
发布时间:2020-04-23 09:31:28   来源:文档文库   


Once upon a time, Ma Liang was a poor child, he was smart, like painting since childhood. But home destitute because, he even buy a pen money is not he to cut firewood in the mountains, fold a twig painted on the side of a hill; to the river grass, grass-roots dip the water in the river painting; back home, take a piece of charcoal paintings in the yard.

Ma Liang was relentless in painting and never stopped. But he often thought, if you had a paintbrush that should have much good ah a night, Ma Liang trance feel cave lit up a colorful light, then there is an old man with a white beard, the old man gave him a burnished gold pen. Ma Liang happy to wake up, the original is a dream! But he looked at his hand, it was incredible that he had a pen in his hand. He immediately with the stroke of a bird, bird unexpectedly come alive, spread its wings to fly up. He painted the fish, the fish alive, alive and kicking. Ma Liang with the pen, every day for village poor goodness of people painting, who lack what, Ma Liang to their painting what.

Village a greedy, heartless rich heard this matter, immediately sent Ma Liang caught in the past, forced him to his painting. No matter how rich, to coax him to scare him, he refused to paint. The rich man was sent to the stables, do not give him food to eat. In the evening a large snowflakes. Money minded the barn door, revealing the red light and I could smell a smell of delicious, to the door to see, Ma Liang inside cooked a a big stove, roasted on fire, eating hot pancake. The stove and cakes are drawn with pen Ma Liang. The rich man suddenly burst into anger, to kill Ma Liang, took his pen. Then Ma Liangpan on a ladder, go over the wall. He quickly climbed up the ladder to chase, just climb up two steps, fell off. Originally, the ladder is Ma Liang painting pen. The rich man is not up, Ma Liang has been riding a horse with god horse gallop painting.

The rich man riding a horse, with a man, catch up. Soon after, Ma Liang drew a bow, an arrow with a pen. Ma Liang, take a bow and arrow, arrow in the throat of the rich, rich meal when the vast death. After the emperor knew, sent for the horse. The emperor threatened Ma Liang to draw him were shaking Qian Shu, otherwise, it will be necessary to kill Ma liang. Ma Liang wielded magic, in a central sea boundless, there is a small island, the island is shaking Qian Shu a big tall. Ma Liang painted a huge wooden boat, the emperor with people on the boat. Ma Liang drew a few wind, large wooden wind. Ma Liang continued to style, the wind layers of waves, the ship was knocked over the waves, the emperor also sank to the bottom of the sea.

Ma Liang later in the end to go where people do not know. Someone said, he returned to his hometown, and those with farming partners. It was also said that he was wandering around, dedicated to the poor people painting.

从前,有个叫马良的穷孩子,他天生聪敏,从小喜欢画画。可是由于家里穷困潦倒,他连买一支笔的钱也没有 他到山上打柴时,就折一根树枝在山坡上画;到河边割草时,就用草根蘸着河水在河边画;回到家里,就拿一块木炭在院子里画。

马良坚持不懈地画画,从没有间断过一天。但他常常想,如果自己能有一支画笔那该有多好呀 一个晚上,马良恍惚中感到窑洞里亮起了一阵五彩的光芒,这时出现了一个白胡子老人,老人送给他一支金光灿灿的神笔。马良高兴地惊醒过来,原来是个梦!可他看看自己的手,真是太不可思议了 自己手里确实有一枝笔。他马上用笔画了一只鸟,鸟竟活了过来,展开翅膀飞了起来,他又画了一条鱼,鱼也活了起来,活蹦乱跳。马良有了这支神笔,天天替村子里穷苦善良的人家画画,谁家缺什么,马良就给他们画什么。



马良后来到底去了什么地方 ,人们不得而知 。有人说 ,他回到了自己的家乡,和那些种地的伙伴在一起。也有人说,他到处流浪,专门给穷苦的人们画画。


