces in China, in my hometow n, we should go back home and stay with our families in spring festival. 5. Could you tell me something about your family? There are three members in my family,my parents and me. 6.
What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take? As a po st-graduate, one should have a good master of pro fessi onal kno wledge, so he or she can make con tributio n to the society in the future. 7.
Which kind of professor do you like best?
I like those pro fessors who are kno wledgeable and ready to help stude nts. 8.
What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with? Good friends should bear several qualities. First of all, a friend in deed is a friend in n eed. A good frie nd should be willi ng to help you whe n you are in trouble, comfort you whe n you are frustrated. Furthermore, good friends should also be hon est people, who can open heart to others and n ever refuse to ack no wledge their shortco min gs. I feel comfortable and safe to get along with these types of frien ds, and they can always offer their opinions for your goods. So I thi nk friends like this deserve to be credited as the good on es. 9. What is your major? How do you like your major?你觉得你的专业怎么 样? My major is survey ing and mapping engin eeri ng. I like my major very much ,because I think it is very useful. 10.
When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained? I will graduate and receive my bachelor' degree from Jangxi University of Scienee and Tech no logy in this July. 11.
What impressed you most when you were at university? The most imp ressed thi ng is that we classmates study together and p lay together. 12.
What is the best university in your opinion?
In my opinion, the best university should have many excellent professors and advaneed laboratories, and most importantly, students who graduate from this uni versity can make great con tributio n to the society. 13. Do you think the subjects you are study ing today are releva nt to p rese nt-day society? Why ? I think most we lear ned in school are releva nt to p rese nt-day society directly or in directly. Because whe n we study those subjects we not on ly acquire the kno wledge, but also lear n how to study, which is very imp orta nt to our life in the future. 14.
What do you do for a living? I will work hard in the future to support my family. 15.
What are your job prospects?
I like those jobs that I am good at, and the salary should be dece nt. 16.
If you had the opportunity to cha nge your subject, what would you do with
I will not cha nge my subject, because I like it very it much. 17.
What are your spare time interests?
I like playing basketball with my frie nds in my spare time. 18.
Where have you bee n traveli ng to? Which pl ace in terested you most? I have been to Jinggang Mountains last year, and the old home of chairman Mao in terested me most. 19. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other coun tries? In western countries,university concentrate more on encouraging students to do creative thinking. 22.
Why did you choose our university? It is a p restigious uni versity in our coun try. and there are many exp ertises of my major in this school. 23. If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do? I will seize the opportun ity. 24.
Should you study more theory or do more p ractice? Give your reas ons, pl ease. I thi nk we should do more p ractice, because on ly through p ractice can we stre ngthe n the kno wledge of theory. 25.
What do you intend to do after you finish studying?
I will find a job, and lear n more kno wledge of my major in p ractice. 26. How serious is unemployment among young people and what will you do if you cannot find a job after graduati on? If I can't find a job,I will atte nd a job trai ning p rogram. 27. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life? In my opinion,en vir onmen tal p ollutio n is the most serious p roblem. 28. What do you thi nk have bee n the most imp orta nt cha nges in your study field over the p ast 5 years? 29.
How do you afford your tuiti on? I will earn my tuiti on by myself,I will study hard to get the scholarsh ip and I will take a p art-time job. 30. Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer? Yes,my parents quite support my decisi on on study,the not only support me not only econo mically but also sp iritually. 理工科准研究生面试实战经验和问答例子
多年来多次参加研究生的面试,自然有一些感想和经验。特别是 今年考生成绩很高而淘汰比例又很大的情况下,这两天参加完本单位 准研究生面试后,感觉到很有必要写篇博文与正准备参加复试的准研


