
发布时间:1714445560   来源:文档文库   

Super Tuesday Exit Polls: Biden Surges With Support From Black, Older Voters
A.secured B.minds C.dominates D.support E.dramatically F.resounding G.crucial H.typically I.moderate J.attempt K.struggling

As voters in 14 states cast their votes in the most consequential race of the Democratic primary so far, early exit polls show a large swath decided on a candidate in the last few days, and that Biden is doing well with black and older voters.
Biden earned (31 ______ from the majority of black voters in the states he won. In Virginia, he (32 ______ 63% of black voters and in Alabama he won a whopping 72%, both states he won early on, according to early CNN exit polls
Biden is also trouncing(击溃 the field with voters 65 and older, an age group that (33 ______ has a higher turnout than younger voters. In Virginia, Biden won 71% of voters 65 and older.
On the flipside, Sanders (34 ______ with younger voters. In Tennessee, he got 64% of voters ages 18-29, according to CNN and and in California, Sanders got 72% of younger voters (Biden only got 5%.
Sanders also has strong support with Hispanic voters. In California, Sanders got 55% of the vote from Hispanic voters, according CNN, which make up 28% of the electorate in the state.
Huge swaths of voters in nearly every state made up their minds in the last few days after Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out, a sign (35 ______ voters are coalescing(合并 about Biden. Nearly 6 in 10 voters decided late in Minnesota, according to the Washington Post and in Virginia, 47% of Democratic voters made up their (36 ______ in the last few days, according to CNN.
In the last 72 hours, the race has changed (37 ______ after both Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropped out and endorsed former Joe Biden in a(n (38 ______ to consolidate a moderate voting block against Bernie Sanders. On the heels of a(n (39 ______ win in South Carolina, Biden is hoping to retain his support from black voters,

who propelled to victory in South Carolina and saved his (40 ______ campaign.308

secured minds dominates support

dramatically resounding crucial typically moderate attempt struggling retain propelled consequential whopping trouncing electorate coalescing consolidate


attempted attempting attempts unattempted coalesce
coalesced coalescence coalescences coalescent coalesces coalescing

consequentially inconsequential inconsequentially

consolidated consolidates consolidating consolidation unconsolidated crucial
crucially dominate



