
发布时间:2020-11-13 03:24:43   来源:文档文库   

武林外传 秀才:Are you ready?


秀才: Now please tell me who is the sin ger of Shua ngjiegu n

A:Zhoujiel un B:Wa ngfeng C:Liuhua n D:Caiguo qing


秀才What is your choice?

小贝:(拍桌子The last one, Caiguo qing!

秀才:Are you sure?


: Con firmen sure and make certa in of it!

秀才摇头:I am sorry, you are wrong What a foolish.

:Y es, who can be more kno wledgeable tha n you?

冷笑:So much knowledge doesn ' t give you a degree.


展堂All right. Let ' s do our own work. Go.


展堂(惊呼):Little chicke n!(急忙掩口,随众人躲闪)

姬(紧盯白): Who are you? You know me?

展堂No no no, I don ' t know you. Never众人一起狂摇头

Then why do you call me little chicken?

展堂Hmm Well My bad habit, I like giving people nicknames.(

人狂点头佟: Yeah! He gives all of us nicknames!

展堂手指众人一个一个的指): Little fish, little cat, little mouse

女姬:But I feel familiar to this place. I must have bee n here.


盯佟):Why ?

往后退): Hmm- Because I have n ever see n you.

Sure?(低下头沉思几秒抬头问Is there a backyard?




Is there an ancient well in the yard?


凶狠的眼神盯)(众人恐惧低声眼神回避 :Yes

秀才惊慌失措): He has remembered!

一巴掌打在秀才脸上): Shut up!


走两圈突然大叫):Remembered!(指着白展堂It is you killed my

father, my brother, and you eve n killed my dog!

展堂躲在众人后):Not me, I promise.(发誓的手势

双手抚胸仰天长啸):Wrong, I am really wrong. I ' m wrong from the

beginning. I shouldn ' t marry here, if I didn ' t marry here, my husband

wouldn ' t die. If my husband didn ' t die, I would never get in such a trouble.

看向小贝That must be you.

小贝I am just a child. 55555

摇小贝的肩膀): Tell me who is that man, the n I can release you.



展堂(跑到姬身后):flower han d!

姬(一掌挥去):Don' t shout before act.

秀才Wait! you can kill me, but before that, please tell me who is to kill

me.女姬Silly question! It ' s me, of course!


Who is that me ?

How do I know who you are !

秀才(smile) : Well ,there is the question.

:What do you mea n on earth?

秀才将姬带到桌椅旁让姬坐下It Will begin with the relationship

betwee n huma n being and the uni verse. Take yourself for example, there is a problem botheri ng you all the time.

Whaf s the problem?


Who am I?

I ' ve already known it!

秀才No, you don ' t know. Who are you? Jiwuming? No, it is only a n ame, a sig nal. You can be called Jiwu ming, so can I, and so can they.

But whe n we take the sig nal off, who are you?


I don ' t know. And I don ' t need to know!

秀才Alright, then answer me another question---who am I?


The questi on has bee n asked just now.

秀才No, what I asked you just now is me, and this time, is myself!


Any differe nee?



(点头)For instance, when I take the signal I to make a dialogue,

your signal is I too. Dose it mean that yeune ,and I, am you?


This This question is not worthy to answer!

秀才:那就问几个有意义的,我生从何来,死往何处?我为何要出现在 这个世界上,我的出现对这个世界来说意味着什么?是世界选择了我, 还是我选择了世界。

Ok, let ' s talk about some thing worthy. Where do I come from? When

would I die? Why am I in the world? What is the sig nifica nt for my coming to the world? Is that I choose the world or the world chooses me?!

(angry) : Enough!(双手抱头)

秀才:我和宇宙之间有必然的联系么 宇宙是否有尽头,时间是否有长

短,过去的时间在哪里消失,未来的时间又在何处停止。我在这一刻提 出的问题还是你刚才听到的问题么?

(做至 U桌上俯视姬) Is there any esse ntial relati on ship betwee n the

uni verse and I? Is there an edge for the uni verse? Dose time have

len gth? Where did the past time disappear? Where dose the future stop? The question I ' m asking now is the question you just heard?

(angry):我杀了你。I ' II kill you!伸出手掌

秀才(with louder voice) : Who kills me, and who is killed by me!

(silent for a long time)深吸几口气):That' s I kill myself?

秀才回到座位坐下伸手做请状Congratulations! You are right!

Then do it!姬无命自杀。双手拍头,倒在桌上


秀才: He wouldn' t wake up again, would he?



小贝:What happened? How to explain this?( 迷茫

秀才(甩头,经典动作): Kno wledge is power!



